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Chapter 1165

"Really?" Fane smiled coldly and looked at the people around him before speaking. " Did Helmsman

Maack directly took action o n normal days and do anything hurtful to everybody? If there are such

actions, please tell me so that I can kill him and clean up my family name!"

Fane's words were so domineering and he stood there like a godly statue.

Gaius was so frightened that the sweat on his forehead dripped down continuously. Although he felt

that he never did anything bad, he was extremely afraid that somebody would come forward and make

things up to get him killed. After all, the fact that he was the Woods family's helmsman had caused

many people to be jealous, envious, and hateful of him.

"He had never done anything bad all this while!" At this moment, Kayla thought about it and stood up.

"Gaius seldom comes down from the mountain and he's always busy with training. He must be thinking

about being promoted to the position of patronum. Hence, his wife always complains about this. She's

always saying that he's in the mountains and seldom comes down to accompany them!"

“Yes, that seems to be the case. His wife always complains!" A woman also nodded i n agreement.

Gaius was secretly relaxed when he heard this. He looked at the crowd and said." Thank you

everybody as you've all spoken fair words!” “Alright!" Fane nodded and directly threw his sword tonovelbin

Gaius. “Gaius, if you feel that you did nothing wrong and you're guilty of nothing, you definitely know

what to do as a Woods now that Ace wants to kill me. His daughter even wanted to humiliate my wife!"

Gaius swallowed his saliva and stood up with the sword in his hand. "I know what young master

means, you are asking me to place righteousness before family!"

Gaius walked toward Ace and Autumn after he spoke with the sword in his hand.

"Uncle, you . you..." Autumn was so frightened that her voice was shivering.

Gaius looked at both of them and said," Brother, niece, I've urged you guys many times to act low-key

but you guys have never listened to me. Today, you can only blame yourselves for getting into such


Gaius attacked them directly with the sword. Both Ace and Autumn immediately succumbed to the cuts

on their neck as they crashed onto the ground with fear in their eyes.

Gaius walked toward Fane and returned the sword. "Young Master Fane, the other relatives in their

family are weak and have never done anything wrong. I beg you to let them go!"

Never have I imagined that you are the young master of the Woods family!" Kayla looked at Fane

differently as Fane approached her. "You’re really powerful to get rid of the bully in this town." Content

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