The Silent Wife

Chapter 132
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Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Julian was driving back to the city from the suburbs. Not long after he exited the compound, he saw amalicious-looking man on the passenger’s seat of a van that passed him by.

At first, he didn’t pay heed to it, but he started feeling uneasy after he went on for some distance.

All the people in the van wore black. What could their business in the suburbs be at midnight?

“Pardon, the number that you have dialed cannot be reached. Please call…”

Both Victor and Gloria couldn’t be reached by their phones.

At once, he made a U-turn and headed back toward the villa.

By the time he arrived, the villa was in a mess.

The bodyguards were on the ground, defeated and in pain. Rushing into the bedroom, he was met with asight of Gloria and Victor passed out on the floor, and Rachel sitting in a pool of blood at the corner of theroom.


The lights on the operating table were bright and blinding.

The sound of machines colliding rang in her ears, yet she was still too weak to open her eyes. She couldonly hear the sound of the doctor and nurses speaking by her side.

The moment her body was cut open, the pain that she initially felt numb to suddenly soared once again.The stimulation to her pain-receptor nerves was so unbearable she was about to pass out.

At this moment, she felt like she was diving into an abyss. Every time she felt like she was about todrown and die, she would get a breath of air only to drown again.

It went on and on.

By the time Justin rushed to the hospital, it was already the wee hours of the next day.

“How is she?”

He held onto Julian hastily.

With an expressionless face, Julian told him, “This child is gone.”

The four words were like a hammer that was slammed down on Justin’s heart.

The look in his eyes wavered as he staggered a few steps back. Leaning against the wall, he was in utterdisbelief.

“Who did this?”

After Julian heard that, his face turned dark. “You should ask yourself!”

After all, it was clear whose position was threatened by the very existence of the child.

The next day, when Rachel regained consciousness, it was already noon.

When she opened her eyes, she could see Justin by her bedside. With that, she was surprised. Out ofinstinct, she wanted to move her hand, but she realized that he was holding onto it. He must’ve held it forsome time because it felt a little numb.

It didn’t take long before he woke up. As their eyes met the atmosphere felt stoic and stagnate.

“You’re awake? How do you feel? Do you feel discomfort anywhere?”

Leaning on the pillow, she couldn’t reply with her hand held.

It was only then that he let go of her hand.

A red mark could be seen from where he held onto her.

Why are you here?

After asking that, she realized that the surrounding wasn’t the villa in the suburbs. Why am I here?

The hospital?

At this moment, the immense pain from her lower body surged through her body, making her pupilscontract. She looked toward him and signed, What happened to me?

His cold face seemed tense. Needless to say, he didn’t know how to break it to her.

After a moment, he looked into her eyes and took a deep breath before saying, “Rae, we can still havekids in the future.”

Her face turned pale in a split second.

Her memory of the previous night gushed into her head at once.

Those men in black who appeared suddenly, Victor and Gloria who were on the ground, the stick thatwas


Pushing him away with the strength she could muster, she hugged her head as she retreated to thecorner of her bed in fear.

“Rae!” He had never seen her like this.

Her head was filled with dreadful memories from last night, and she couldn’t seem to shut them off.

The child is gone.

The baby must be mad because she once had the thoughts of letting him go, so the baby left…

Mommy is sorry…



As Justin attempted to go closer, she kept on yelling in a hoarse voice. Throwing all the pillows off thebed, she was yelling with all her might.

It didn’t take long before Julian came. Looking at the situation in the ward, he quickly pulled Justin away.“Head outside for now.”novelbin

At this moment, she was sitting in a corner with her knees hugged to her chest. Her shoulders weretrembling a lot, and her eyes were already swollen from how hard she cried.

Justin stood afar while watching Julian walk toward her before holding her hand.

At first, she retracted her hand, but she no longer resisted when she saw that it was Julian. She then lethim pull herself into his embrace as she cried her heart out in his chest.

His heart broke for her as he gave her consoling pats on her back. “It’s alright, it will pass. It has alreadypassed.”

This scene was exceptionally uncomfortable for Justin to see.

After a moment, he clenched his fists before exiting the room with a dark face.

“Mr. Burton.” Frankie was waiting outside the ward.

“Have you gotten anything from the investigation of what happened last night? Who did it?”

“No. The bunch of people had their faces covered. Their tactics were cruel. All cameras nearby weredestroyed, so there was very limited footage of them. Winston and the others had also suffered badinjuries.”

“How’s Gloria?”

“Miss Hochmann is alright. They seem to have gone easy on her. Other than being frightened, she onlyhad a very mild abrasion. However, Victor was hurt pretty badly. His left arm was fractured.”

Gloria wasn’t hurt?

A bunch of cruel men unexpectedly let someone off… If it wasn’t for very specific instructions, they woulddefinitely not leave anyone out.

He already had an idea of the mastermind behind this.

With a frown, he said, “Arrange the best doctor for her treatment.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Oh yes, Mr. Burton, Miss Hudson called multiple times this morning asking where you were.”

After he heard that, the frowns on his forehead deepened as his eyes gleamed with a cold light.

After getting knocked out from crying a very long time, Julian helped Rachel up to get back to bed andrest.

“Don’t think too much. Take your time to let your body heal. Everything will get better.”

Pulling the blanket over her, he patted her shoulder to get her to sleep.

Rachel’s eyes were red and swollen at this point. You said this many times already.

He kept saying that everything will get better, but her life kept going downhill. Every time she felt that shewas at her lowest, it only got worse. It felt like an abyss that had no end to it.

After falling so deep, did she even have the chance to rise back again?

Julian kept quiet for a moment. After some time, he asked, “If there’s a chance, will you go overseas withme and live there?”

Rachel was stunned to hear that.

After a brief pause, she shook her head.

She still had to take care of her grandma. After all, her grandma was getting older, and she might not getused to living overseas. She couldn’t possibly leave Nancy here alone and escape overseas.

Knowing that it was difficult for her, he felt bad, but he couldn’t do anything to help. He then pulled thecorner of the blanket as he said, “Rest well.”

The moment she closed her eyes, she could see the scene of the nightmare that happened last night.

Although no one told her what exactly happened, she could take a smart guess on the person whoinstructed the killing of her unborn child.

It’s Amber Hudson. It must be her.

She was the only one who dreaded Rachel’s unborn child. Only Amber would be glad that the child wasgone.

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