The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 913
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Chapter 913

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 913 “…Who are you? Did Yael send you here?” asked Jasmine in a rather doubtful tone.

Though night had come, the headlights from all the cars were bright enough for those within Jasmine’sgroup to see how imposingly solemn the bodyguards looked as they stood behind their leader.

It was clear that these bodyguards had received only the strictest of training, and from what Jasmineknew, only a few large families could afford to hire such powerful bodyguards.

What more, it was already so late yet the men had arrived with such grandeur. How couldn’t they beYael’s subordinates? Knowing that only served to amplify Jasmine and the others’ anxiety as theystood close to each other in preparation to either attack or run.

“Humph. Yael? Who the hell is that?” sneered the young man of a leader before adding, “I was orderedby my master to transport you away from danger, Miss Fenderson. I hope that you’ll cooperate sincewe really don’t have much time to spare. Come with us.”

“This master of yours… Who is he?” asked Jasmine with a slightly raised brow.

The youth, however, said nothing and simply returned into his car.

As soon as he did that, two bodyguards walked over to Jasmine’s group before saying, “Please enterthe car, Miss Fenderson, and the rest of you. We’ll be bringing you to someplace safe.”

Upon hearing that, Jasmine and the others could only look at each other.

If the men truly had vicious intentions, then they would’ve definitely attacked Jasmine and her groupthe moment they stood before them. However, they didn’t. There was also the issue with how manypowerful guards were present. Jasmine knew for a fact that none of them could handle that manytrained guards at a time.

In the end, Jasmine simply nodded. What other choice did they have but to believe them?

After entering the car, all fifty over cars instantly began speeding down the road. It was a while laterwhen the cars finally stopped again outside a large warehouse located somewhere within the suburbsof the city.

“Yael’s men shouldn’t be able to find this place easily, so you’re safe for now,” said the leader frombefore as he lit a cigarette while leading the group further into the place. After a brief walk, Jasmine andher group were instantly relieved to see that warm meals had been prepared for them.

“Thank you for saving us, sir… How should we address you?” asked Maia gratefully as she felt herheart flutter. She was weak toward people who had unyielding demeanors such as the leader who hadjust brought them here.

“Haha! You’re very welcome! Though it’s honestly not me you should be thanking. I’m just followingorders from my master. Regardless, eat the food while it’s warm and get some rest. We’ll be sendingyou back to the Fenderson family mansion tomorrow.”

“…Um… Sir…?”

Just as Jasmine was about to ask him something, the young man turned around and tossed hiscigarette to the ground. After stepping on it—to put it out—he walked out of the room before Jasminecould even finish her question.

With his departure, only about a dozen people remained inside the warehouse.

“Say Jasmine… Do you have any idea who saved us…? Since the Fendersons are so powerful andinfluential, could the person who helped us be one of your ancestors’ friends?” asked Maia.

Hearing that, Jasmine shook her head with a frown before saying, “I really doubt that… After all,anyone reliable from either my or the subservient families under us had already been captured by Noahas seen earlier within the hidden room. As for friends of the family, I don’t remember any of them beingthis mysterious, powerful, or even influential! I really don’t have the slightest clue of who could be doingall this…”

“I see… Regardless, due to their lack of hostility this entire time, I truly believe we can let our guarddown around them,” said Maia.novelbin

In response, the others nodded in agreement.

A brief moment later, Jasmine looked at both Maia and Warren before asking, “Both of you seem tohave undergone professional training… It’s evident through how proficient both of you are with yourmartial arts. Could it be that neither of you are mere transfer students?”

At that, Maia smiled before replying, “You’re sharp. While it’s true that being transfer students is merelya guise, I’m afraid we can’t reveal our true identities to you… I hope you can understand.”

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Gerald was slowly lowering Stella into a car as he ordered the driver to sendher home.

She was shocked the moment she heard him say, “Head straight for home and have a good rest. Bythe time you wake up tomorrow morning, everything will be dealt with.”

“Gerald, it’s too dangerous out here! Why don’t you just come with me and stay the night in my home?”replied Stella, her worry reflected in her tone.

“No can do. I still have some things to settle tonight.”

“But thunder can already be heard… It’ll be raining heavily soon… All of us are already saved! Whatelse needs to be done?” said Stella, persistent that he leave with her.

“Just remember our promise. Aside from keeping the fact that you’ve seen me a secret, you don’t haveto worry about anything else.”

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