The Silent Wife

Chapter 157
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Chapter 157

Chapter 157

“Mrs. Burton, what’s wrong with you?” As soon as Jennifer saw Rachel’s pained appearance, shehurriedly went forward.

Rachel felt as if something was about to burst out of her brain as she frantically gripped her forehead, butshe failed to suppress the pain. As she let out a cry of pain, she fell to the floor.

“Mrs. Burton!” Jennifer’s face paled with fear.

The colorful world suddenly turned black and white as time wildly receded to that scene in the isolatedmountainous area more than twenty years ago, where birds and animals fluttered among the mountainsand


The dream that had been with her for more than twenty years was gradually becoming clearer at thismoment. At this moment, the gentle silhouette that had its back to her for twenty years slowly turnedaround.

The woman’s long hair hung over her shoulder as she revealed a warm smile and dimples on hercheeks. “Katie, didn’t I ask you to stay at home with Grandma? Why are you following me up themountain again?”

“Mom, it’s too boring at home, so I wanted to follow you up the mountain to collect herbs.”

“Don’t fall down. Come and hold my hand.”


“Do you like collecting herbs?”


“Then, I will teach you a song about herb-picking, okay?”


“Poria seeds, peony flowers, forsythia, dahurica, mixed with red sand…”

Rachel’s lips vibrated. Despite the inability to make a sound, the memory of those children’s songssuddenly became incomparably clear to her with the name of each herb echoing in her ears.

“Mom, are we not going to pick herbs today?”

“Katie, we have guests at home. I have something to tell this man, so head out and play for a while.Grandma is at the back of the mountain, so go and find her, okay?”


The memories of that day also instantly came flooding back as it invaded her whole brain. Sheremembered what her mother looked like, how she became a mute, the man with the scar on hisforehead, and the fire in Somerset Mountain that had started in the thatched hut she lived in!

“Doctor, take a look at what’s wrong with Mrs. Burton.”

“Let’s first help her to bed.”

Rachel lay on the bed as she stared at the ceiling in a daze. The doctors and nurses stood around thebed, shining flashlights into her eyes and talking to her, but she could only see their mouths moving asshe heard nothing. Her ears were filled with buzzing sounds that were interspersed with the childhoodshe had forgotten for more than twenty years.novelbin

“There’s nothing wrong with her. She’s just overstimulated.”

“What is that thing in her hand?” Someone spoke up, causing Rachel to snap out of it. She jerked up herhand to shield the item in her hands and looked warily at the nurse who came to take it away. The nursewas startled and turned her head to look at the doctor.

The doctor asked, “Mrs. Burton, are you okay?”

Rachel looked at the doctor in a daze and finally responded. I’m fine; you all should leave.

The doctors and nurses looked at each other.

Jennifer, you should also go.

Soon, Rachel was left alone in the ward. The information sheet in her hands was already crumpled byher tight grip. She never thought that she would remember the events of twenty years ago in such asituation. In her ears were the words of her grandmother, who once said, Memories will never disappear;you will get them back one day.

She finally remembered the children’s song her mother taught her, the origin of the Somerset Mountainfire, and the guy who was hidden in the cellar. She remembered it all!

Justin was that guy back then!


Rachel got out of bed and went to call for Jennifer.

“Mrs. Burton, what’s wrong?” Jennifer was keeping guard at the door.

Give me the phone.

“Mrs. Burton, um…”

I need to contact Justin.

Jennifer has a difficult look. “Mrs. Burton, Mr. Burton said that you are not allowed to contact the outsideworld. How about this? If you have anything to tell him, I will call him and pass on the message.”

Rachel frowned and looked anxious. Just tell him that I have something to say to him and it’s extremelyimportant

“Okay.” Jennifer dialed the number in front of Rachel.

“Hello? Mr. Burton, it’s me. Mrs. Burton is asking when you’re coming back as she has something to sayto you.”

The phone was on speaker and Justin’s voice came from the other end. “I’m busy with something rightnow. It can wait until I come back.”

“So, when will you be back?”

“I don’t know.” After those three words were spoken, he hung up while a busy tone echoed in the ward.

Rachel was stunned for a moment and sat down on the couch in disappointment. Jennifer comforted,“Mrs. Burton, it’s okay. He will come over when he’s done. If you have something really important, I canrelay it on your behalf.”

No need. I’ll just wait for him to come back.

Rachel shook her head, a little lost in thought. This time, when she calmed down and looked at theinformation sheet in her hand, she suddenly felt as if she was in a trance. The great elation she had feltearlier was washed away by twenty years of time and all of it suddenly felt worthless.

Indeed, she had saved Justin before, but, so what? He had considered her his foe for so long and hadtortured her all this while. Besides, the origin of that fire still came from the Hudson Family, so it was not

clear who saved who and who was in debt to who.

Justin was at the charity event with many reporters on the scene at this time. Amber was dressedelegantly as a representative of the Hudson Foundation and she had also prepared a speech to speak inthe spotlight. When the interview was over, she immediately went backstage.

“Justin,” she said, “I’m sorry for making you wait for me for so long.”

Justin, who wore a black suit, did not look impatient, but he only asked, “Where is Katherine?”

“Katherine just called me and said that something happened at the Summerland Orphanage and she hadto rush over there to deal with it. She has asked the finance department to allocate the donation moneyfor the foundation to me.”

“She is now in Summerland?”


“Come with me.”

“Now?” Amber was slightly startled. As she glanced at the time, she commented, “We’ll arrive there afterdark if we go now and we won’t be able to return tonight. Don’t you have matters to attend to tomorrow?”

“Right now.” Justin was determined in his reply. Turning his head, he ordered Frankie, “All of tomorrow’sschedule will be canceled. Prepare the car and we’ll head to Summerland.”

Upon hearing that, Amber was stunned.

In the night, the black car sped along the highway. Summerland was a four-hour drive from Riverdaleand the car didn’t stop on the way at all. When the car was finally off the highway, it went straight to theorphanage at the foot of Summerland Mountain.

After Amber exited the car, she walked in with Justin while saying, “Katherine graduated from a religiouscollege abroad. She has been working for charity organizations that help women and children ever sinceshe graduated.”

Justin didn’t say anything until he entered the courtyard and saw a group of children surrounding awoman from afar.

“Miss Katie, look at what I drew.”

“Look at what I drew first!”

“Don’t rush, one by one!”

Amber waved her hand toward the distance and shouted, “Katie!”

Under the dim light, the woman straightened her posture and she looked in their direction. Wearing awhite sweater, she had a clean and gentle face that initially showed doubt. Then, when she saw them,she immediately smiled.

Upon seeing that, Justin’s eyes stared at her in astonishment. Her pair of eyes was exactly as what heremembered from his memory.

It was her.

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