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Chapter 1470

"Don't worry, Young Master Fane. We'll try our best!" Lancelot and Weston took the pills from Fane before leaving after theythanked Fane.

It was then Selena came toward Fane and his company as she held onto Kylie's hand. "Father, you need to come back as soonas possible!"

“Don't worry, we'll be back soon. Obey your mother at home, and listen to your teachers when you're learning. Do youunderstand? Study well, and train well in the future!" Fane gazed at the adorable Kylie in front of him and could not help butcaressed her delicate head lovingly.

"Yes, I'll train hard and become a master like Father in the future!" Kylie noddedobediently, incredibly wise despite being young.

At this moment, Daniella also walked over and touched Kylie's chubby cheeks before she spoke with a soft smile, "Kylie, me andyour Auntie Helena will be leaving with your father to join somebody else’s wedding, but we won’t follow them home afterward.We'll be returning to our own home."

Kylie grew upset when Daniella told her this, and with pursed lips, she muttered," Auntie Daniella, it won't be fun if the two of youleave. | still want to play with the both of you!"

“Good girl. I'll come and visit you when there’s time, but you need to work hard on training and try to break through into agrandmaster as soon as possible!" Daniella looked at the young girl in front of her and was slightly reluctant. After getting alongfor several days, she had already thought of Kylie as her own daughter.

Selena smiled as she saw how well

Daniella and Kylie had gotten along. "Don't worry, Kylie, we'll have time in the future. Your aunties Daniella and Helena are goinghome because they have things to do.

They'll surely visit you when they have the time!""Alright!" Kylie nodded, and her lovely smile once again returned to her face.

Another two to three minutes later, First Elder and Nash came toward them, and Fane quickly informed them both about Daniellaand Helena's plans.

"Alright, since they wish to come with us, then we'll let them!" Nash nodded in agreement.

Fane then took out his flying sword and threw it forward, and the item grew large enough that the five of them stood on themafter flying onto the sword.

"Don't worry, Selena, we'll be alright.Train well at home, and we'll be babout four or fi edeystiom howassured File turned to Selena, andonly then did he pilot his flying swordand went toward the direction of theSkies Pavilion. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

After flying for a while, Daniella soonthought of something as she chirped,"Oh right, there'll be quite a fewfamilies or forces traveling to theSkies Pavilion this time. Won't it becool if we chance upon membersfrom the other families bp tHe Wayansitheyveeodrize that your flyingsword is an ultimate-level spiritualtool?" Unexpectedly, Fane smilednonchalantly." It's alright. | wastruthfully afraid of people knowingabout it when | used to be in theintermediate stage of the true-godlevel. However, I'm already at the finalstage of the true-god level, and myfighting prowess has stabilizedthroughout these past few days. Youalso know that my combat powerhas always been much stronger thanthe others of this fighting prowess.Now that | have such a sword, I'm notafraid of people taking it from me!"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.


Fane paused for a short momentbefore he spoke again with extremeseriousness, "In comparison, themembers of 0 enfargiliés dare hotdffpn@din Woods family because wehave this flying sword. After all, thissword can increase a person'scombat power greatly, and amongthe reclusive families, only the Hunts’family master can come up with it.”Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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