The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 784
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Chapter 784

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 784 So that’s why Aunt Fenderson had treated her so dearly before this! Was she truly the mother she hadbeen looking for this entire time?

A cocktail of complicated emotions was now brewing in Queta’s heart. She didn’t even know whethershe should refer to her as her aunt or mother anymore!

“It all makes sense now! No wonder we couldn’t find any clues about my aunt, even after investigatingfor so long!” said Jasmine.

“Hey now, this isn’t exactly a family reunion, you know? Since you’ve finally decided to show yourself,shouldn’t you give us a proper explanation for everything that happened back then, Xara? After all,we’ve been searching for you for a good twenty years now and we’ve already wasted enough time andresources just to find you!” replied Noah coldly.

“I’m well aware of what you’re up to, Noah Schuyler. There’s no need for you to continue blackmailingthe Fenderson family. I’ll say it loud and clear now. The assets and properties I’ve been holding on towill never go to you or any of the other affiliated families! And since you’ve been trying so hard to findme, here I am now! I can leave with the rest of you and you can do whatever you want to me then! I’mcompletely at your disposal!” said Xara aloud.

Hearing this, Noah was so enraged that he looked like he was ready to explode at any moment.

To think that even after pursuing her for so long and setting everything up to be in his favor, her suddenreappearance after twenty years had completely ruined all of his plans! Things would’ve gone perfectlyif only she hadn’t made her appearance today!

Now, even if they killed her, they would never be able to get their hands on any of the assets. Whateven was the point of him doing all that hard work and planning before this?

There was even a time when he had planned to put her under house arrest once he found her!However, he simply couldn’t locate her no matter how much he searched!

Thinking about it, she behaved just like a ticking time bomb. To think that the bomb would explodeduring such a critical moment!

Noah and the others were at a complete loss of what to even do next.

“…If you think you’re getting away scot-free after all you’ve done, you can dream on! Men! Take heraway with us, right this instant!” yelled one of the many heads of the other affiliated families in bothrage and humiliation.

Just as Bryson was about to stop them, a butler with a very anxious expression on his face camerunning toward him. In between pants, the butler then said, “L-Lord Fenderson, someone’s sent you abirthday gift outside! The gift itself looks to be near priceless!”

“What? Who sent it?” said Bryson as he looked at the terrified butler.

Everyone whom Bryson had invited should have already arrived by now.

Bryson knew how powerful each of the families under him were. As far as he knew, none of them couldafford to give him such an invaluable gift, or at least that was what he assumed from the way his butlerhad described it.

However, he had reason to be curious since his butler wouldn’t have been this shocked if it was just anordinary gift.

Gulping, the butler then said, “The person in question said that he was a friend of yours from theCrawford family from Northbay!”

“…What? The Crawfords from Northbay you said?”

Bryson was now quivering so much that his walking cane soon fell to the floor.

Everyone else present was equally as shocked.

Both the Fendersons and all their affiliated families knew the Crawfords from Northbay well. After all,not only were the Crawfords living there extremely influential and powerful, they were also the oneswho had struck fear among the Fendersons for decades.novelbin

To put simply, they were a terrifying family.

Everyone there was naturally aware of the grievances between the Crawfords and the Fendersons.

Jasmine herself quickly walked over to her grandfather’s side.

The Crawfords had been the ones who had caused her parents’ death. Was she finally going to be ableto see who the mysterious enemy was?

Noah, on the other hand, had gone deathly pale. He was now sure that he had definitely tried to stirtrouble at the wrong time. Now that even the Crawfords were here, nothing he had said would matteranymore.

After all, while all of them would usually declare that the Crawfords were their enemy, most of themonly said it for the sake of it. Who among them would actually have the audacity or even courage to goup against the Crawfords?

Even if it was true that the Crawfords were the ones who had caused them to lose so many of theirrelatives and family members back then, Noah and the other affiliate heads would never dare to evensay a single word before such a powerful family.

Meanwhile, Gerald himself was feeling dumbfounded as he continued watching the scene unfold fromthe side-lines.

Someone from his family was coming?

While it was true that he had informed his subordinates about the location of the Fenderson family’smansion, he hadn’t really expected for any of them to make their appearance here, especially notunder the guise of the Crawfords from Northbay.

If it wasn’t them, who could it be?

As Gerald’s curiosity continued to grow, the butler then said, “Indeed! The person in question is theyoung master of the Crawfords from Northbay, Mr. Crawford himself!”

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