The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 890
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Chapter 890

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 890 The both of them entered the antique shop.

There was a tall girl with a head of long hair standing at the counter.

“Take a look at this. How much is this jade bracelet worth?” The girl asked.

Gerald raised his brows slightly when he heard the girl’s voice.

No way she’s here, right?

Furthermore, the girl’s back was facing the both of them.

Therefore, Gerald remained silent. Instead, he simply sat down at the waiting area next to the wall.

The shopkeeper was an overweight man in his fifties. He had a small beard and also a wretched lookpermanently etched onto his face.

He held the jade bracelet in his hand as he looked at it for a while.

After that, he shook his head and said, “The jade is actually pretty good. However, this type of jade isvery common and its circulation rate on the market is very low. If you really are looking to sell it, then Ican offer you five hundred dollars for it.” The boss replied.

“What? Only five hundred dollars? But…but I looked it up on the internet and I saw that this kind of jadeactually went for more than fifty thousand dollars! This is our family’s heirloom that has been passeddown from our ancestors!” The girl replied anxiously.

“Hahaha! What are you talking about? Over fifty thousand dollars? Miss, you looked like a reasonableperson at first but your claim is downright ridiculous! Five hundred dollars is actually a very good offeralready! You can’t just believe what you see online!”

“Just take a look at your jade bracelet! See the polished spots? I don’t think it’s worth that much nowthat I’ve mentioned it. If you don’t believe me, I happen to have a jade bracelet that is made out of thesame exact material as your jade bracelet. I am selling it for one thousand and five hundred dollars butcompared to yours, that jade bracelet has a much better color!”

The girl took the jade bracelet and examined it carefully. It was as he said, the material looked identical!

At this time, she said anxiously, “But boss, I need the money urgently. My mother is seriously ill and Iam in urgent need of money right now! Can you give me one thousand and two hundred dollars for it atleast?”

“Based on your accent, I can tell that you are not from Salford Province. You must be from the south,right? Why? Are you here to beg Master Jenkinson to treat your mother’s illness?”

The girl nodded.

“Sigh. As much as I sympathize with you, if I give you one thousand and two hundred dollars for it, I’dbe suffering a huge loss. Why don’t we do this instead? I will give you another three hundred dollars forit. I will pay you eight hundred dollars for the jade bracelet. If that’s not enough, I don’t think how else Ican help you!” The boss replied.

The girl thought for a moment. After that, she gritted her teeth and said, “Alright then. If you can giveme eight hundred dollars, I’ll take it!”


At this time, the girl who was feeling very disconcerted and upset suddenly felt someone patting hershoulder.

She turned around to see who it was that called out to her.

When she saw the boy standing behind her, the girl’s eyes lit up in delight.

She was surprised and overjoyed at the same time.


“Is it really you…Gerald!?”

The girl started jumping excitedly.

“Naomi! I almost didn’t recognize you!”

Gerald started patting Naomi’s head gently.

This girl was Naomi Milton.

Naomi’s hair was obviously much longer compared to how it was before.

And she seemed to have grown a little taller.

No wonder she sounded so familiar when he first stepped into the shop.

But before seeing her face and confirming his suspicion, Gerald refrained from exposing his identity.novelbin

Speaking of it, he had not seen Naomi ever since he left Mayberry City.

Six months flew by in the blink of an eye.

Naomi was his best friend when they were still back in university.

In fact, she was still his best friend now.

“I have not seen you in such a long time!”

Gerald said with a smile.

“That’s right, Gerald. I heard Felicity saying that something happened to you and that yourwhereabouts are unknown. What a surprise to see you here in Salford Province!”

Naomi said with misty eyes.

She then stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Gerald.

Gerald patted Naomi gently on her shoulder as he said, “I’m doing fine. Look at me, there’s nothingwrong with me, right? By the way, didn’t Felicity and you start a company together? Why are you…”

Gerald asked curiously.

Naomi wiped the tears off her face.

After that, she choked up and said, “Gerald, you might not know this but Felicity, she…somethinghappened to Felicity!”

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