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Chapter 1598

"Attack, attack them now!"

Those who were at the front lines were weighed down by dread and terror and several old men in the late true god realmshouted.

Unfortunately, none of them knew what to do next. Facing such a terrifying attack, some of them actually flew farther to the side,trying to dodge the attack.

Boom, boom, boom!Several people clenched their fists and gritted their teeth, casting out their attacks.

Nevertheless, these attacks were like a giant in the presence of a super-giant— paled into insignificance. The attacks weredestroyed instantly in a destructive manner. Meanwhile, those flying swords of Fane continued to travel forward at full speed,charging into the crowd.

Bang, bang, bang!

Some fighters of true god elementary level and semi-god advance level were directly blasted away by the flying swords andexploded in the air; while those who were in the middle or late stage of the true god realm did not manage to dodge the attackbut at least they died with their body staying intact.

Blood splattered all over the place. More than two hundred men from these four families were instantly killed by Fane in oneround.

Furthermore, among these two hundred men, there were several expert fighters at the late stage of the true god realm, as wellas a dozen elite fighters who were in the mid and early stage of the true god level. "Ugh! | want to take revenge for my sons!" OldMaster Hunt could no longer hold his anger back upon seeing Quentin’s body on the ground. He immediately ceased fighting theopponent before him and rushed toward Fane.

"Old Master Hunt, you've lost your mind.”

Looking at Old Master Hunt who charged toward him, Fane spilled several words indifferently and then chopped forward withanother swing of his sword.

Boom!A huge explosive sound rang out, Old Master Hunt had fallen."What now? Master and Madam are both dead! Run!"

Once the people of the Lagorio family looked at the current position, they knew they were no match. Once the backbones of theLagorio family, Trenton, and Diana had died, the fighting morale and spirit were severely impacted; many of them had alreadylost their motivation to continue fighting and were planning to retreat.

Not only the Lagorio familyexperienced the loss of fighting spirit,the Norman and the Hunt family feltdemotivated as well. The morale wasdead. Fane alone had a go mahyong fightarsi wath id not stop.Nea killing the other party'sstrong fighters, incessantly. Andsoon Lancelot, Kenneth, and theother strong fighters of the Woodsfamily would be able to free up theirhands and fight the others. Thepeople of the four families who hadhopes of victory at the beginning ofthe battle slowly felt feelings ofdespair and hopelessness. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Oh yay! Motherf*cker! We're winning now!"

First Elder Hemperly, who thought it was his last day on the earth, was flabbergasted with joy at that moment, so much so thathe did not know what to say but cursed. It was the first time he had encountered a battle where they were at a disadvantage interms of the number of people.

Nevertheless, it was mainly becauseof Fane. Fane's combat ally wasoverly powerful, at | samefrightenin Altpgogh Gd Rad not metoe tine god-level fightersand certainly did not know howpowerful they were, he thought thatFane's current combat prowess was,perhaps, already at the ultimate godlevel. Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.


First Elder Hemperly killed two menof the early stage of the true godrealm, and he could not help butstare at Paul who was fighting aritheivi Respeat MOM Rion camer him for Paul; it seemed likePaul's decision to help Fane waswise and a smart one. The Hemperlyfamily stepped up and helped theWoods family in such a tough time,naturally, the Woods family wouldfeel grateful toward them. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

And now that Fane was so powerful, if they could have the Woods family to back them up, they would not have to be afraidanymore. He suddenly remembered how he was not supportive of the Woods family earlier and felt foolish.

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