The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor

Chapter 1596 "Kill!"
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Chapter 1596 "Kill!"

With a command from the Old Master Hunt, the order to attack was announced."Hahaha! Kill ‘em all!"

Fane laughed and then looked over to the First Elder by his side and said, "First Elder, please take good care of Selena, so that |can fight without worries. I'll let them know how useless their fighters at the peak stage of the true god realm are!"

Once the last syllable of his word fell, Fane flickered and appeared at the front of the battlefield within seconds.

"Besiege this brat and kill him! One strong fighter at the peak of the true god-level strength from each family will handle theothers, and the remaining six will surround this brat and kill him!"

Quentin asserted after giving the situation some thoughts.

"Count the two of us in!"

Trenton and his wife—Diana flew over and stood beside Quentin."Count me in as well! | have to kill this punk myself!”

Darryl from the Norman family flew over together with his First Elder too."Great! I'll join in too!"

The First Elder of the Hunt family came over as well. Soon, six strong people with the strength of the peak stage of the true godrealm were gathered together, ready to besiege Fane and kill him.

"Great, that's great! You guys came just in time. Since you guys see me as your enemy and vice versa, | won't let any of youleave here alive today!"

Seeing the six strong fighters standing in front of him, not only did Fane not have the slightest fear, but he sneered coldly inreturn.

"Can Young Master Fane fight so many of them? Shall | go over and help him?"

The First Elder of the Hemperly family peeped in the direction of Fane and got a little worried. Fane was alone, facing six strongelite fighters. That seemed a little too overwhelming.

"Don't go over. Maybe you haven't seen him fight before, our Young Master Fane is extremely powerful!"

Kenneth, however, chuckled aloud. "Don’t worry about him. We just need to focus on the enemies before us. The Woods family,indeed, is under great pressure this time, but | believe that Fane will be the key to victory in this battle. As long as he winsagainst the six of them, the victory is ours!"

Upon hearing Kenneth’s words, the Hemperly family froze in surprise. If they wanted to win this battle, Fane had to kill those sixelite fighters! And not only so, but he also had to do it quickly. Only then Fane could free up his hands and help the others. Onlythen, the Woods family would have a chance to win the battle.

"Woods, fight!"

Lancelot roared with all his strength, his eyes glowing red. One by one, the Woods family members and several alliancescharged toward the front and fought. They believed that if they had won this tough battle, the future of the Woods family would bea strong force to be reckoned with! Even the four ancient clans had to pay respects to them.

After all, to be able to face four families all at once-three of which were first-class families, and obtain victory was not somethingany ancient clan could do.

Of course, what Lancelot did notknow was that the last time Fankilled a group of powerirightersffomn the Wt of Divine Royal, it madethe people from that hall, terrified ofhim. They feared his strength andpower. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Blade Wave!”

Fane did not test the waters this time; he directly swung his sword toward the opponents, executing the most terrifying attack, theBlade Wave.

In front of him, a frightening and powerful gigantic dragon formed by thousands of flying sword auras, heading straight aheadand even covering a large area of space.

“What a powerful attack but don't panic, everyone! The six of us will strike him at the same time! | don't believe that he can takesix attacks from us all at the same time!”

Quentin was startled at Fane's attack, but he quickly calmed himself down and chopped out with his sword. “Hundred LeavesChop!"

As he performed the Hundred LeavesChop, hundred aura leaves flew

These seeming feastwee aulrptisingly fast, carrying hugeamounts of Chi energy and headingstraight at the aura sword dragon.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.


In another direction, Trenton from theLagorio family cast out a long audragon. As so ante Veng auradpaqoa abbeared, it let out a terrifyingdragon roar and charged directlytoward the aura sword dragon.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.novelbin

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