The Silent Wife

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Rachel’s face was starting to contort from the grip.

The pain was making her cry, but Justin showed no signs of stopping. In fact, he gripped her eventighter. “Understand?”

Rachel nodded with difficulty, and her tears streamed down her cheek, falling onto the back of Justin’shand.

“Have you seen Jefferey before you were discharged? Did he give you a listening device and asked youto install it in my car?”

Rachel nodded. The moment she did so, Justin’s grip tightened even further, almost crushing her face,and it suffocated her.

“I protected your grandmother, and this is how you repay me?” If looks could kill, Rachel would havebeen dead by now.

Rachel shook her head fervently and struggled with all her might, trying to explain herself. By accident,she toppled the glass of water and medicine on the table, splashing the water everywhere.

The sight of those medicines drove Justin further into his fury. He was reminded of something, and heflung her onto the bed.

The back of her head crashed against the edge, and she started seeing stars, while her consciousnessstarted to fade.

“You’ve been working with Jefferey ever since you married me. You’ve been getting information he needsand using us to control your family’s company. And you plan to back out the moment you finish the job.”

No. I didn’t.

“No? Then what’s this?” He picked up the meds and hurled it at her. “Then what’s this?!” he roared.

Rachel was shivering with fear. When she finally saw what the meds were, she froze. Walt. Those arethe birth control pills I put in my bag. She didn’t find it when Frankie gave her the bag back, so shethought they were lost. Why did they show up here?

“Finally remembered it? Anything you want to say for yourself?”

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

“You don’t know? You just don’t want to admit it, right? You want to cut all ties with us, right? Beencontacting a lawyer for that as well, haven’t you?”

Rachel was petrified, and she gaped at him.

“You’re not going to get away with that!” He tore his clothes apart, flying into a rage, not unlike a beast.

“Aahh!” The pain finally made Rachel cry, and she shouted hoarsely.

Justin was pulling her halr, thrusting fiercely with every pull, as if he was releasing all his anger with eachmovement. “You’re not the one who can decide whether you get knocked up. Don’t even think of cuttingoff your ties with us. Not unless I get tired of you. You’re just an object, and don’t forget about that. Thisisn’t some place you can come and go as you please!”

Rachel struggled at first, but her strength left her eventually. Even though Justin was still humiliating her,she was already numb to it.

The heinous and inhumane criminal activity that would go unpunished went on late into the night. Whenhe was done, Justin, now a rapist, stormed off and slammed the door shut, the impact causing

the room to shake.

Rachel was still staring up into the ceiling, but she couldn’t even feel an inch of her body.

The next morning, when Julian realized Rachel wasn’t here for breakfast, he asked Mrs. Duncan,“Where’s Rachel?”

Mrs. Duncan was setting the table, but her expression was odd. “Maybe she’s still sleeping.”

Sue rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Why do you care? The whole house was shaken last night. Honestly,how did she even manage to rlle Justin up that much? Couldn’t even sleep well for Pete’s sake. Alright,

enough about them. Finish your breakfast, son.”

Despite his mother’s reassurance, Julian was worried, and he didn’t feel like eating. After breakfast wasdone, he went upstairs to check on Rachel while his mother and Mrs. Duncan were distracted.“Rachel…”

Nobody responded. Julian kept waiting by the door, but suddenly, he had a bad feeling about it, so hespun the doorknob. It was unlocked, so he got in with no problem, but when he saw the scene, heimmediately froze. “Rachel!”

Rachel was only covered by a thin blanket, and she was curled up like a ball on the bed. She noticed

Julian, but she didn’t even show any reaction. Her eyes were empty, like two little voids.

Julian stood there for a while before approaching her carefully. “What happened?”

He could see her ankle, and it was bruised. Her shoulders were splattered with bruises too. When shesaw Julian coming closer, Rachel suddenly curled up and moved backward.

Julian was about to hold her hand, but what he saw next stopped him. The bed was caked In blood;some were dried and black, while some were fresh. Obviously, she just bled out earlier. “Did Justin dothis?” Julian couldn’t believe what he was seeing. A while later, he held Rachel. “I’ll take you to thehospital.”

But when she heard the word ‘hospital’, Rachel turned back and shook her head adamantly.

Julian teared up. “Give me a second.” He rushed downstairs and came back up with his medical kit. Sueand the servants were staring at him welrdly, but he ignored them and locked the door.

Realizing this, Sue started banging the door. “What are you doing, Julian? Justin’s going to take this thewrong way! Get out here right now!”

“That’s right, Master Julian.”novelbin

“Shut up!” Julian banged the door back, silencing everyone outside. He was furious, but he held it downand sat beside the bed with his medical kit in hand.

“Calm down, Rachel. Let me see your wounds.”

Rachel stared at him, who was looking at her gently, trying to look as kind as possible so she’d feel moreat ease. All of a sudden, she started tearing up, and she cried.

“Oh, don’t cry, Rachel. Don’t cry.” Julian held her hands, but they felt cold. He wanted to comfort her, butwhen the blanket slipped away, he teared up after seeing the bruises on her. A moment later, he turnedback to wipe his tears. Is he mad? How could he do this to her?

Sue and Mrs. Duncan were waiting outside for a while, with the former listening closely to everything thatwas happening inside. When she heard Rachel’s cry, she started panicking. “That vixen! How far doesshe want to go?”

“Calm down, Madam. Something must have happened.”

“Of course something’s going to happen. They’re alone in a room In broad daylight. Scandalous!” Butthen someone suddenly opened the door from inside, and Sue almost fell down. If it weren’t for Mrs.Duncan, she would have bumped against her son.

Julian was furious.

Initially, Sue wanted to grumble, but one look at her son silenced her. She had raised Jullan for thirtyyears, but that was the first time she thought he felt terrifying. Most of the time, he was a mlld manneredman.

Mrs. Duncan was shocked as well. “What happened, Master Julian?”

Julian looked at her darkly. “I need someone inside.”

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