The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 804
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Chapter 804

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 804 While he had been excited to finally be able to dress in attire suited for rich heirs, he was exhaustedand in a bad mood yesterday. Because of that, he had forgotten to tell the servants to get somethingready for him before he went to bed.novelbin

Unexpectedly, somebody had already done that without even receiving his orders!

Heading to the bathroom in his pajamas, Gerald saw that all the usual items for personal hygiene hadalready been prepared for him as well.

Thinking back, this was his home and family after all. The servants needed to be at least this attentive.

However, the thought of servants entering and leaving his room as he slept—to prepare such things forhim—still made Gerald feel slightly uneasy.

After all, what would happen if any of the maids entered while he was sleeping naked? The thought of italone sent chills running down his spine.

At that moment, Gerald heard three distinct knocks on his door.

“Who is it?” asked Gerald.

“I’m a maid, young master. I go by Helena. May I know what you wish to wear today? I’ll prepare it foryou as you get ready!”

Hearing that, Gerald headed to the door and opened it. Just as Helena had said, she was a maidstanding attentively right outside his door.

“Prepare? The ones hanging on the head of my bed already look fine to me. Weren’t you the one whoplaced those there?” asked Gerald rather doubtfully.

In response, Helena shook her head before saying, “We’re prohibited from entering your room withoutyour permission, young master. I’m guessing that it was the young lady who prepared them for you!She’s the only one who’s allowed to enter any room you’re in. What more, when I passed through thecorridor at around five today, I noticed that the light in your room was on!”

“…I see. So it was Lyra…”

Understanding what had happened now, he allowed Helena to resume her work.

Once she was gone, Gerald let out a mental sigh as he wondered whether he should find some time toexplain everything clearly to Lyra. After all, both of them were simply not meant to be.

Being older than he was, Gerald was adamant that Lyra should be free to pursue her own happiness.She didn’t need to get married to him just to repay the kindness that the Crawford family had bestowedupon her.

With his decision absolute, Gerald then changed into one of the suits. However, he found it quiteawkward that he still didn’t know how to wear a tie properly. Even after a few tries, it still appearedlopsided.

“Let me help you with that, Gerald!” said Lyra as she smiled at him. Apparently, he had been soengrossed with getting his tie right that he hadn’t even noticed that she had been standing at the doorfor some time!

Looking at the mirror and seeing how lopsided the tie still was, Gerald simply gave it and allowed her tolend him a hand.

Receiving his approval, Lyra continued smiling as she walked over to him. With her help, it didn’t takelong before his collars were smooth and his tie looked much more proper compared to earlier.

“Dad’s throwing a feast for you and Queta later. Since it’ll be our first reunion meal together, let’s headthere early!”

The main residence of the Crawford family was a large villa within a scenic neighborhood. Everyoneliving there owned a similarly large villa.

“I’m fine with that. While we’re at it, do take me to my father. I’ve been told he has something to informme!” replied Gerald.

With that, Lyra led Gerald to his father. Once they got there, his mother immediately ushered Lyra tocome to the side to have a chat with her. It was clear how much she adored Lyra.

Gerald himself entered the study room with his father. Once they were inside, Dylan looked at his sonbefore getting straight to the point.

“Regarding Mila… Please don’t be sad, Gerald. This entire incident… It isn’t as simple as you think itis…”

“What do you mean by that?”

Taking in a deep breath, Dylan then explained, “I saw the symbol that Mila received before herdisappearance, Gerald. It’s the very same symbol that your uncle received that year before hedisappeared as well. While both incidents are similar, more clues—aside from the fact that the victimsdisappear after receiving the pendant with the symbol—have been hard to come by.”

“However, after investigating it for so many years, I think I’ve finally found a few relevant clues! Gerald,both Mila and your uncle may still be alive!” said Dylan in a hushed voice.

“Is… Is that really true, dad?” replied Gerald as his eyes lit up.

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