The Silent Wife

Chapter 232
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Chapter 232

“Miss Hudson, are you okay?”

“Have you gone blind, Frankie? Asking her whether she’s all right?” Amber was in disbelief. “Sheflung that lunchbox at me. Didn’t you see her do that?”

Frankie walked past Amber, looking as though he hadn’t heard the woman. “Don’t clean upanymore. You’re not hurt, are you? Mr. Burton asked for you to go inside.”

“It’s fine.” Rachel’s head was lowered. “Since the food’s all on the floor now, he can have thehospital’s food for lunch instead.”

“What is this act, Rachel?!” Amber was on the verge of an aneurysm from her anger. “Get up andexplain yourself properly!”

With that, her hand moved toward Rachel. Just as she was about to make contact with her, Rachelgave a shout of surprise and crashed onto the floor, butt-first.

“You!” Amber’s expression was unbelievably ugly as she stared at her own hand, still held aloft inthe air.

She hadn’t even touched Rachel.

“Stop right there!” called a cold voice from behind. Justin had appeared behind her at some pointand gripped Amber’s hand. Meanwhile, his face was stormy.novelbin

“Justin!” Amber’s expression shifted. “It’s not what you think it is. I didn’t touch her at all, and she fellby herself.”

“I saw it all clear as day—you pushed Miss Hudson,” Frankie said with certainty as he eyed Amber.

Amber was so furious that she nearly got tongue-tied. “You’re spewing nonsense! You’re in leaguewith that mute. You came just at the right moment, Justin. You have to fire Frankie today. He can’ttell fantasy from reality anymore. Does he not have eyes? He even sided with that woman andframed it on me!”

“Has he framed you? What did Frankie accuse you of?”

By then, Frankie had helped Rachel up. Although Rachel had gotten some of the food on herself,her expression was calm. On the contrary, it made others pity her even more. “Mr. Burton, Frankiedidn’t do anything wrong here. I really shouldn’t have come over every day to waste everyone’stime.”

Once the nurse had left, Rachel lifted her head and looked at Justin, who was sitting across fromher. “Don’t you want to lie on the bed instead?”

His leg was still in its plaster cast as he sat on the couch. With nowhere for him to put his leg upproperly, the couch seemed overly cramped. He had sat across Rachel and watched her closely asthe nurse treated her burn earlier, which made Rachel feel uncomfortable.

He ignored her question. “You were like this in the past too. Why don’t you fight back when peoplebeat you down? Why do you hold everything back?” Justin asked.

Rachel furrowed her brows. “What’s the point of that question?”

“Isn’t Amber your sister? Why are you scared of her?”

“She’s no sister of mine.” Rachel’s eyes darkened a little. “I’ll help you over to the bed.”


Justin frowned as he took in Rachel’s expression, feeling as though he had said the wrongthing.COM It had been a while since Rachel returned to the country, but he hadn’t heard of herreturning home once. Not only that, he never heard anyone mentioning that Jefferey had anotherdaughter during the whole time he had amnesia. To her, the Hudsons were probably not her family,Justin couldn’t be bothered to think too much about this for now. He simply arrived at the conclusionthat Rachel’s hesitance toward the Hudsons was due to Jefferey’s favoritism toward his ownbiological daughter and the unequal treatment that he gave Rachel. “Slow down.” Rachel helpedJustin onto the bed with one hand supporting his arm. The two of them were close, and the indeliblescent of orchids wafting under his nose once again engraved itself into Justin’s mind. All of asudden, he found himself unable to look away. Rachel was very pretty. Her features were defined,yet they were also harmonious and balanced, which was a classic beauty indeed. When she smiled,the dimples that formed made her look all the more refreshing. Yet, she rarely did so, and evenwhen she smiled, there was also a veneer of fakeness to it, something that he couldn’t quite put hisfinger on. Was she like that in the past too? That question once again flashed across Justin’s mind.When he realized what had happened, his heart suddenly thumped rapidly. Lately, he wouldunconsciously try and guess how Rachel used to be back then when she was with him. Was shealways so compromising, always swallowing her true feelings? “Justin.” Rachel’s voice drifted by,pulling his mind back to reality. “What?” “How long are you going to stare at me for?” When Justinnoticed Rachel’s quiet, serene gaze, his mind once again descended into franticness. “Was I evenstaring?” he immediately denied. Rachel glanced at him. “Really? Don’t you feel tired from standinglike that?” It was only then that Justin realized that he had been standing by the bed all this whilewithout moving a muscle. He promptly sat down, his expression stiff.

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