The Silent Wife

Chapter 147
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Chapter 147

Chapter 147

“Who allowed you to come?”

Victor had just taken his first step toward the man when two bodyguards grabbed Victor to drag himaside. As for his curses, the rain had drowned it.

The black figure walked in from the rain and he advanced toward Rachel at a steady pace.

She staggered backward.

An icy cold face was revealed beneath the black umbrella, his eyes colder than winter rain.

Justin hadn’t even said anything when the police accompanying him walked past and spoke, “OfficerHawkins, we received a notice from the higher ups with regards to the case you’re currently handling.The inspectorate wishes to carry out an investigation with you. Please come with us.”

Janice frowned and stole a glance at Justin standing behind them.

Rachel quickly stepped in front of her.

What do you want?

“It’s okay, Rachel,” Janice comforted Rachel and turned to the police who came to take her away. “I’ll gowith you.”

Victor shouted from a distance away, “What are you doing? Is there no regard for the law these days? Iseveryone in Riverdale under the Burton Family?”

Under the black umbrella, Justin raised his hand to give a slight wave.

Victor gave a painful yelp and as he fell flat on his face into the grass, his cursing stopped.

Rachel panicked. Victor! What do you want? Let him go!

Justin held the umbrella with one hand to reveal a dark expression. “You seem disappointed to see mehere.”

Her shoulders trembled. Should I be happy? Elated that the man who caused Grandma’s death hasturned up at her funeral in one piece? What is wrong with this world? He has clearly smuggled drugs andcommitted many crimes, but it’s like he’s above the law to the point where he can shamelessly show upin front of his victims to continue doing all these horrible things.

He added, “So, this is why you exercised so much effort and even worked with Janice to throw mebehind bars?”

You deserved it!

“I did?”

The coldness in Rachel’s eyes was so painful for Justin to see that his anger started to boil within him.

Julian was quick on his toes as he pushed her behind him. “What are you trying to do, Justin? If youhave anything to say, find another time to do so. We’re at Nancy’s funeral!”

“This is between me and my wife. Keep your nose out of this.”

“Justin!” Julian gritted his teeth. “Don’t forget, you two are already divorced. You are now engaged toAmber, so if you keep doing this, what sort of position would she be in?”


Justin pushed him aside unapologetically before the bodyguards secured him in place.

Rachel cried in pain when Justin grabbed her wrist. Let go of me! Let go!

“The funeral is over and my patience with you is running thin. Come with me right now.”

Where are you bringing me to? Let me go!

Rachel struggled while her free hand frantically whacked Justin. She had managed to push the umbrellain his hand away, causing the freezing rain to pelt down on them.

He tightened his grip on her hand. “Have you had enough?”

Nancy’s grave was disappearing from sight and no matter how much Rachel struggled, Justin had nointention of releasing his grip. Amidst Julian’s shouting, she grabbed Justin’s arm and fiercely bit it.

A man’s muffled groan sounded above her head.

Justin glared at Rachel in disbelief. His eyebrows were trembling as they knitted together and his thin lipswere tightly pursed. Even so, he didn’t let go of her as he watched blood trickle down his arm.

The foul taste of iron had spread in her mouth. As she kept her glare on him, her eyes turned red beforethe tears flooded her vision.

In the teary blurriness, her body started to shake uncontrollably.

He carried her in his arms and walked to the entrance of the graveyard without looking back.

Soon, the rain washed away all traces of the blood on the ground.

The bodyguards then released their hold on Julian. He rushed to the entrance of the graveyard andcould only watch as Justin’s car drove away, which left him in a state of helplessness. Then, Julianturned around to see an unconscious Victor on the ground before deciding to treat the man first.

Justin took Rachel to his villa on the south side of town,

Once they had entered, he dragged her to the bedroom and threw her on the couch. “It’s quiet here. Thisis your home now.”

Rachel’s hair was in a mess. Her head was lowered as she kept silent, her hands on the cushionbeneath her in a death grip.

Her sad demeanor irked Justin, who proceeded to call for a servant.

Soon, a maid gingerly ran in. “Sir.”

“Take her to the bathroom. Make sure she gets a bath and a change of clothes before coming to seeme.”

“Yes, sir.”

Justin gave Rachel a cold glance before he added, “Stop playing the victim. There’s nothing pitiful aboutyou since you asked for it.”

Jefferey had married Rachel off to the Burton Family. When she met Justin, she willingly married him inAmber’s place. So, since she was the one who started the ball rolling, she shouldn’t do whatever sheliked in the end.

After closing the door to the room, Justin felt a chill down his spine.

The servant outside noticed the traces of blood on his hand. “Sir, you should get your hand treated. It’sstill bleeding.”

The teeth marks were clear on the back of his hand-Rachel had bit through his skin and flesh. After hewas

soaked in the rain, the wound looked like it was rotting, making it a ghastly sight. “Grab me the first aidkit.”novelbin

The servant then went to execute Justin’s orders while his phone vibrated in his pocket.

It was a call from Amber.


“Justin, I heard you’re fine now?”

“Everything’s okay.”

“That’s great! Where are you now? Let’s have a celebratory meal tonight.”

“I’ll pass. I have some matters to attend to.”

Amber’s tone changed. “Are you with Rachel right now? Don’t forget you are now my fiancé. Why do youkeep spending time with another woman?”

Upon hearing that, Justin couldn’t suppress the anger spilling onto his face. “I have no obligation toreport to you, you know. Even if we’re already married, you still don’t have any control over me. If youhave nothing else to say, I’m hanging up.”

With that, he ended the call.

In his entire life, he hated being nagged at. Although Amber possessed something he desired, it didn’tmean that he had to obey her.

On the other end of the line, Amber said a few more ‘hello’s before realizing that the call had ended.

She was so pissed that she wanted to slam her phone on the ground.

Justin was released from the detention center today and it was a piece of news that she had receivedearlier. She thought that he would come to look for her, but the first person whom he went to meet was

Rachel. He still can’t get over that woman!

As she recalled his cold attitude moments before, Amber was suddenly afraid. She had worked so hardto attain the position of his fiancée. If this continued, her effort would all be in vain.

She had to plan a way to get Justin back.

After thinking for a while, she typed out a message on her phone and sent it.


A message alert rang out in the spacious living room of the villa in the south.

Justin glanced at his phone before he jumped off his seat.

About that matter which you’ve asked me about, I’ve thought about it. I have the evidence with me. Idon’t trust other people, so I want to give it directly to you’

That text was from Amber.

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