The Silent Wife

Chapter 173
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Chapter 173

Chapter 173

As everyone stared in wonder at Rachel, cutting through the crowd dressed in a white suit, looking verysmart and capable, she stopped next to Amber and whispered, “It’s been a while, my dear sister.”

Clutching her fists tightly, Amber thought in disbelief, She actually came back and can even speak now?Everything was so shocking to her that she couldn’t find the words to say and was simply dumbstruck.

In front of the journalists, Rachel faced them with ease. “Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Chris, the newsales director of Burton Pharmaceuticals, as well as the medical representative of the company for theexhibition this time.”

Her introduction almost made Amber’s eyes fall out of their sockets. She’s the new sales director ofBurton Pharmaceuticals?

“Since this is an exhibition jointly organized by the pharmas in Riverdale, I hope everyone will focus onthe new drugs. After all, the new drugs are the results of painstaking efforts by our researchers for thebenefit of society, and I don’t think it’s fair if the focus of the day is overshadowed by some meaninglesstopic.”

At her words, the journalists in the venue all nodded their heads in agreement, while Amber was livid.Just when she had finally found the chance to make herself public and be interviewed as Justin’s fiancéeso that the Burtons could push the wedding bells forward, unexpectedly, Rachel came out of nowhereand foiled her plans!

“Hold it right there, Rachel Hudson!” Amber called out and chased after Rachel when they were awayfrom the journalists.

Stopping in her steps, Rachel asked, “How may I help you?”

Giving her a once-over, Amber said, “I never thought that a mute would be able to speak one day. Ithought I was imagining things!”

Rachel snorted, “Didn’t Jefferey tell you that I wasn’t born a mute?”

Amber’s fists tightened warily. “You should have just left for good. Why did you return? And you evenbecame the sales director of Burton Pharmaceuticals?”

Five years ago after Rachel disappeared, she had used five years’ time to be by Justin’s side. With onlyone step away from her marriage to Justin, Rachel suddenly returned at this point. Just what is sheplanning? Amber pondered.

Casting her a glance, Rachel crossed her arms. “Why can’t I return? I have my own legs. I’m free to gowherever I want.”

“What are you planning to do?”

“What do you think?”

Gritting her teeth, Amber hissed, “I’m telling you, no matter what you’re planning, Justin is now myfiancé, and we’ll be getting married soon. It just goes to show how shameless you are if you try to getbetween us right now!”

“Fiancé?” Rachel snorted. “You didn’t seem to find it shameless back then when he was my husband andwere clinging on to him more than myself. Look, you’re still on the same spot even after five years havepassed. Did you think with me out of the picture, you could claim the title of Mrs. Burton?”


The elevator doors opened slowly, and Rachel stepped in before saying nonchalantly, “I don’t plan to

hook up with my exes. If you do, that’s your choice. I’m not the least bit interested. Now then, you betterpull yourself together. I’ll see you at the exhibition.”

The colors on Amber’s face shifted from pale to red and back again to colorless. She was gritting herteeth so hard that she could have gritted them to pieces. Rachel Hudson. She’s like a changed personnow, she noted. She definitely has her reasons for coming back.

At the exhibition, the pharmaceutical companies gathered at their own booths as they explained andpresented their new drugs to the journalists.

“Miss Hudson, could you please introduce the new drug from Burton Pharmaceuticals this time?”

“Sure.” Amber said and glanced at her assistant. Catching her hint, her assistant played the video behindher.

However, Amber’s expression shifted the moment it played, and she gawked at her assistant next to herwith a look of confusion. “What’s going on?”

That’s not the introduction video of the new drug! she thought.

“Miss Hudson, isn’t this a capsule based on eastern herbs? But the information we received prior to thisstated that Burton Pharmaceuticals is working on a western prescription this time.”novelbin

“I’m sorry. This isn’t right. She must have played the wrong video.”

“That’s not the wrong video.” Rachel started explaining to the journalists right after Amber finishedspeaking. “In the beginning, it’s true that the new drug started as a western prescription, but after somemarket and clinical research, we think that the supplement will be better off with an eastern prescription.

The result is the new drug from Burton Pharmaceuticals this time, the E-Vital Pill.” Then, she gestured forthe assistant to distribute the samples and introduction brochures to the journalists.

Next to her, Amber sulked and questioned the assistant, “Who allowed you to let her change myprescription?”

Hurriedly, the assistant explained, “Amber, she’s the sales director that the company poached from SGPharma with a high salary, and the legendary figure in pharma sales for three consecutive years. She’sjust like an influencer in the world of pharmaceutical and medical equipment. Nobody dares to disobeyher!”

With that explanation, Amber was mad and tongue-tied. After five years of absence, Rachel actuallymanaged to climb to this position. All of a sudden, a clamor started some distance away. Amber

stared in the direction of the clamor. With a sparkle in her eyes, she rushed over and cried out, “Justin!”

Surrounded by his assistant and others, Justin strode toward the booth of his company.

Amber immediately hugged his arm at the sight of him, saying, “You’re finally here, Justin.”

“How are things going?” he asked.

“You won’t believe this, Justin. Things would’ve gotten out of hand if you hadn’t shown up in time.”

“What happened?”

“Somebody changed the new drug that the company is releasing by herself and replaced it with a drugthat hasn’t been tested by the FDA. The journalists have been through the interview, and there will be ahuge problem if we don’t resolve this before they publish their articles.”

Before Justin could say a thing, a woman’s voice sounded. “Who said that the new drug I introduced

isn’t registered with the FDA?”

Seeing the woman approaching them, Justin immediately narrowed his eyes. It’s her? All at once,everything that happened in the club that day resurfaced in his mind.

In her five-inch heels, Rachel walked over steadily, her straight bob hair that reached right above hershoulders tucked neatly behind her ears. The white on her white suit brought out the boldness andprecision of her red lipstick as she said, “Do you think I’d have the guts to show this to the journalists if Ihadn’t registered the new drug with the FDA before this?”

“Still, you shouldn’t have rejected my drug by yourself. My drug has been approved by highermanagement and has passed the clinical trials for a long time. They’re even ready for mass production

and sale.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid it won’t be mass produced anymore.”

“What did you say?”

“Amber,” Justin interjected in a cold tone.

The muscles on Amber’s face froze, and she became nervous when she saw that Justin never once tookhis eyes off Rachel.

However, after Justin glanced at the name tag on Rachel’s chest, he asked, “You’re Chris?”

The representative from SG Pharma who was well-known in the industry as well as the sales director hehad spent a lot of effort on trying to poach for the past six months turned out to be her.

Composedly, Rachel answered, “That’s right. I’m Chris. Are you surprised? I’ve always been contactingyour HR department through emails, and this is the first time we’re meeting since I took up the position.”

They held each other’s eyes. This was the scene that greeted them when they met each other againafter five years. From his eyes, Rachel could tell that he thought of her as a stranger. He really doesn’tremember me anymore.

Out of the blue, Amber blurted, “She’s not professional at all, Justin. It’s risky to have her in the companyas the sales director.”

Nonchalantly, Rachel said, “Are you worried that I’ll put the company at risk, or I’ll put you at risk insteadbecause of the fact that I’m his ex-wife?”

Ex-wife? With furrowed brows, Justin asked, “What did you say?”

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