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Chapter 1446


Lily released a sudden roar after she heard that. She felt as though she was going to go insane. She had thought that with herfather breaking into another level, they could make the Woods family suffer great losses during the competition. She did not thinkthat everything would end up like this.

How was she going to take revenge from now on?

After she has rested over a period, her body had recovered aplenty, and she had started training again. Up until then, she wasonly a third-grade martial artist. This cultivation level was a far cry from her previous condition.novelbin

"Ah, I’ve tried my best, my dear daughter. | wanted to avenge you as well. But it seems that we have no way to do it with this turnof events. After all, since the Woods family has received so many benefits, they'll definitely be training themselves properly andstrengthening themselves!"

Trenton sighed, looking at his distressed daughter. His heart clenched as well."Why? Why are the gods so unfair? We helped them so much before, but now we are left suffering in the dust like this?

"The position of house heir belonged to my son anyway. Lance definitely hasn't died yet. He's definitely still alive. | will takerevenge, Dad. | must take revenge and find my son!”

Tears welled in Lily's eyes, dissatisfaction broiling in her.Ah!

Trenton sighed again. "I truly understand your feelings, my daughter. But there's nothing we can do about the current situation.Unless-unless | can break into the ultimate god status!"

As Trenton spoke, his eyes gradually brightened. Excitement stirred his heart. That's right, if he could break into the ultimate godrealm, he could probably kill Nash, Fane, and the others easily. The ultimate god status was a whole other level, and it wouldyield a denser and more powerful pool of Chi. According to the rumors, someone with the ultimate god status could defeat a fewfighters who were at the peak of the true god status alone.

"Ultimate god status?”

Lily's lips twisted into a bitter smile after she heard that. "It's a pity that this ultimate god status is nothing but a myth. We don'teven know if it even exists. We might as well be dreaming!"

"No, it must exist. The ultimate god status does exist. We even have a few clues! Didn't Quentin manage to repair thesummoning circle? When the competition was ending, a picture actually appeared in the sky...

"That's why we suspect that the Seven Dangers have something to do with the ultimate god status!”

After Trenton thought about it, he told all of it to Lily.

"There are only Seven Dangers, andthere are Eight Major oeweliclanss mafor Sri ies allowsecond-class and third-class familiesin?" Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

Lily furrowed her brows when sheheard this. "What if you can find away to break into the ulti ate gout |t singide thate then won't theods family have an advantage ifthey go in? If they do find a way, theywill definitely not tell us after they areout. How are we going to takerevenge then?" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

"We have to go. The Hunt family members already said that they would agree to this matter, even if the other families don’t.Furthermore, we have pretty good relations with the Hunt family now. They'll definitely bring us along!”

Trenton clenched his fists. "I'lldefinitely fight for the chance. Noonly must | br KinteahSultintategoniréalrh} But | must also do it fast,”he said. "| want to be the first whodoes so, and help to avenge you!"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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