The Silent Wife

Chapter 226
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Chapter 226

Chapter 226

“That’s right. Are you that surprised?”

“Indeed, I’m a bit surprised. Could it be that you’d like to continue working together with BurtonPharmaceuticals, Mr. Wayne? If that’s the case, we can put off firing Rachel for the time being.”

“Don’t give me that crap! Don’t you dare think I have no idea that you and your wife are just pretending infront of me again. I’m telling you, Justin-your son is in my hands right now!” Mr. Wayne suddenly darted alook at Rachel. “Your woman is now in my hands as well. If you don’t come over, I’ll throw your son intothe river and feed the fishes. Guess what will happen to your woman then.”

Justin let out a sneer on the other end of the line. “Are you kidding me, Mr. Wayne? Everyone inRiverdale knows that I only have a daughter. Since when did I get myself a son?”

Mr. Wayne frowned upon hearing Justin’s words.

“As for the boy you kidnapped, I’m also curious about who his biological father is. Please find that out onmy behalf before throwing him into the river. As for Rachel, just keep her for yourself if you want to.”

“Justin! You,”

The call was disconnected right away.

Meanwhile, the bodyguards in the theater looked at each other in amazement; this was the first time theyhad ever seen such a cruel man. Doesn’t he care about his son and woman?

Mr. Wayne glared at Rachel angrily. “You two are pretending in front of me here, aren’t you?”

Rachel replied, “I’ve told you earlier that he doesn’t care about us. Even if we aren’t divorced, you cannotthreaten him by abducting us both.”

Mr. Wayne’s face turned livid with anger. Just then, one of the bodyguards suggested, “Mr. Wayne, itseems that Justin Burton cares about his daughter the most. How about we find a way to get her here?”

“Do I need you to say that?” Mr. Wayne shot a glare at the bodyguard. “I would have gotten her here along time ago if I could!” Charlotte had bodyguards around her all year round, and no ordinary personcould get close to her. Evidently, this showed how much Justin cared about her.

Rachel pleaded anxiously, “Please let us go, Mr. Wayne. We mean nothing to Justin, so it won’t work ifyou try to get even with him by using us.”

“Do you think I’m a fool? If I let you go, you’ll call the police as soon as you get out of there, won’t you?”

“I won’t, Mr. Wayne. I swear that I’ll never call the police,” Rachel replied. “After all, I have no evidence toprove that you’ve abducted Samuel. Even if I call the police, there’s no way to build a case against you.As long as you let us off, I’ll pretend that nothing ever happened. I’m just a nobody, Mr. Wayne. It isn’tworth it to ruin your business in Riverdale and the standing you’ve enjoyed for so many years because ofme.”

Mr. Wayne seemed to be persuaded by Rachel’s words. He waved his hand and ordered, “Let them getout of here!”novelbin

One of the bodyguards dragged Samuel to his feet and pushed him to Rachel’s side. “Did you hear that?He’s telling you two to get lost! Hurry up and get out of here!”

Rachel immediately lifted Samuel up. “Thank you, Mr. Wayne.”

It was somewhat dark outside, and the rain poured down after a rumble of thunder. As soon as Rachelwalked out of the theater with Samuel in her arms, she untied him and carefully tore off the adhesivetape on

his mouth. “Are you all right, Samuel?”

Samuel shook his head sensibly. “I’m fine, Mommy. It’s just that my mouth hurts a little. Could you blowon it, Mommy?”

“Okay, let me blow on it. Let’s go home.”

There wasn’t even a soul near the abandoned theater in the heavy rain, and Rachel couldn’t call a taxias Mr. Wayne had taken away her cell phone. Just when she was at a loss for what to do, a black sedanemerged from the rain and pulled up at the theater’s entrance. After the driver’s door opened, the man’stall figure got out of the car and walked toward them while holding a big black umbrella.

Justin? Rachel was stunned and in disbelief. Didn’t he say that he wouldn’t come?

“Are you okay?” Justin’s voice brought her attention back to the present. “Let’s go. Get into the car.”

Rachel felt like she was in a dream as she and Samuel sat in the car. “Did you drive here alone? Didn’tyou say that you wouldn’t come?”

Before Justin could respond, Samuel revealed his pretty face from under the soft and fluffy towel. “Howcould you not know this, Mommy? Daddy must’ve been afraid that we might be threatened if thekidnappers know we’re important to him, so he deliberately pretended not to care about us so that theywould let us off! Am I right, Daddy?”

“You know quite a lot.” Justin shot a glance at Samuel. He then asked, “Didn’t you say that you hated methe most before vowing to never speak to me again?”

Upon that, Samuel blinked his eyes and replied, “Since you’re smart enough to come and pick us up intime, we’ll forgive you! Isn’t that right, Mommy?”

Rachel frowned, and her feelings were mixed. However, just as she was about to say something, theside window of the car broke into pieces with a loud crash.

The sound of the car’s window shattering into pieces was drowned out by the rumbling thunder as theshattered tempered glass smashed into the car like an ice storm during winter. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurtat all when the pieces of glass hit them.

Perhaps because of a mother’s instinct and reflexes, Rachel’s first response was to hug Samuel,shielding him in her arms as the shards of glass hit her back. Amid the child’s screams, the car door wasopened, and she was forcibly dragged out of the car. Then, she was flung to the ground in the rain with aloud thud.

Justin immediately opened the car door and got out of the car after her. “Let go of her!” he shouted.When two bodyguards stopped him, he kicked one of them out of the way and seized the other by thecollar before giving him a hard punch. Then, he helped Rachel up in the rain and asked, “Are you allright?”

“Justin!” A voice thundered in the heavy rain.

“Mommy!” Justin and Rachel’s expressions changed when they heard Samuel’s scream.

A third hatchet man emerged from nowhere and dragged Samuel out of the car. At this moment, he helda gleaming dagger to Samuel’s throat and dragged him to the theater’s entrance in the heavy rain.

The curtain of rain separated Samuel from everyone else as a pair of black leather shoes appearedbeside him. It was still the chair, the bodyguards, and the man with a greasy face, but he no longerlooked as brainless as he had been just moments before.

On the contrary, Mr. Wayne had a sneer on his fleshy face. “It’s enough that you’ve tricked me once. Doyou really think that I’ll still believe you? No one will ever let their children get hurt. Besides, if you really

didn’t care about this b*tch, you wouldn’t have hurried to the nightclub anxiously that day. Do you thinkthat I’m an idiot, Justin?”

“Mommy!” Samuel shouted while crying.

Rachel was so anxious that she tried to rush toward Samuel, but Justin stopped her. “Let go of me!” sheurged.

“Calm down!” Justin said to her. Then, he said to Mr. Wayne, “Let go of Samuel. The child is innocent.Just come at me if you bear any grudges against me.”

“So now you’re willing to be honest, huh? Didn’t you say that you don’t care about him? Mr. Waynemocked. “If you had admitted this earlier, I wouldn’t have needed to wait here for such a long time.Seeing you three having a nice time in the car makes me want to throw up.”

“What the hell do you want?”

“Don’t you know what I want? Have you forgotten what you did to me six years ago?”

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