The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 885
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Chapter 885

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 885 “Brother!”

Suddenly, a girl with a ponytail ran out of the kitchen while still holding onto some vegetables.

She had seen the young man getting abused by their customers.

So, she hurriedly set aside what she was doing before running over to save her brother.

“Why did you hit my brother?”

The girl lunged over with tear-filled red eyes.

“Why did we hit him? Hmph! Look at this! He dirtied my clothes! What is wrong with your restaurant?How can you hire such a clueless waiter like him? He’s just asking for a beating at this point! Damn it!Tell me, what are you going to do now? If you don’t cough up some money as compensation, prepareto see your restaurant all smashed up!”

The woman said coldly.

“Don’t smash the shop! Please! I beg of you!”

The youth burst into tears as he groveled at their feet.

“Brother, don’t do that!”

The girl said anxiously.

The girl looked like she was just in her early twenties.

She was a hardworking and sensible girl.

That made it all the easier to bully this pathetic little family. The group of thugs got even moreaggressive when they realized this.novelbin

The men behind Bertold started loosening their joints and cracking their knuckles, as they preparedthemselves for a fight.

The people seated around them were also starting to get nervous. It was clear that these poor siblingswere not going away without a beating. How pitiful.

“What’s wrong? Why is there a fight?”

At that moment.

A young man wearing a peaked cap arrived outside on an electric tricycle with a woman. They hadobviously gone out to buy some supplies for the kitchen.

When the woman saw the fight that was going on inside, she hurriedly jumped off the electric tricycleand stormed into the restaurant.

On the other hand, the young man outside was still relatively calm and composed. He stole a glance atthe folks inside the restaurant as he unloaded the supplies with a cigarette dangling between his lips. .

“Mom, they attacked him!”

The girl hurriedly said.

“Mom, they hit me!” said the young man as he continued sobbing away on the floor.

“Hunter, don’t be afraid! Mom’s here!”

“Who gave you the right to hit him?”

The woman felt very anxious at this time.

“Who gave me the right? Your imbecile son soiled my clothes for crying out loud!”

The woman replied with her arms crossed before her chest.

“They’re just clothes! I will compensate you! Tell me how much you want! Do you think you will getaway with hitting my son!? Never! Why didn’t you ask around first? I, Maria, maybe a widow, but I’m notsomeone you’d dare to mess with!” yelled the young man’s mother.

“Fine! Optimistic aren’t you? I’ll tell you what this is! This is a Hermes product. A brand new one at that!I am wearing it for the first time today and it costs fourteen thousand dollars!”

The woman replied.

When Maria heard this, her arrogance faded away.

“How…how much is it? Fourteen thousand dollars? There are clothes that expensive?”

The annual profit for this farmhouse was only about eight or nine thousand dollars. Now they had tocough up fourteen thousand dollars just because somebody’s clothes had some vegetable soup on it?Preposterous!

“Hahaha! A country bumpkin will always be so ignorant! I doubt that you’d even heard of the brandbefore!” The woman replied arrogantly.

Maria was left speechless.

After all, these people had a Land Rover G500 and a variety of fancy cars parked outside and they didnot seem like any ordinary people.

She was caught between a rock and a hard place.

The onlookers all wore sympathetic expressions when they looked at the restaurant owner.

There was no other way around it. This was just pure bad luck.

As both parties were confronting one another, the young man wearing a peaked cap, who had beenunloading goods outside walked into the restaurant.

He walked right up to the woman’s side. She was wearing a long one-piece dress.

He then grabbed the dress where her thigh was and started feeling the material of the fabric.


The woman was so frightened that she screamed out in fright.

“You…what are you doing?”

Bertold was also pissed off. Cracking his neck, it was obvious that he was about to get into a fight.

“It’s a fake!”

The young man with the peaked cap said as he shook his head, “You’ve been cheated, m’lady!”

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