The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor

Chapter 1062 - The Potato People
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Chapter 1062 - The Potato People

"No freaking way! This punk defeated our stunning genius Yule and got her eliminated from the

tournament? Hehe! This competition is out of the ordinary, isn't this exciting?”

In the viewing stands, one of the heads of the Woods branch family could not hold back but to laugh


"Yes, it's indeed exciting and surprising! Fane was brought up and trained in a secular world, yet he

possesses such skill and achievement! 1 wonder, at which level his martial art status is currently at

now. It shouldn't be weaker than any of the Woods!"

Another head of the Woods branch family chimed in.

The precious head of the Woods branch family then responded. "This shouldn’t be possible. We're a

great and prominent family in the hidden world, and Yule is from the Woods main family. She should

have a better fighting technique and strategy. As for Fane, who defeated her, perhaps he has higher a

martial art status, most probably he’s at the late stage of the semi-god level.

"Haha! In fact, I do hope that brat could win the position of the heir of the family head. After all, only

such a person—who rises slowly from the mundane—will understand acquiring martial arts and

improving fighting prowess is hella difficult. I think it might be better for him to be the heir than the high

and al-mighty Lance. Lance is too proud, isn't he?"

Another head of Woods’ branch family

laughed out loud after giving some thoughts to the matter.

"Shush! Keep your voice down. You'll be in big trouble if Lily overhears you! If that's the case, the

resource for enhancing martial art status for the branch family will be halved next month! That woman

holds grudges for a long time!"

An old man who was standing beside the heads of Woods branch family reminded them in a panic


The head of Woods' branch family looked around, then whispered tensely, "We're so far away though,

it's not possible for her to overhear us, right? Speaking of her, this time her son has disappeared for so

long and still hasn’t been found, I guess he's highly likely dead by now. Furthermore, the position of the

heir to the family head : s now going into others' hands. I guess she must be infuriating and seething!'

"Of course, she is upset! But she deserves it, doesn't she? She always looks down on people

whenever and wherever she goes, especially members of the branches of the Woods family. We're

under her barbaric management all this while; she requests for top-notch quality resources for the

enhancement of martial art status, and leaving us with only elementary and low-quality resources."

The head of the Woods branch family released a huge sigh and said, "Sigh! We are only the members

of the branch family. If the branch family members want to grow, the main family members have to

evolve even more, hence it's reasonable for us to hand all the good-quality resources to the main

family so that they can be stronger. Otherwise, the Woods family wouldn't achieve what we have today,

the Woods wouldn't be one of the Eight Reclusive Families on this earth!"

"But, she is asking more and more every year, and I heard that the main person in charge of collecting

these resources is the Third Elder. This Third Elder has a close relationship with the wicked First

Madam, so I guess the request is ordered by the First Madam!"

The old man said with a stern tone.

At this time, Fane had claimed his five Chi Congregation Pills. He kept the five pills inside his martial

ring, only then he returned to the victor's team.

"Kiddo, you're not that bad at all! You won again, and you’re actually at the semi-god level. How


"I have to win. In order to get the Cryo Pearl, the only way is for me to win this tournament!"

Fane studied the person in front of him as h e spoke in a calm tone.

"Haha! Did you all hear that? This punk has declared his intention of coming to the Woods family! He is

eyeing on the Cryo Pearl! What does this say? It says that he wants to be number one!" New ch?pternovelbin

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