The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1003
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Chapter 1003

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1003 After returning the greeting, Misty then turned to look at her group before saying, “Let’s get theintroductions out of the way first. This is Gerald and I got acquainted with him only yesterday. He’squite a nice person and he even saved me, you know?”

“Humph! So this is the guy! If he was aware that we were attending a treasure exchange event, thenwhy did he still choose to dress up the way he currently is?” said one of the other women rathercontemptuously as she crossed her arms.

Her comment had stemmed from the fact that the exchange event was a sort of gathering mostly onlyreserved for prestigious people. Since only those who were powerful and influential were expected toattend, suits and leather shoes were considered to be the norm at such an event.

Since Gerald was the only one dressed like a tourist, it was no wonder why Misty’s friend found him tobe rather humiliating.

She wasn’t the only one either. Quite a few of her friends were thinking about the same thing as well.

“It’s fine, isn’t it? We’ll just enjoy ourselves together!” replied Misty who hadn’t seemed to have caughton to her friends’ evident dislike toward Gerald.

With that, all of them entered Balbrick manor together. The manor itself was extremely spacious, andaccording to what Misty had told Gerald, the exchange event was divided into an outer and inner area.

While the outer area only displayed regular antiques and treasures, the inner area was reserved for theso-called, ‘good stuff’.

As they were walking around, Lydia Jolly—one of Misty’s friends—looked at one of the men in theirgroup before saying, “Say Jamie, I’ve just noticed, but is that watch new?”

“I’m glad you noticed! It is, indeed!”

“Oh? How much was it?” asked Lydia.

“It wasn’t that expensive, really. Just around three thousand dollars! I still bought it though, since thewatch’s style matches my suit so perfectly!” replied Jamie Warner.

“What a rich man you are!” said Misty, a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Though she said that, Misty didn’t really think too much about it. She was pleased enough with the factthat everyone was enjoying themselves together.

“I see… Then what about the suit? How much was that?”

“A little over seven thousand dollars. I bought it in Italy when I previously traveled there”

“How nice!” replied Lydia as she and the other two men and women in the group continued discussingtheir attire and lifestyles.

It was evident that Lydia was proficient in getting others to do the dirty work for her. After all, she haddeliberately started that particular topic of conversation just to embarrass Gerald.

She was trying her best to ostracize and make him leave since she felt that he was an embarrassmentto her and her friends due to how poorly he was dressed for such a grand event.

What more, she was honestly slightly pissed with him since she had initially assumed that Gerald wassome rich young man or at the very least, a prince charming after Misty told them about her rescuer.

Though she had to admit that he was quite good-looking, in the end, he was just a poorly-dressedloser!

Because of all that, Lydia felt the need to make him understand how truly different he was from them.

As her plan continued going smoothly, someone suddenly shouted, “How dare you even attempt to putthat thing on display alongside our items? Are you trying to humiliate us? Get lost!”

Turning to look at who was causing the commotion, everyone saw an old man who seemed to havebeen trying to set up his own stall to display his treasure.

Since he was able to bring it in here in the first place, it was evident that he had managed to pass thetreasure identification procedures.

Despite having every right to set his own stall up there, most of the others who had already set up theirown stalls for the event came from major families, including the few people who were close to wherethe old man had attempted to set up his stall.

Nobody else within the inner area was a random person like the old man, which gave the stall owners—who had already set up stalls close to where the old man had planned to set up his—even morereason to get him to leave.

Sighing, the old man knew that this simply wouldn’t do. Lifting his treasure—which seemed to be aniron plaque—in his arms he then began walking off in search of another spot to set up his stall.

As Gerald watched the old man leave, he felt his eyelids twitch slightly the moment he gave the ironplaque a good look.

Gerald could feel his heart palpitating as he continued staring at the iron plaque which had blotches allover its surface. It was a feeling that he rarely ever experienced since he became one of the


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