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Chapter 1414

Fane was excited when he thought about the opportunity to finally create a second-grade pill.novelbin

He never had a formula for a second-grade pill before, so this was extremely precious to him. Even if someone else had theformula, they would never share it with him so easily.

He did not think that after killing the alchemical genius, Second Young Master Hunt during the competition, he would reap suchexcellent benefits and obtain many formulae to create second-grade pills.

Now, he could try to create second-grade elementary pills. If he succeeded, he was truly a second-grade elementary alchemist.Only Second Young Master Hunt and the First Elder from the Cabello family were at such a level.

Fane took a while before he suppressed his excitement, slowly heating up the stove before him and throwing the stalks ofspirited grass in according to a certain sequence. He then extracted the juice from the grass.

Time trickled past slowly. It was difficult to create a second-grade pill, much more so than a first-grade pill. Just as Fane wasabout to solidify the pill, he failed. The flame was just a little bigger than what was prescribed, yet it nearly caused the stove toexplode and made the juices disappear into fumes. This batch of precious ingredients was wasted just like that.

"Ah. It’s so much harder than first-grade alchemy!"

Fane wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, heaving a sigh. However, it was a second-grade pill he was trying to create afterall when he thought about it, and he had no master to guide him. He could only follow the instructions on the alchemy manual. Itwas already an accomplishment that he managed to get to the very last step.

He rested for over ten minutes. Then he started to create a new batch.

This time, it was evident that Fane was slightly faster, and his movements were more practiced. Coupled with the experience hehad from the previous attempt, Fane's focus did not waver, and the attempt went by smoothly.


At last, Fane gave a wan smile and lifted his hand. Asmall pill flew out from the pot

and floated before his eyes.

"Hah. Not bad!"

Fane laughed, ecstatic. He did not think that he could successfully create a second-grade elementary pill on his second attempt.

By the time he looked outside the cave, he realized that the sky was brightening.

"There's another four days left. We'redefinitely at the top of thiscompetition. Besides, we've

so muc pied ora by killingDROWNS and the others must besearching for spirited grass. I'll juststay here to try and break into theadvanced stage of the true godrealm! After all, | don’t know what willhappen out there!" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Fane looked at the pill in his palm, confidence brimming in him.

He had already broken into theintermediate stage of the true god

realm for some time. él Chiwe@spine ane iieh. BHONS< cultivation|

el was stable. He believed thatwith the second-grade elementarypill, it would not be a problem for himto break into the advanced stage ofthe true god realm. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

After all, the Hunt family would not let them off so easily once they went out. If he managed to break into the advanced stage ofthe true god realm, he would not have to fear Master Hunt with his fighting prowess enhanced by the ultimate-grade spiritual tool.

Fane was also confident in his fighting skills. If he had the fighting power of someone at the peak of the true god status, it wouldmean that the Woods family had three people who were at that status. The Woods family’s strength would be bolstered.

Of course, Fane was not sure of howhe would fare compared to MasterHunt and if he could Als co

against hi singe ney ee neveria auiticd Even those of thesame cultivation level were not equalfighters, and Master Hunt was thestrongest fighter of the Hunt family,the strongest family of the reclusivefamilies. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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