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Chapter 1545

“Hmmm...the number of casualties is actually bearable, after all, we have two hundred thousand of us. But we don't know howfar are we from the deepest part of the forest, and how many fierce monster beasts are there. We don't know any of that, so wecan't afford to be careless; we must stay alert all the time!"

Fane bobbed his head. The men that they lost were all of the semi-god levels. Those with higher martial levels were able to copewith the previous battle easily.

But it was also because they were able to spot the beasts early and be prepared. If they did not notice the presence of thoseblack eagles earlier, they would have suffered greater loss! If they only figured it out after the black eagles launched an attack,the number of casualties would be more.

"Thanks to our plan; we joined all our forces and that's why we were powerful enough to fend off the eagles!"

The head of a third-class family expressed his thoughts in a tone full of emotions. "If we act and explore the place separately,especially for a family like us, a third-class family, we will suffer a great loss in the black eagle's situation, even worse, completelyannihilated by those eagles."

Many third-class families bobbed their heads in agreement. Some third-class families could only fork out around ten thousandmen for this risky expedition, and these ten thousand men were considered top-notch fighters in their families. If they were toencounter ten thousand black eagles alone, the outcome

would truly be abysmal. The situation would be even worse if they did not notice the black eagles in advance, and more than halfof them would die.

"He's right about this! I'm so grateful for the agreement and plan proposed by Young Master Fane. We're indeed much safer if wejoin forces and explore the place together!"

Even some people from the second-class families nodded along. The hazardous situation inside this Black Windy Island hadsomewhat exceeded their expectations.

The crowd continued to fly forward, and after less than an hour, several men came into their sight."Some of the corpses here are still warm to touch. Looks like we're getting closer to them. They’re not far ahead of us!"

Elder Lock from the Hall of Divine Royal touched the bodies on the ground and studied the corpse of the flying monster beastsall over the ground. "This group of people, they're strong and united! Even if the combat level of these flying beasts were nothigh, there were more than ten thousand beasts here, moreover, they were flying beasts! This is even harder to deal with! Butthese beasts actually only managed to kill a few dozen of them."

"Indeed, they're strong. If our men truly need to fight against them, I’m afraid that the casualties will be great even if we manageto grab the treasure!"

Another middle-aged man chimed in and agreed with a gloomy face.

“Hmmm...the Divine Royal Hall and the islands under it are united. That's why, all along, none of the forces and families withinthe circle of ten thousand miles of our maritime territory dare to fight against us.”

Elder Lock nodded in consent. “But, | didn't expect that this time, this group of people who are obviously from twenty or moredifferent families, are so united! They joined forces and entered the sea area. If this continues like that, it would cause a hugeproblem!" He then added.

"Heh! They're united? | think their unity is only temporary! After they discover the treasure that can help them to break through tothe ultimate god realm, the unity among them will shatter in an instant! They will definitely start to loot from each other!"

Another wise old man said in an indifferent tone and his face was icy-cold." Let’s leave a note here for the hall master so thatwhen they arrive here, they’ll know that the other group of people is not far ahead from us. As long as we speed up for a littlewhile, we'll be able to catch up with them in the afternoon. After that, we only have to tail behind them silently."


Fane and the others continued tomove forward ceaselessly. And sincethey had not stopped and rested Fosome tim Ahatery id, theysimp ound a hill and rested.Hundreds of people took turns topatrol, while the remaining sat downto take a rest and to restore the Chienergy in their bodies. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

The next morning came. At this time, the people of the Hall of Divine Royal were only a few miles away from Fane and the group,and they were just trailing behind the group closely.


Acacophony of the deafening fighting sound traveled through the air once again. Fane and the group encountered a group ofpowerful monster beasts; the battling sound was incessant.

“Haha, it looks like they encountered another group of monster beasts again! And this time, it will make them lose some peopleagain!"

Elder Hartman flew onto the top ofthe tree and looked from far way atFane and the group/Kelfien oppeddnd’ tHe btSund after observing thesituation and said with his face full ofexcitement. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Since we are trailing behind them,they will kill the monster beastsmaking it easier for us! Even if wwere to run in sqmertionstelbeasts) itWduld only be those singlebeasts or weak beasts that won'tcause any harm to us at all!" TheMaster of the Hall of Divine Royalsneered sinisterly. "Hahaha! they aredestined to be our cat's paw!" Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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