The Silent Wife

Chapter 260
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Chapter 260

Chapter 260

“I said, since she wants it, give it to her,” Justin repeated his words for Frankie.

“Burton Group’s plan to buy Hudson Pharmaceuticals will end here. Tomorrow morning, inform the teamin charge and tell them that the team is dismissed.”

“President Burton, do you want to think it through first?”

“There’s no need.”

After Frankie heard that, his jaws dropped.

Losing Hudson Pharmaceuticals was quite a big matter for the Burton Group as it had been planned fora few years. Besides that, the pharmaceutical products that were about to be launched by the Hudsonsmight play a big role in the future market.

Nonetheless, Justin actually handed everything over with one simple sentence. Hence, Frankie felt thathe must be in a dream.

Three days later, it was Saturday. The Bilingual Elementary’s students embarked on their outdoorcamping activity from Riverdale.

Early in the morning, Rachel brought the two children to meet up with the other parents at the school’sentrance. After getting onto the big bus, it took around 3 hours before they reached Astoria’s CloudyMountain Highland.

“Later on, we’ll be forming a tent for each family. There will be a teacher to guide you as you pitch yourrespective tents. If it’s any parent’s first time joining our camping activity, questions are alwayswelcomed. Okay, we’ll dismiss and take a break.”

After the leading teacher announced the dismissal, all families that were standing in front of the busspread out.

Rachel, who was with Samuel and Charlotte, was staring at the tent feeling flustered. Scratching theback of his head, Samuel said, “Mommy, the three of us can’t pitch a tent.”

Rachel said, “It’s alright, let me try.” After that, she pulled out the guide that was inside a bag that wasfilled with tent-pitching tools. The moment she saw the instructions, she already felt like giving up beforeshe had even started. She then admitted, “It seems that it’s really quite hard.”

However, Charlotte asserted, “Mommy, the guide isn’t hard. The three of us just don’t have the strengthto support the tent. The frame is very heavy, and both Samuel and I can’t move it.”

Rachel couldn’t help but feel embarrassed when Charlotte said that the guide wasn’t difficult. After all,both the children were talented smart kids. In some aspects, Rachel could only admit that she was notgood enough. After scrutinizing the frame and its components, she was a little dispirited. “It’s prettyheavy indeed.”

“Rachel!” A familiar voice could be heard coming from behind. “Let me help you!”novelbin

Turning back, she could see Victor making his way toward them. She felt that she was seeing a savior asshe almost teared up. “Victor!”

Meanwhile, Victor’s appearance made Samuel and Charlotte give each other a look. Crap, we forgot thatMr. Wade is also tagging along. This is going to affect our initial plan.

Giving Charlotte a look, Samuel asked sotto voce, “What do we do now?”

Charlotte quickly started to brainstorm. “Don’t panic, I’ll figure something out.”

“It’s too late.” Samuel glanced behind Rachel before saying, “He’s here.”

“I said, since she wants it, give it to her,” Justin repeated his words for Frankie.

“Burton Group’s plan to buy Hudson Pharmaceuticals will end here. Tomorrow morning, inform the teamin charge and tell them that the team is dismissed.”

“President Burton, do you want to think it through first?”

“There’s no need.”

After Frankie heard that, his jaws dropped.

Losing Hudson Pharmaceuticals was quite a big matter for the Burton Group as it had been planned fora few years. Besides that, the pharmaceutical products that were about to be launched by the Hudsonsmight play a big role in the future market.

Nonetheless, Justin actually handed everything over with one simple sentence. Hence, Frankie felt thathe must be in a dream.

Three days later, it was Saturday. The Bilingual Elementary’s students embarked on their outdoorcamping activity from Riverdale.

Early in the morning, Rachel brought the two children to meet up with the other parents at the school’sentrance. After getting onto the big bus, it took around 3 hours before they reached Astoria’s CloudyMountain Highland.

“Later on, we’ll be forming a tent for each family. There will be a teacher to guide you as you pitch yourrespective tents. If it’s any parent’s first time joining our camping activity, questions are alwayswelcomed. Okay, we’ll dismiss and take a break.”

After the leading teacher announced the dismissal, all families that were standing in front of the busspread out.

Rachel, who was with Samuel and Charlotte, was staring at the tent feeling flustered. Scratching theback of his head, Samuel said, “Mommy, the three of us can’t pitch a tent.”

Rachel said, “It’s alright, let me try.” After that, she pulled out the guide that was inside a bag that wasfilled with tent-pitching tools. The moment she saw the instructions, she already felt like giving up beforeshe had even started. She then admitted, “It seems that it’s really quite hard.”

However, Charlotte asserted, “Mommy, the guide isn’t hard. The three of us just don’t have the strengthto support the tent. The frame is very heavy, and both Samuel and I can’t move it.”

