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Fane picked up Kylie who ran to him and planted a kiss on her chubby cheek; his action was full of love and dote.“Mmm!”Kylie bobbed her head and said in a childish tone, "Mommy said she will ask you to take me to the town below the mountain tohave fun when you return!""Haha, alright, alright! I'll take little Kylie and Mommy to go to the town and play together tonight!"Fane chortled wholeheartedly."This is your daughter? She's cute and good -looking!"Daniella, who was standing next to Fane, could not help but smile awkwardly at the affectionate exchange between the Fatherand the Daughter."Yup, her name is Kylie!"Fane smiled. He held Kylie in his arms and paced in the direction of Lana, Fiona, and the others."Well. Needless to say, this beautiful woman, she is your wife, am | right? She really has a good figure!"Before Fane could introduce the others to Daniella, she studied Lana and uttered with a smile plastered on her face.Lana's spirits immediately brightened, and her cheeks turned red. "No, no. I'm not his wife, I'm his disciple! My name is Lana!"She quickly explained.After the explanation, Lana looked at Fane and asked, "Master, and this girl is?" Only then did Fane smile and introducedDaniella. "This is the Third Young Mistress of the Cabello family, Daniella Cabello!”"The Cabello family? One of the eight reclusive families?"After hearing Fane's words, surprise dawned upon Lana's face. How could she have imagined that the Third Young MistressCabello knew Fane and followed him back to the Woods residence?Moreover, they looked close. It seemed that the relationship between the two was good."Yes! You're right!""I heard that Fane's wife is the queen of beauty. And when | looked at you, | thought you were his wife. | didn't expect that hisdisciple would be such a beauty too. Hehe. The Woods family has a lot of pretty women, | presume." Daniella chucked andcontinued.Lana could barely conceal her delight after hearing Daniella’s sincere praise for her.” I'm nowhere near a beauty. | heard that theCabello family has three beautiful daughters who are known as the Three Golden Flowers; they're all famous for their beauty. |think only those who live in the secular world would have not known your presence. Many reclusive families are keen to meetany of you!"On the other hand, Fane smiled at the exchange and approached Fiona, "Ma, how're you guys doing? Everything fine here?"

Fiona laughed in return. "Of course,everything is fine! Although Andrewand | were a little too old to startpracticing martial arts, | \ fea bemour in-la hahtis fla be is full ofspiHtal I'energy. So, if w e live here allyear round, we can live to very oldage.” She chuckled and thencontinued, "Oh ya, the Taylor familycame here as well and everyoneloves it, especially your GrandpaTaylor! He planned to retire here andnot leave this place at all!" Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Fane's heart stopped a few beatsafter listening to Fiona's words. Anunsightly look scrawle up his fag&)fo) reves his ownpafents-in-law, therefore it was stilllogical to bring them here. But it wasstrange to bring Old Master Taylorand the other Taylors here! Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org."And my father allows it?"Fane frowned and asked.Fiona bobbed her head. "Yes. He even asked his men to build a house over there for some of the Taylor family to live in.Your Father said that since there are not many of us, it won't be a big deal. Besides, i f some of the young martial artists of theTaylor family want to improve their status, they would help to purify their bodies so that they can train better!”"Auntie, do you and Uncle want to train too?"novelbin

Daniella's voice suddenly interruptedthe conversation. After hearing theexchange, Daniella, without blinkiher eyes, eydoppéditheuestion. This was agolden opportunity to please herfuture parents-in-law! If they liked herand were happy with her, they wouldprobably speak up for her in thefuture, then it would be more likely forSelena to accept her! Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

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