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Chapter 1450

Lily was furious.

Before, she was the eminent young mistress of the Lagorio family, born with a silver spoon in her mouth and coddled by herparents since young.

After she got married, she was the wife of the First Young Master of the Woods family. After the Woods family had become afirst-class family, her position had been further elevated. Plenty of people traipsed their way around her and curried her favor.

She never thought that she would see the day where she was dismissed so easily by these people in the semi-god realm. Thatgreatly embarrassed her.

"You.."Lily was so angry that she clenched her teeth, and her veins purpled."Eldest Miss, we should leave!"

The Eighth Elder feared that Lily would not be able to control her feelings when he saw her expression. It would be troublesomeif she offended the members of the Pavilion of Gods and Kings.

He was of a high cultivation level, and these guards were no match for him.But the fighters inside would definitely catch wind of any fighting. They would rush over, and it would be terrible then.

The guards had powerful people supporting them. Furthermore, this was their headquarters. There were over ten thousandapprentices in one Pavilion. If they dared to stir up a ruckus there, they might as well be digging their own graves!" "What areyou saying? Is the Eldest Miss displeased?"

The Pavilion apprentice gave a cold smile, folding his arms across his chest. "You look like you're over forty years old," he said."You have a good figure, and you've managed to maintain your beauty pretty well, but | don't like aunties like you. Hah. Perhapswe'd be nice if you were young and beautiful!"

"Hah!"The others laughed together as well.

Lily released a long sigh, tamping down on her anger. Then she smiled and said, "Heh. You have pretty good eyes, being able totell my age at first sight. Not bad at all!"

Here, she rolled her eyes at him and continued, "Young man, we won't see your elders nor your masters. But why don't you seeif we can talk to a Patronum? Can you allow us to see them?"

The man seemed to be in a much better mood after Lily praised him.

However, he still grinned and answered," This is the Pavilion of Gods and Kings. Not even a Patronum is so readily available.Our Patronums here are all at the beginning or intermediate stage of the true god realm. People of that status among thereclusive families can already become an elder, right?"

Lily immediately batted her lashes at the Eighth Elder, who was standing beside her, signaling to him to bring something out.


The Eighth Elder was stunned for awhile, then he recovered and flippedhis palm, taking out a es oh OMfirst: pretnianhy Spirited grass.i truly hope that you can help us,young man," he said. “Just spread thenews. As for whether they grant usan audience, that's up to them."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

The man saw that it was a first-grade premium spirited grass, and his eyes brightened.

However, he quickly responded,"There are five of us here. Why ar

you only taking qupone talcspyitealgriss? How are we supposedto divide this? Are you kidding me?Do you take us so lightly?" Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

The corners of the Eighth Elder'smouth twitched violently. He wasseething, but he knew t thebratSs hintinggat NO Mippe his palmahd took out another four stalks offirst-grade premium spirited grass. "|hope that the rest of you won't takemy oversight to heart!" Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

The five apprentices exchanged glances, clearly delighted.The man from before flew forward and took the spirited grass, passing it to his comrades.

“How about this? Since you came from afar and your journey was arduous. I'll get someone to report your arrival to ourPatronum. What message do you have for him?"

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