The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 893
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Chapter 893

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 893 “Tanya! Mollie! You’re still here? Your grandma’s heading up the mountain now so come along andhelp!” said a middle-aged woman as she walked toward the group at that moment.

“Oh? Alright, mom! Let’s head there together then!” said both of the girls.

Seeing the two people who had just arrived, Naomi respectfully greeted, “Uncle, aunt…”

“Humph! So you’re here too?” said the woman in a contemptuous manner while crossing her arms.

At that, Naomi nodded before saying, “Is grandma meeting Master Jenkinson to have her illnessdiagnosed? Is she feeling alright?”novelbin

“Hold it right there!” said her aunt in shock when she heard her question.

“Ignoring grandma for the moment, I’m telling you now that Master Jenkinson charges patientsindividually! You better not be getting any ideas!”

From what she had said, it was clear that she was afraid that Naomi wanted to bring her mother along.

On the contrary, however, the thought hadn’t even crossed Naomi’s mind!

“Look, Naomi. Since you won’t be able to afford the medical expenses anyway, just bring your momhome. Don’t worry, we’ll cover the hotel expenses for the previous nights,” added the woman, her armsstill crossed.

“That’s quite enough of that. As for you, Naomi, it’s better that you just head up and take care of yourmom,” said her uncle in a casual tone.

Just as he was about to leave with his children, an extended luxury car slowly came to a halt right infront of the hotel. When the car’s door opened, a distinguished and polite-looking middle-aged manstepped out before looking at Jorge and asking, “Good day, sir. Is it right to assume that this isYorknorth Mountain? The area where Master Jenkinson lives?”

Since Jorge was the president of several furniture factories in the Salford Province, he had seenenough of the world to know that the middle-aged man standing before him was an extraordinaryperson.

Knowing that, he then respectfully replied, “You would be correct.”

“I see. Thank you for your time,” said the man as he nodded slightly.

“Well, Mr. Duncan? Is this the place? Why isn’t there any parking space here?” asked a young manwearing a blazer as he got out of the car together with a young woman.

The man was so handsome that as he walked over to Mr. Duncan’s side, almost all the women presentbegan breathing heavily. What a prince charming!

As for the woman who had stepped out of the car with him, she was both tall and slim. While she wasalso extremely beautiful, the slight aloofness she projected on her face was enough to make anyonewho looked at her feel slightly tense.

“Yes, this is the place,” replied Mr. Duncan with another slight nod.

As Jorge looked at the youth before nodding with a smile, both Tanya and Mollie—who were stillstanding beside their father—cast flirtatious gazes at the handsome young man instead. To their

disappointment, he didn’t even take a glance at them.

“Whose electric tricycle is this? Move it aside so that we can park here!” said the youth as he loosenedhis tie while looking around before pointing at the tricycle.

Hearing that, the security guard standing at the hotel’s entrance immediately ran over and pushed thetricycle aside. As a result, the tricycle began moving on its own and finally stopped once one of itswheels hit a large stone.

Upon seeing that, Tania, Mollie, and the others simply snorted.

“You!” said Naomi angrily.

‘What was that supposed to mean?!’

However, Gerald simply pulled her back before shaking his head at her.

“Let’s get grandpa up the mountain already,” said the young woman rather aloofly.

With that, the two youths began supporting an old man out of the car. The old man himself had a sallowcomplexion as the group slowly began ascending the mountain.

“Come on, let’s head up together with them!” said Jorge to his own family.

As they left Gerald and Naomi behind, Naomi lowered her head with shame before saying in a resentfultone, “I’m so sorry, Gerald… Not only have I burdened you, but you had to suffer through thathumiliation with me as well…”

“Hush, there’s no need for that. Now let’s head to your room to get your mother,” replied Gerald.

“…Huh? Where are we taking her?”

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