The Silent Wife

Chapter 37
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Chapter 37

Chapter 37

It was only until Rachel left the room that Justin took the tea next to him and had a sip.

The Earl Grey tea had a thick fragrance and the light flavor of the milk balanced out the bitternessperfectly. The fragrance mixed with the aroma of the room and it had a calming effect. He was actuallylost in his thoughts when he heard the door of the next room close.

After Rachel took care of her grandma in the hospital for a few days, the latter had a great recovery.

This afternoon, Rachel was getting some things in a convenience store nearby. As soon as she walkedout of the store, she saw a figure in a suit bow slightly to her. “Miss Hudson, Old Master Burton wants tosee you.”

The person was none other than Arthur’s personal butler. This time around, it seemed like Arthur wantedto meet her.

Ever since Justin took over the Burton Group, Arthur had already retired and he rarely appeared inRiverdale anymore. It was rumored that he would go to a mansion in the suburbs of Riverdale everysummer to avoid the heat. Apart from that season, even the family members of the Burton Family wouldnormally not be able to see him too.

After Rachel got into the car, she fidgeted with her fingers anxiously as she watched the scenery outsidethe window going backward.

It was most likely that the butler noticed her anxiety, so he consoled her, “Miss Hudson, you don’t have toworry. (This novel will be daily updtaed at After all, you have already married YoungMaster Justin. It’s time to pay a visit to the elderly in the family.”

Upon hearing that, Rachel pursed her lips and nodded politely.

At this moment in the summer mansion in the suburbs, Sue appraised Tina Burton from head to toe asthe former complimented sweetly, “It’s been a while since I last saw you and you’ve grown into a fineyoung woman.”

Tina was Justin’s cousin and she was the only daughter of his paternal uncle. She had been spoiledsince young, which resulted in her short temper. However, she knew how to please Arthur.

Currently, she was sitting beside Arthur as she replied with a chuckle, “You look younger too, Aunt Sue.”

Sue sighed. “Young? Not at all. I’m so worried that the white hair on my head has increased.”

“What’s wrong?” Tina blinked in response. “Is there something that is troubling you? Let us know so thatGrandpa can help you out.”

“It’s not that I want to speak ill of this but based on Justin’s character and family background, it isimpossible for him to marry a mute. If you knew this, you wouldn’t have agreed, would you?”

Meanwhile, Arthur was sitting in a master chair. He had a white beard on his face, and he looked stern

he has already made a decision, I’m sure he has his own reasons for doing so. Even though the younglady of the Hudson Family has a speech disability, she might be good at something else.”

Arthur had done his research and he knew that Rachel had graduated with a masters degree. Eventhough she had never inherited her family business, she had a stable job and was also a humble person.No matter what, she was still the young lady of a prestigious family. It was better to marry her than tomarry someone who just wanted the wealth of the Burton Family.

“Good at something else? Well…” Sue frowned and muttered, “We can skip this topic. I feel(This novelwill be daily updtaed at

embarrassed even by just talking about it. It’s fine if they just have a quarrel among their familymembers. It’s not a good thing to expose the flaws of the family to the public after all, but it was on thenews.”

“The news?” However, before Arthur could say anything, Tina opened her mouth. “I’ve also heard aboutthat. I thought Justin had resolved everything?”

“What news?” Arthur asked with a frown.

“Don’t you know?” Tina immediately took her phone out. “This is it. I wanted to tell you this but beforecould do that, an explanation had been published. Since that was the case, I didn’t want to disturb yourrest.”

After seeing that Tina took the opportunity to speak about Rachel, Sue was overjoyed. She sipped hertea quietly at the side as she enjoyed the drama that was indirectly started by the other woman.

Sure enough, as soon as Arthur read the news, his expression immediately darkened. “What rubbish!Are they joking around with the reputation of the Burton Family?”

Upon hearing that, Tina tried to console him, “Don’t get angry, Grandpa. Didn’t I say that they had givenan explanation? No matter what the truth is, I’m sure Justin will handle this.”

“If he doesn’t even have the ability to handle this, he doesn’t have to be the president of Burton Groupanymore,” Arthur announced with a dark expression. “Rachel has only joined our family for such a shorttime, yet she already caused so much trouble. It’s clear that she’s up to no good.” She’s just a mute. Howcould she have stirred up such trouble? It’s unreasonable!

After some hesitation, Tina said, “Grandpa, actually I’ve heard some stories about this cousin-in-law ofmine.”

“What about it? Do you know her before this, Tina?” Sue asked with a shocked expression.

Tina then explained, “I’ve studied abroad with her sister, Amber, and I am quite close with her. Back then,I heard her mention this elder sister of hers and I heard that she was a loner. It seemed like she had ahard time getting along with her classmates and her behavior in school wasn’t that good. Apart fromthat…”

“What else is there?”

“Apart from that, she’s also an illegitimate child. She is not a real member of the Hudson Family to beginwith, so I think she’s not good enough for Justin.” With that, Tina revealed a disdainful expression on herface.

While they were chatting, someone announced from outside, “Sir, Miss Hudson has arrived.”

With a frown on his face, Arthur said, “Let her in.”

Hence, the butler brought Rachel into the room. She still had her usual canvas bag as she held a bag offruits she brought from the convenience store. It was quite difficult to tell that she was the young lady of aprestigious family.

Upon seeing that, Sue asked rather grumpily, “Why did you come here wearing such clothes?”

Rachel held the bag close to her as she felt wrongly blamed. After all, no one had told her that Arthurwanted to meet her today. Since the butler picked her up from the hospital immediately, she did not havethe time to change.

Tina had heard of Rachel before this, so she appraised the latter from head to toe. When she sawRachel’s face, she could not help feeling pangs of jealousy. I can‘t believe that she’s so pretty. However,as soon as she remembered that Rachel was a mute, she immediately felt better. So what if she‘spretty? She’s just a mute in the end.

“Miss Hudson, this is Old Master Burton and that is Young Master Justin’s cousin, Tina.” The butlerintroduced the people present to Rachel before Arthur indicated for him to stand aside.

Rachel nodded politely at Arthur and Tina as she pointed at her lips to explain that she could not speak,looking polite and understanding the whole time.

Arthur, on the other hand, was looking closely at her. Even though she could not speak, (This novel willbe daily updtaed at her demeanor was quite graceful, so he was slightly relieved.“Take a seat.”

Hence, she sat on the chair next to Sue, but she only sat on half the chair with her back straight.novelbin

Arthur nodded and continued, “It’s been a while since you married Justin. I’ve been wanting to see youand I understand that it’s quite sudden today. I hope I didn’t interrupt your day.”

Rachel then took out a pen and a piece of paper. Since the elders in the family want to see me, it’sperfectly reasonable, no matter when it is.

When Arthur saw her neat handwriting, he quietly approved of her more. At the same time, herhandwriting reminded him that she was a mute.

Arthur’s expression darkened as he asked in a low voice, “I heard that the person who was about tomarry Justin first was your younger sister?”

Upon hearing that question, Rachel felt her heart skip a beat.

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