The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 796
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Chapter 796

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 796 Violent waves had just crashed onto the side of the ship, and by the looks of it, many more were soonto come. The thunderous waves were so high that they easily scaled the entire ship. Every passingwave was now drenching the deck.

Everyone aboard began screaming as the ocean liner slowly began sinking into the maelstrom.However, no matter how much they screamed, the chaotic waves seemed to drown all their voices.

The night was dark, but the ocean was even darker…

By the time the sea finally calmed itself again, a giant object could be seen descending into the depths.While it was faint, the symbol on the pendant made a brief appearance before disappearing, just likethe ocean liner had.novelbin

“Is Mr. Crawford awake?” asked Fynn as he hurriedly headed for Gerald’s room with a few documentsin hand.

It was already the next day and Gerald was currently in a house on an island that Jessica had rented.

“Mr. Crawford’s up and he seems to be in a rather good mood today. He’s even asked for a ship to bearranged so that he’ll be able to go out to sea and have some fun!” said a maid respectfully.

Just as the maid’s reply ended, the door to Gerald’s room opened.

“Ah, good morning, Fynn! I plan to go out to sea today and enjoy myself! Of course, I’m also planningto meet up with Mila if we’re able to locate her! We’ll return to Northbay tomorrow. If you’re free, whynot join me?”

Since Gerald had failed to meet Mila the day before, he had made up his mind that he would catch upwith her and give her the proper explanation that she needed. He figured that though they were part ofan exclusive expedition, they shouldn’t be too hard to find.

“You absolutely cannot go looking for her, Mr. Crawford!” replied Fynn, a worried expression on hisface.

“And why is that?”

“Something happened to Ocean Liner No. 2 last night! The area’s currently been blockaded as thesearch for any traces of the ship continues!”

“Ocean Liner No. 2?” repeated Gerald, stunned.

“It was the ship Miss Smith was on… It seems that the ship was hit by what we can only assume to bea tsunami last night! Since it has yet to be located, the current assumption is that it sank into theocean!” explained Fynn in a rather helpless tone.

“How… How could this be…? What became of its crew…?” asked Gerald, filled with grief and anxiety.

“As I’ve said, we’ve been looking for the ship for ages, but so far, we haven’t even found any signs of asunken ship!”

“This simply won’t do! I’m heading over to look for her in person!” declared Gerald as he immediatelyheaded for the exit.

Seeing that, Fynn could only shake his head as he took his cell phone out.

“Deploy the family’s exclusive marine support! I’ve already told all of you to be ready from dawn,haven’t I? Action is to be taken immediately!” ordered Fynn before ending the call and catching up withGerald.

Fynn had been watching Gerald grow even from when Gerald was still a child. He knew his personalitywell.

Gerald was an extremely loyal person who treated every person he had been in a relationship with,with utmost importance. Fynn had seen this play out with both Xavia, his ex-girlfriend, and Mila, hiscurrent one.

Since Mila was now technically missing, the fact that Gerald hadn’t had a mental breakdown wasalready a good sign for Fynn.

He had feared that something would happen to Gerald should he behave recklessly upon hearing thenews. To prevent that, the moment Fynn was notified about the incident, he immediately issued asearch for the liner using the family’s manpower.

Moving back to the present, Gerald stayed aboard the ship throughout the entire day, making sure thatno spot in the Northbay Sea remained unchecked. However, even when evening came, not a trace ofthe ship could be scavenged no matter how hard they searched.

Gerald could only sit on the port in a daze, filled with deep grief as he watched the faint outlines of themany ships still out at sea trying to locate Ocean Liner no. 2.

“…It’s all my fault… If only I hadn’t allowed you to return to Hong Kong back then… If you hadn’t comehere, nothing would’ve happened! If I hadn’t broken my promise yesterday, I wouldn’t have missed thechance to meet you for the final time!” said Gerald aloud, every word filled with self-reproach.

By then, both Queta and Xara had arrived, and both of them silently stood by Gerald’s side. In Queta’shands was Gerald’s meal which had remained untouched till now.

Queta herself was understandably saddened since Gerald hadn’t eaten anything the entire day. Just asQueta was about to persuade Gerald to at least have a little food, a shout came from behind them.

“What do you think you’re doing here? Get lost!”

It wasn’t long after before a black-suited bodyguard ran toward Gerald and said, “Mr. Crawford, there’sa girl who wishes to meet you no matter what. She claims that she’s Miss Smith’s classmate…”

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