The Silent Wife

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78

Chapte: 78 Rachel couldnt sleep well the whole night. The villa was too quiet She had a nightmare, in the dream, everyone from the Burton family was chasingafter her with knives in their hands. There was no way for her to escape, and when they finally chasedher into a forest, the knives in their hands turned into torches. She yelled for help, but her throat hurt so badly that no voice came out *Ahti” She woke up in a cold sweat and opened her eyes immediately. The curtains were not drawn properly-the moonlight that shone in cast a ghostly shadow on the walllamp. A click came from outside the door. When she heard it, she hugged the quilt tightly. A tall figure was illuminated by the light outside, casting a long shadow on the carpet. *It’s me.” A familiar voice rang, and Rachel stared at the person at the door expressionlessly. She looked as if shehadn’t woken up from the nightmare-her face was pale under the moonlight. In the next second, the lights in the room were turned on, and the room became much brighter in aninstant. Seeing Rachel still trembling, Justin suddenly felt distressed and strode over. “Did you have anightmare?” Under the bright light, Rachel came back to her senses and nodded absent-mindedly. “It’s okay. It’s all over.” Why are you here? It was already past 2.00AM. Looking at the alarm clock by the bed, for a moment, Rachel even thoughtshe was still in a dream. “I just came back to get something.” Get something? In your pajamas? Rachel’s eyes fell on Justin’s outfit.

If she recalled correctly, this was his pajamas set from the Burton Residence-blue-gray pajamas. “Drink some water.” Justin poured her a glass of water. Thank you. “What did you dream about? Was it so terrible?”

Rachel was still shaken from recalling the dream just now. However, she shook her head. I can’t remember clearly now. After a tiring dream like that, Rachel felt even more exhausted-she couldn’t help but let out a yawn. Seeing that, Justin said, “Get some sleep.” Rachel was taken aback for a moment. Are you going to sleep here too? “This is also my home. Where am I supposed to sleep if not here?” Chapter 78 Didn’t you only come back to get your things? “Are you urging me to leave?” That’s not what I meant. Rachel shook her head hurriedly. “Then go to sleep.” Justin took away the cup in her hand and put it on the bedside. Before Rachel couldreact to it, he hugged her and pressed her on the pillow. Although his strength was a little hard on her, it inexplicably brought a sense of peace in her mind. Rachel slowly closed her eyes and drifted into slumber. Early the next morning, Arthur was feeding his fishes by the lake. “Did Justin come by last night?”“I can’t hide anything from you,” Leon confessed. “Indeed. He arrived at 2.00AM but left early thismorning he also caught up with the morning meeting at the office. Everything is normal.” “Do you think this is normal?” Arthur sprinkled all the fish food in his hand, immediately causing a schoolof carps to fight for it. Leon replied, “I heard from the doctor that Young Master Justin can now go to sleep even without takingany medication. I think this may have something to do with Mrs. Burton. In fact, rather than letting the

young master travel back and forth everyday, I think you might as well let Mrs. Burton return.” “The more he is like this, the more I can’t let that little mute go.”“Why is that so?” “Men are meant to do great things. And if they were to be disturbed by these puppy loves, they aredestined to achieve nothing in the future. Besides, it’s not as if there were no such precedent in ourfamily!” Leon was startled. “You are thinking of the Second Young Master again.” Arthur held on to the railing. His sunken cheeks were reflected in the lake water, showing a somewhatrare expression. “Isn’t his father’s lesson enough to teach Justin?” “Sir, that was just an accident.” “It’s not an accident, but purely an evil fate. So there should never be such womanly benevolence inJustin anymore.” Then, Arthur straightened up and asked, “Is he still investigating the Hudsonsrecently?” “Yes, he is. He also checked Jefferey’s overseas bank accounts a few days ago and found that he has atendency to transfer funds, so he’s prepared for whatever that might happen.” “Well, it’s good news that he hasn’t gone too far. Continue to shadow him. If there is any trouble, reportback to me immediately.” “Yes, sir.” Arthur left it at that. For the several days that Rachel stayed in the villa, Justin would come late at night when everyone wasasleep, and Rachel had gradually gotten used to his appearance. This was a strange feeling-it was as if they were having an affair, but it made her feel at ease each time. Chapter 78 In this huge villa, Justin had become her only pillar of support. “Madam, are you going out?” I’ve been away for too long, so I’m planning to go back to see grandma. Rachel carried her bag and asked carefully, Can I?

The servant said, “Of course, madam. Butler Leon didn’t leave any words about keeping you home. Doyou need me to arrange for a car?” It’s okay. It’s more convenient for me to drive there myself. “Alright, then. Please come back soon.” Then, Rachel heaved a sigh of relief as she drove away from the villa and watched the gate of the villa inthe rearview mirror get farther and farther away. Arthur didn’t seem to have any great malice towards her. Except for asking her to kneel in the ancestralhall the first night, he never treated her badly after that. She could also do anything freely in the villa. Back in the city, Rachel drove the car directly to the alley in the old city. “Rachel! Over here!” Across the street, Hans waved at her. This was an old neighborhood-many places were already marked for demolition, and there were manyturns into narrow alleys, so it was hard for one to find their way around. “Did you have any trouble getting out?” Rachel shook her head. “This way.” Hans led her into a tailor’s shop, whereupon he greeted the old tailor in the shop intimatelyand then opened the curtain before he took Rachel to the backyard. Janice already had a pot of tea ready under the old locust tree. I’m sorry I was late. “It’s okay. I’m on leave today anyway-I had nothing to do at home.” Janice cocked her chin. “This place isabout to be demolished soon. It wasn’t easy to find your way here, huh?” It was okay. Hans said, “This is Janice’s grandpa’s tailor shop. It’s more secretive here.” “Let’s talk business.” Janice dipped her finger in the water and drew some routes on the stone table. “Ihave studied the routes. When there is heavy rain, the traffic network in these places has no signal. Thisis also a section where accidents happen frequently-it’s not going to be hard to hide from everyone.” Rachel nodded with a grateful expression on her face. novelbin

“The replacement corpse has also been found. The person has just passed away more than a monthago she is well preserved, and her figure is similar to yours. When the time comes, the car will beburned, and the body will be completely unrecognizable. We only need to make some arrangements forthat.” You can find things like this too?Rachel was surprised. Chapter 78 Hans glanced at Janice. “Do you think she has been in the investigation bureau all these years fornothing? She knows her way around both the lawful and unlawful worlds. There are still a lot of places inthe black market that do the business of ghost marriage. I guess this could be said to be a gray area.” Ghost marriage, huh? Rachel had heard people say that before, and she suddenly felt a little bitter in her heart. She didn’t expect that, one day, she would be involved in such a situation. Janice sipped her tea and looked at the horizon like an old cadre. “Right now, all we are waiting for is arainstorm.” The sky in Riverdale was as blue as the ocean. These past few days had been sunny. A commercial vehicle was parked opposite a department store in the old town. “Mr. Burton, I have actually seen the locations of those holdouts before, and they only have little effect onthe planning.” In the back seat, Justin looked through the car window and saw a white car on the opposite side with afamiliar license plate number.

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