The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 946
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Chapter 946

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 946 Meanwhile, the gathering was already taking place in the largest hotel manor in Talgo Town.

Since the leaders of the five top influential groups in Talgo Town had brought along their subordinates,the manor was crowded with at least a thousand people.

As a result, it was no surprise that hubbub filled the entire venue.

At the same time, a high stage was also being set up in the manor. Once everything was in place, afew seats were placed upon the high stage. That was where the leaders were going to be seated.

“You’re a wise and resourceful man, Diego! To think that you’d use the civil and military meeting to alsoportray how powerful we are to that newly founded Royal Dragon Group! Haha! It’s like killing two birdswith a stone!”

“I know, right? Still, now that the Royal Dragon Group has acquired the pharmaceutical factory thatused to be our main source of income, I wonder if things will turn out the same with the factory’sprevious owner. After all, I heard that the Royal Dragon Group’s boss is a rather young man. Does hereally think he can gain power and status in Talgo Town that easily? It’s like he’s wishing for death!”

“Indeed. In all honesty, I thought that he wouldn’t attend this time, given his young age. Quite frankly,I’d have respected him a bit more if he had chosen not to. Seeing that he’s agreed to come, however, Iguess he’s just another worthless piece of trash!”

In response to that, the few bosses who were talking about Gerald immediately burst out laughing.

The man they were praising, Diego Jey, was the most powerful and influential big shot in all of TalgoTown. He looked to be around the age of forty, and the two gold teeth in his mouth would glistenwhenever he talked.

After hearing what the other bosses had to say, Diego then announced, “Ladies and Gentleman! Whilethe issue of the Royal Dragon Group certainly needs to be addressed, I hope that all of you don’t forgetthat the main reason we’re all gathered here today is to discuss the rearranging and redistribution ofinfluence among the five powerful groups in Talgo Town. Once we arrive at a consensus, I hope thatwhat happened four years ago won’t repeat itself! ”

While the gathering—that was held once every four years—was officially known as a ‘civil and militarymeeting’, the event itself wasn’t as grand as its name suggested. In truth, it was simply a meeting forthe five largest groups within Talgo town to divide their territories.

Their method of dividing the territories was somewhat straightforward. Essentially, whoever had morestrength was entitled to have more territories.

‘Strength’, in this case, was measured through a competition where the five bosses would pit their bestsubordinates to fight against each other. The winner among the five would be crowned, king.

Once the meeting was over, the five groups would then reach an agreement, and once signed, none ofthem were allowed to break their promises.

The vowing process was taken particularly seriously since a few groups had beaten up others due toterritory snatching attempts four years ago.

After all, while Talgo town was called a town, it was still much larger than Serene County. In fact, itssize could easily be compared with a city in the north of Weston. Being so large, territorial control wascrucial.

At that moment, the person standing guard over the door shouted, “Mr. Crawford from the RoyalDragon Group has arrived!”

Hearing that, the entire hall instantly fell silent. It was evident that everyone wanted to see what kind ofperson the big boss of the newly established Royal Dragon Group was.

Seconds later, Gerald and his bodyguards entered the place. Though he only had about sixtybodyguards with him, the pressuring atmosphere that they brought with them didn’t feel any lessimposing.

Their solemn expressions alone made many of the other bosses’ subordinates feel chills run down theirspines.

Heading directly for the high stage, Gerald smiled faintly as he greeted, “A pleasure to meet you,gentlemen.”novelbin

“Likewise, Chairman Crawford. Do take your seat,” replied the bosses as they took turns looking ateach other.

All five of them knew that Gerald wasn’t a person with an ordinary background from the moment theysaw how intimidating his bodyguards were.

Once they were done exchanging pleasantries, Diego narrowed his eyes slightly before saying, “Iassume you’ve heard about the civil and military meeting that we’re hosting tonight, ChairmanCrawford. Since the competition is about to start soon and your subordinates all look equally powerful, Iwas wondering if you’d like to partake in it? Maybe we could also broaden our horizons from that.”

Diego’s underlying meaning was clear as day. He was simply saying that the Royal Dragon Group wasprobably even weaker compared to the previous president of the pharmaceutical factory.

However, he was also taunting Gerald since he wanted to test the abilities of the Royal Dragon Group’ssubordinates. After all, the way both Gerald and his men presented themselves was definitelyextraordinary if anything.

“I’ll have to refrain… While my subordinates certainly look the part, they’re all honestly pretty useless.How on earth would they be able to compare with any of yours?” replied Gerald with a bitter smile ashe shook his head.

“Now, now, Chairman Crawford! You’re being way too humble! Who’s to say they won’t end up on top ifthey don’t compete first?” said Diego before roaring with laughter.

“Well, since you insist, I guess I’ll have to agree. Whistler, get the subordinates of these bosses toteach you and the others about the rules of the competition later,” ordered Gerald with a smile.

“Very well, sir! We’d love to learn them!” replied Whistler as he smiled in return.

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