The Silent Wife

Chapter 222
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Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Somerset Mountain was a poor and remote mountainous area. Few people really lived on the mountainexcept for a gang of human traffickers, so Rachel hadn’t had any friends since she was little. Then, shemet Justin, who was abducted and trafficked to Somerset Mountain. The days since then had been oneof the few times in her childhood that she felt truly happy in the company of someone around her age.

“My home is on fire, Justin! I have to go back!”

“You mustn’t go back, Katie!”

“You should leave first, Justin.”


In the burning courtyard, a man with a scar on the corner of his eye stood at the door of the house andthrew the emptied can of kerosene aside. After looking around, he came out and stared at the burningfire as the flames spread out of the courtyard.

“My mom is still inside!”

“Keep quiet!”

The teenage boy covered little Rachel’s mouth, and he wouldn’t let go of her no matter how she criedand shouted. He kept waiting until the man with a scar on the corner of his eye left, whereas Rachelcried so hard that she nearly passed out.

However, the fire was too big. Before the two kids could run down the mountain slope, the thatchedcottage collapsed in an instant, turning the courtyard into a sea of flames as the fire kept spreadingtoward the peak of the mountain.

“Run, Katie! Run!”

“Mommy! Mommy!”

When Rachel suddenly heard a child’s voice, she woke up from her nightmare in a daze and noticed thetiny figure standing beside her bed. Her eyelids felt so heavy that she could hardly open her eyes, andher voice was very weak. “Why are you here, Samuel?”

“Today’s the weekend. What’s wrong with you, Mommy?”

“I’m feeling a little ill. Can you order some food by yourself?”


As Samuel’s sensible and obedient voice reverberated in her ears, Rachel soon closed her eyes and fellback into a deep sleep

After the young boy touched Rachel’s hot forehead with his tiny hand, he immediately went out and gotsome ice packs from the fridge. Then, he wrapped the ice packs in a towel and put them on Rachel’sforehead to help her cool down her body temperature. After doing all that, he stood beside the bed for awhile, and his face scrunched up when he saw how uncomfortable Rachel looked. It’ll be bad if hertemperature doesn’t come down. As the thought occurred to him, he immediately picked up his schoolbag and left home.

It was already afternoon, and Justin was reading a magazine in the Burton Residence. He had been in abad mood all day because of Rachel. Even though he recognized every word in the magazine, hecouldn’t concentrate on reading at all. Instead, he couldn’t stop himself from darting a look at the doorfrom time to time as he read the magazine.

Ding dong! Just then, the sound of the doorbell ringing could be heard outside.

Justin immediately put down the magazine, but he didn’t see the person he was expecting when heopened the door. Instead, he saw a cute little boy standing behind the carved iron gate across thecourtyard with a

school bag shaped like a beetle on his back. The boy was pushing the gate with his tiny hands as hedemanded in a forceful manner and said, “Open the door for me.”

“Why are you here?” Justin stepped out of the house. “Did you come alone?”

Samuel replied, “Open the door for me first.”

Justin reluctantly opened the gate, but he pressed Samuel’s head with his hand and refused him entry.“I’m not letting you in. Tell me first-what are you doing here?”

Samuel shook his hand off in displeasure. “I’m here to see you. Hurry up and come with me.”

“Go with you? Why?”

“My mom is ill. Come to my house with me.”

Justin let out a cold sneer. “You’re only a child, yet you’re already lying without thinking. I just saw heryesterday. Not only was she as fit as a fiddle, she even plotted against an old fox with her friend. Howdare you tell me right now that she’s ill?”

“I’m telling the truth. I’m not lying.”

“I don’t care whether you’re telling the truth or lying. I’m busy. If she wants to see me, tell her to comehere in person instead of using her kid to make a fuss.”

“I’m not lying to you. Hurry up and come with me!” As Samuel got anxious, he grabbed Justin’s arm andtried to pull him outside.

“Let go of me!” Justin was already in a bad mood in the first place, so he became even more impatientright now. Since he wasn’t careful with his strength while swinging his arm, he directly flung Samuel outof the way, causing the latter to take a pratfall.

“Ugh…” Samuel moaned in pain as he fell to the ground.

Justin was also stunned for a moment, but he adopted a stern countenance soon afterward. “It’s yourfault for insisting on pulling me. I’m telling you again if your mother wants to see me, tell her to come inperson instead of using such contemptible means.”

Since Samuel was hurt during the fall, his big eyes-which looked like black grapes-instantly misted overwith tears. With an aggrieved look, he then yelled at Justin, “You pushed me! My mom said that adultswho hit kids are bad people. I hate you, and I don’t want you to be my dad anymore! I’ll go to Mr. Petersinstead!”

Justin was somewhat regretful at first, but his expression changed the instant he heard Samuel’s words.“I’m not your dad in the first place.” After finishing his sentence, he immediately closed the gate and wentback inside without looking back.

Samuel got up from the ground and stood angrily outside the gate for a few seconds before he left in afury. I don’t want to see Justin ever again, nor do I want this person to be my dad anymore. Mr. Peters is10,000 times better than him; even Mr. Hernandez, that womanizer, is ten thousand times better thanhim!

Shortly after Samuel walked out of the villa area, a figure stood in his way. He looked up at the manbefore him and said, “You’re blocking my way, mister.”

The man leaned down toward him. “Come with me, little kid.”

In the meantime, Justin had just returned to the living room. He plonked himself down on the sofa andpicked up the magazine he hadn’t finished reading, but he could hardly concentrate as his mind waspreoccupied with what Samuel had just said. How could that brat say he doesn’t want me to be his dadwhen he is by no means related to me? Does he think he can intimidate me by doing this? That’s simplyridiculous. Also, how could Rachel feign illness to seek my pity after doing something wrong? That’s thelast trick that’ll work on me. She should come back by herself if she’s so capable.

“Daddy!” Just then, Charlotte’s voice was heard upstairs. Her white puff-sleeve nightdress reached downto her ankles as she walked downstairs barefoot while using the handrail to support herself. As she hadjust woken up from her afternoon nap, she still looked somewhat dazed. “Daddy, I think I heard Samuel’svoice.”

“Why did you come downstairs barefoot?” Justin immediately put down his magazine and went upstairsto carry Charlotte down.

Charlotte wrapped her arms around his neck, but she was still thinking about Samuel. “I really heardSamuel’s voice. Is he here? Where is he?”

“He just left.”novelbin

“Did Samuel really come?” Charlotte immediately became awake. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

Justin replied perfunctorily, “You were sleeping just now. Haven’t you forbidden anyone to disturb youwhile you’re sleeping?”

“How could Samuel be one of those people? He’s my brother!”

Justin frowned. “He isn’t your brother.”

“Yes, he is my brother! How could you speak of him in such a way, Daddy? Didn’t you promise me to benice to Mommy and Samuel from now on? Where’s Mommy?”

“She’s busy with something else.”

“You’re lying!” Charlotte pushed Justin away and struggled to get out of his arms. “I won’t believe youanymore. I’ll find Mommy by myself!” After finishing her sentence, she ran to the dressing room and gotchanged.

“Charlotte!” Justin could only go out with her since he couldn’t make the little girl change her mind. Theythen reached Rachel’s home, but no one answered the door after they rang the doorbell several times.

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