The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 998
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Chapter 998

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 998 “Well, back then, the lord himself was feeling troubled by his inner demons. As a result, he searchedhigh and low for a way to better control his temperament. After all, he was fully aware that until hecould easily and skillfully manage the blessings of the dragon, he wasn’t going to be able to trulyachieve the status of a legend.

“He began by visiting several monks and other religious people. The lord secretly went to Weston aswell to search for a few renowned masters in hopes that he would be able to gain more insight into hisissue. However, it wasn’t all that long after his search began when one day, the lord ended up killingsomeone on the spot just because the person said something wrong!”

“Due to that, he stopped trying to seek out help out of fear that he would end up killing another innocentperson. Oddly enough, he found the answer to his question himself one day. In his moment ofenlightenment, he sealed his strength away and reverted to living life as a regular human. Once thathappened, he looked just like a lonely, old man. The lord kept a low profile for quite a while but once heperfected his skills, he broke the seal again, and from then on out, he knew he had truly become one ofthe legends.”

“Since this way of doing things will require an extremely high resolution, it isn’t exactly for everyone.However, since you’ve led a poor life before and you’re an actual kind-hearted person, I think youshould give it a try,” explained Welson.

Hearing that, Gerald nodded slightly before replying, “Well, Grandpa did teach me a method to seal mystrength… I’ll do it. After all, I’ll be trying my best to stay away from disputes and fights anyway since Idon’t have the holy blood yet. Besides, by sealing all that power, I should be able to manage my

strength with greater ease sooner. With any luck, I’ll be able to enter the mysterious realms of legendsearlier as well.”

“Thank you for the suggestion, Welson!” added Gerald as he smiled.

As soon as his sentence ended, however, a knock came from the door. After getting permission fromGerald to enter, Yukie immediately rushed in before saying, “Sir!”

“What’s wrong, Yukie?”

“I… I heard that you’re leaving again… Is that really true?” asked Yukie.

“Indeed it is,” replied Gerald with a subtle smile.

“I… see… Could I at least know where you’re headed to?” asked Yukie again as her eyes grew slightlyteary.

From the moment she had met Gerald and was given permission to leave alongside the other maids,Yukie had given all her heart to Gerald.

She had missed him dearly throughout his half-year absence, and now that he was finally back, shefound it difficult to just accept that he would be leaving again so soon.

“I’ll be heading over to the Logan Province!” replied Gerald.

“The… Logan Province…?”

The moment Yukie heard that, she averted her gaze for a second as both her hands became slightlyrestless.

As the two men wondered why those two words unsettled her so much, Yukie took in a deep breathbefore saying, “…Could I please be allowed to come along, sir? I really don’t want to leave you


“You can’t Yukie. He will have to travel separately from us to get there anyway. What more, if a beautylike you stays by his side, you may attract the attention of villainous characters! As a result, he mayhave to unseal his strength to save you, causing the entire effort to be wasted! Which is why you’re notallowed to come along,” replied Welson as he shook his head.

“Well… You’ll eventually still need to meet up with each other again, right? When that happens,someone needs to be by sir’s side to take good care of him! No offense, but could you be moresensible and considerate than a woman, Mr. Freed?” said Yukie in reply.

Welson was speechless after hearing that. After a while, he simply shook his head before laughingbitterly.

“I suppose what you said did make sense… However, if you’re coming along, you’ll have to follow us.You’re not allowed to disturb the young master’s endeavor to quietly discipline himself. If you refuse toagree to that, then you can’t come along,” said the old man.

“I… I agree!” replied Yukie as she smiled broadly.

And just like that, the affair was decided there and then.

That afternoon, Gerald returned to Weston before getting on a green train to the Logan Province.

The journey itself took two whole days, and Gerald finally stepped out of the train on the morning of thethird day.

Feeling hungry, Gerald then headed to a small restaurant that had been built along the train station.

As soon as he opened the door to the restaurant, however, he immediately heard a man’s voice saying,“Just order whatever you want, sisters! Everything will be on me!”

Following the source of the voice, Gerald saw a man and two women seated at a table. With all three ofthem looking equally charming, it was no wonder why they had attracted the attention of several of therestaurant’s customers as well.

As the man smiled on, one of the women simply replied, “Are you the only rich one here? Regardless,we’ve had enough fun out there so it’s high time we return home. Otherwise, we may end up gettingscolded or even punished!”

“That’s quite enough… We’re already back here anyway after all that fun, right?” said the other womanas she too, smiled.

“…Hmm? Say sister, look over there… That’s the young man who sat beside us on the train earlier,right…?” said the same woman as she pointed at the man standing at the door.

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