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Chapter 1297

Daryll felt embarrassed. His sons were all geniuses, and more importantly, they were one of the stronger ones of the eight first-class families.

Yet his son had lost to an illegitimate son from the Woods family, who came from the mortal realm, no less. That fact alone hadembarrassed him enough, but he never thought that Fane would dare to make fun o f his son.

He was someone who have always protected his family. He quickly flew forward and clenched his fist, rushing toward Fane.Whoosh!

On the Woods family's side, the First Elder also flew forward and stood before Fane, his fist blocking Daryll's.

"It's just a duel between youth. Don’t tell me that the Norman family is a sore loser?"

The First Elder's eyes were ablaze with anger. The two backtracked a few meters after their fists collided.

"No way!"

Daryll was shocked, and his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. If he recalled correctly, the First Elder of the Woods familywas only at the advanced stage of the true god status. Sure, he was not using his full strength just now, but he was at the peakof the true god status. The Woods family's First Elder should not have been able to take even a simple swipe from him.

"He has attained the peak of the true god status?”Daryll quickly thought of the possibility, and his face blanched.

He had always thought that the Woods family only had a single fighter who was at the peak of the true god status. That was whythe other families looked down on them.

After all, even the sixth or seventh strongest first-class families had at least two fighters at the peak of the true god status.

If Kenneth had truly broken into the peak o f the true god status, it would mean that the Woods family was comparable to someof the weaker first-class families.

"You do have a good eye, Master Norman. | was lucky enough to break into the peak of the true god status recently, and | havegrew several times stronger. | wouldn’t have been able to take your punch otherwise." Kenneth burst into laughter. At thismoment, everybody's attention was on him, and he was basking in the glory.

“Kenneth Woods has achieved the peak of the true god status?”

At this moment, the Lowe family members had just arrived in time to witness all that was happening. Trenton's face immediatelysoured.

After all, they have since viewed the Woods family as their mortal enemy. If Kenneth had broken into the peak of the true godstatus, the gap between them and the Woods family would further widen. Who knew when they would be able to avenge hisdaughter now.

He had thought that the Cabellofamily were also mortal enemies withthe Woods family and ad com!sideredzpiting Rotces with theformer to go against the latter. Henever thought that just a few daysago, First Young Mistress Cabellowould actually turn out to be a couplewith Fane. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

If this was the case, he did not knowwhat t o do anymore. POR TENEFane had offe eqrgecvind foungNfgsta Ndithan. This sparked delightin his heart. Perhaps there was a wayto plot revenge through this. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

He had been happy. Then he arrivedhere and learned that the Megfamily's First Eldes hae wotudty”broKeaiintthe peak of the true godstatus. It felt as though his heart hadbeen run over by a freight train.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Heh, Master Lowe, if you can do it, why can't 1?"Kenneth could not help but smile when he noticed Trenton's darkening expression.

"Tsk tsk. Before, we would be hard-pressed to hear news of someone suddenly breaking into the peak of the true god status overa year and a half. Now, why do we have two such specimens today!”

At this moment, the Lancaster family also flew over on a carpet. A beautiful middle-aged woman spoke with a small smile.novelbin

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