The Silent Wife

Chapter 215
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Chapter 215

“Mr. Wade!” Charlotte and Samuel immediately hopped off the swings.

The teacher held their hands, one on each side. “I knew that the two of you would be here. I’ve toldyou two multiple times that you have to return to the classroom right away after the outdoor activitysession ends. Also, why didn’t the two of you finish your homework properly in the last two days?”

Charlotte had never attended elementary school before this, while Samuel had been raised abroad.Thus, they were unlike most children who grew up in this country where respect for teachers formedpart of the culture. On top of that, because of their wayward personality, they didn’t take anycriticism to heart.

Upon seeing their unfazed attitude, the good-tempered teacher added resignedly, “Forget it. I’llspeak to your parents during the parent-child activity next week.”

Meanwhile at the Burton Group, Rachel received a call from the nanny of the Burton Family as soonas she finished the task at hand. “Miss Chris, I have something to attend to at my hometowntonight, so I would like to take leave today. Can I trouble you to go and pick Charlotte up fromschool?”

“Of course, no worries.”

After Rachel hung up the call, she realized that she forgot to ask which school Charlotte attendedbut when she called the nanny again, all she heard was the busy tone.

As it was almost the dismissal time of elementary schools, she decided that she couldn’t afford towait any longer, so she gave Justin a call.

“Hello?” Justin’s cold and indifferent voice was heard from the other end of the line. “What’s thematter?”

“Which school does Charlotte go to?”

“Why are you asking this question?”

“Martha has gone back to her hometown to tend to some business, so she asked me to go and pickCharlotte up from school. If you are free now, would you like to go instead?”

After a brief moment, he simply uttered, “The Bilingual Elementary.”novelbin

The Bilingual Elementary? Stunned, Rachel squeezed the phone in her hand. “The BilingualElementary located on Sunnysouth Road?”

“What’s wrong?”

Rachel was shocked when he confirmed his reply. This is such a coincidence; Samuel wastransferred to that school as well.

It was time for the school to be dismissed when both Rachel and Justin arrived.

On their way there, Justin asked with a livid expression, “Why did that brat happen to study in thatelementary school? Aren’t you going to give me a reasonable explanation?””That’s exactly what Iwanted to ask you. Samuel’s transfer procedure was completed a long time ago.” “Don’t tell me thatthe two kids colluded on this?” Rachel darted him a look and replied indifferently, “You don’t knowCharlotte well, do you? It’s not at all surprising if this is really their doing.” Charlotte was quitemischievous and Samuel was no better. There was nothing the two of them couldn’t pull off whenan imaginative kid and a daredevil joined forces, let alone when it was merely a small arrangementof studying in the same elementary school. “First grade students have been dismissed,” Frankiereminded them before Justin and Rachel alighted from the car. Headed by a student holding a card

that indicated their classes, the students queued up in lines according to their classes and exitedthe main gate of the school. The homeroom teachers were leading the queues and handed thechildren to their respective parents one after another. “Samuel’s mother?” “Here!” Upon hearing thename Samuel, Rachel reflexively raised her hand to show her presence. The teacher raised hishead and saw Rachel but the very next instant, his expression abruptly changed. “Rachel!” Themale teacher suddenly dashed out from the crowd and stared at her in a daze for a long time.Rachel froze for a moment as well. Although a name popped up in her head, it seemed to notbelong to this man with a refreshing look before her—in fact, he looked completely different from theperson she recalled. Before she could respond, she was taken into a firm embrace. “Rachel, I knewthat you would come back! I missed you very much these years!” Both Samuel and Charlotte’s eyeswidened. The very next instant, Justin tugged Rachel out of the teacher’s embrace and pulled herbehind him, pushing the male teacher away in the course. He then reprimanded, “What are youdoing?” “Justin?” The male teacher’s expression fell as soon as he saw the other man and heimmediately grabbed him by his collar. “Why are you still pestering Rachel?” “Daddy! Mr. Wade!”Samuel and Charlotte surrounded them anxiously, while the crowd raised their phones to recordthem. It was a complete mess at the scene. However, when Rachel heard the name ‘Wade’, sherecalled who he was. “Victor!”

Victor had actually become a teacher of a private elementary school. His blond hair had beenreplaced by refreshing, dark hair that accentuated his clean and gentle features, which made himlook much younger.

“Rachel, is he still pestering you now?”

“Let go of me!” The minute Justin said that, he was greeted by a whooshing punch to the face.

“You b*stard!”

Before Justin managed to react, he felt a pang of pain on his face that made him cover his eye ashe fell onto the ground.

Upon seeing that Victor was about to land another hit, Charlotte rushed up to him. “Stop hittingDaddy!”

Rachel quickly stopped Victor, for fear that he might hurt the child. “Victor, stop!”

At that point, someone from the crowd shouted, “The police are here.”

The crowd gave way to the policeman who hurried over from nearby.

“Who is making trouble? Come with me to the police station.”

They then arrived at the police station. One of Justin’s eyes was swollen due to the impact, and thebruise that circled his eye made him look rather ridiculous.

“Why did you guys fight?” The policeman asked as he took notes.

As there were security cameras at the entrance of the elementary school, the footage clearlyrevealed that it was Justin who made the first move.

Justin, however, felt that he was in the right. “I didn’t start the fight. Isn’t it a normal reaction to pullhim away when a stranger suddenly hugged my daughter’s mother in broad daylight?”Thepoliceman furrowed his brows and asked Rachel. “What is your relationship with him?” “He is myex-husband,” Rachel answered. The policeman then pointed at Victor and asked, “What’s yourrelationship with him, then?” “He is my younger brother.” “Your biological brother?” “No, a friendwhom I treat like my biological brother.” “Okay.” The policeman nodded thoughtfully before askingJustin, “The two of them know each other, so why did you claim that he is a stranger?” “I don’t knowhim.”

“What are you saying? You don’t know me?” Victor, who was off to one side, raised his brow andcountered, “Are you pretending that you have lost your memory just because we did not meet forfive years?” “Quiet! Did I allow you to speak?” The policeman shot a glare at Victor. “Sir, this man is prone tocommitting domestic violence. Rachel had a hard time when they were filing for divorce back then,but now he is still pestering her. If you were in my shoes, would you be able to speak with himcalmly?” “Domestic violence? Is this true?” “Nonsense!” Justin was in rage. “Rachel, why do you know thiskind of a person?” Rachel, on the other hand, had a complex look on her face. “Sir, this is a longstory. Let’s settle today’s issue first. How should we resolve this?” “At least there’s one reasonable person among you guys.” The policeman then handed them twoforms. “What we usually do is mediate between the two parties. If the two of you agree to reconcile,you two can leave after filling in the forms and you will settle the dispute on your own. If you tworefuse, both of you can have your injuries examined and go through the litigation process.” “We will go through the litigation process.” “I refuse to reconcile with him.” Turned out that Justinand Victor both had the same opinion. Justin glanced at his watch and announced, “My lawyer willbe here anytime soon.” Upon hearing that, Victor snapped, “Do you think that I’m afraid of you?Let’s take this to court then!” “Enough! Are the two of you done yet? The kids still haven’t had theirlunch!” Rachel snarled. “They will reconcile.” She then shoved the two reconcile forms toward eachof them and curtly added, “Sign them.”

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