Rachel couldn’t help but feel embarrassed when Charlotte said that the guide wasn’t difficult. After all,both the children were talented smart kids. In some aspects, Rachel could only admit that she was notgood enough. After scrutinizing the frame and its components, she was a little dispirited. “It’s prettyheavy indeed.”

“Rachel!” A familiar voice could be heard coming from behind. “Let me help you!”

Turning back, she could see Victor making his way toward them. She felt that she was seeing a savior asshe almost teared up. “Victor!”

Meanwhile, Victor’s appearance made Samuel and Charlotte give each other a look. Crap, we forgot thatMr. Wade is also tagging along. This is going to affect our initial plan.

Giving Charlotte a look, Samuel asked sotto voce, “What do we do now?”

Charlotte quickly started to brainstorm. “Don’t panic, I’ll figure something out.”

“It’s too late.” Samuel glanced behind Rachel before saying, “He’s here.”

With a low growl, a black jeep came to a stop by a river that was just a stone’s throw away from theircampsite.

At this moment, Rachel had yet to notice anything. Nonetheless, Victor, who was one of the leadingteachers, was alarmed. At once, he put down the things in his hands before marching over.

“Victor, this isn’t done yet…”

Following the direction he was heading, she saw a familiar figure exiting the jeep before closing the door.The string of actions was not done subtly, earning the attention of some parents. At once, she quicklytossed the things in her hands and rushed up.

“You sc*m! Why are you here?” Victor clutched on Justin’s collar as he roared.

At that moment, the word ‘sc*m’ had earned the attention of all the parents and children at the campsite.

Initially, Justin was going to brush Victor off, but he quickly raised his hand to explain when he sawRachel coming toward them. “I didn’t do anything. This time, you better see it clearly. He’s the one whostarted it, and I didn’t even lift a finger.”

Not bothering to talk nonsense with him, she immediately held onto Victor and broke the two up. “Victor!”

“Rachel, don’t stop me! This scambag is always everywhere. Look! He’s even here now!”

“Many parents and kids are watching. Do you not want to be a teacher anymore?”

“I don’t care!”

“Nonsense!” She was so panicked that she was on the verge of slapping Victor for his bad temper. Afterfinally turning over a new leaf, he managed to become a teacher. If they were to fight, he would lose his

job. It was just not worth it.

At this moment, a slap was sent straight to the back of Victor’s head, causing him to cover it in pain.“Rachel!”

Turning to look at Justin, she asked, “Care to explain? Didn’t you go on a business trip? Why are youhere?” Was his business trip so coincidentally happened to be in Cloudy Mountain Highland?

Justin then explained, “The business trip ended sooner than expected. As Charlotte’s father, I have theresponsibility to join her school activity with her. Isn’t the goal of this activity to improve the relationshipbetween the child and their parents?”

Hearing that, she couldn’t find any words to refute. Since he was Charlotte’s father, he had the right tojoin the activity. However, if she knew earlier that he would be here, she wouldn’t have even consideredcoming.

“Mr. Wade, don’t you think so?” Justin was even provoking him now.

With his brows furrowed, Victor was about to attack Justin again, but he was stopped by Rachel’s firmgrip. “Victor, the tent has not successfully been pitched yet. Let’s go. Don’t fight with him. It’s not worthputting your future at stake for this.” With that, she tugged on Victor before they left together.

Sending Justin a dead glare, Victor didn’t forget to point at him as a sign to warn him to keep hisdistance. After that, he unwillingly followed Rachel to retreat.

To be frank, it didn’t bother Justin one bit. After all, he didn’t care about anything said by anyone otherthan Rachel

Meanwhile, Rachel and Victor were squatting before the tent as they continued to pitch it.


At this moment, Charlotte ran into Justin’s arms before he picked her up. “Did you miss me?”

“I did.” As she said that, she gave his cheek a kiss.

On the other hand, Rachel and Victor were ignoring his presence while they continued to discuss and setup the tent. Not only that, even Charlotte, who was in his arms, was also getting ignored.

After being in an embrace for a moment, Charlotte contemplated for a moment before she whisperedsomething in his ear. Following that, Justin nodded in response before putting her back down.

At this moment, Charlotte gave Samuel a look as a cue before the two of them ran away from thecampsite. However, Rachel and Victor didn’t seem to have noticed that the kids were running off.

“This should be here.”

With a frame in her hands, Rachel pointed at the guide in Victor’s hand before she gestured something.“It should be connected to here.”

“I think it’s here.”

The duo were both newbies to building a tent. As Victor had just started working at The BilingualElementary not long ago, it was his first time joining this activity. Hence, he wasn’t much better at pitchingthe tent compared to Rachel.

“It should be here. Join it together with this.” A voice of a man could be heard coming from behind.

At the same time, the frame that she was holding was suddenly taken away as Justin fixed the framewithout much of a struggle in front of the two. It didn’t take long before a side of the tent was already set.“Now, nail this piece to the ground.”

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