The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 692
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Chapter 692

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 692 The voice had come from a young man who was part of a group consisting of similarly aged people. Allfive of them bore equally cold and murderous gazes as they stood within the sea of people.

“Why are all of you still standing there? Go after him!” yelled one of the young men who seemed to bethe group’s leader.

However, before they even could make their next move, the group of five realized that they had alreadybeen surrounded! A fight soon broke out and chaos ensued, preventing them from continuing with theirmission.

“F*ck off!” roared the leader angrily as he shoved his unknown assailants aside, desperately trying toescape the havoc.

By the time he was finally able to free himself, Gerald was nowhere to be seen.

Enraged, the group’s leader then began stomping his foot against the tar road to release his frustration.

As that was happening, within a manor well-hidden from the public view, a group of teenagersapproached a butler before one of them asked, “Where’s the young mistress?”

“She’s at the dojo,” replied the butler.novelbin

After having their question answered, the group of twelve then began making their way there.

Meanwhile, Jasmine was busy sparring others in the dojo. Her hair had been tied up in a ponytail andshe sported a crisp, white, martial arts robe.

Her opponents were seven young men who usually ran missions together with the five others who hadbeen sent to chase after Gerald. Though she was clearly outnumbered, Jasmine was still the one doingmost of the beating up.

Mindy was there as well, though she was simply munching away on potato chips while occasionallycheering Jasmine on as she continued punching the wind out of her opponents.

“You’re getting increasingly better at this, young mistress! Judging by how quickly your progress iscoming along, soon, I don’t think that I’ll even have anything more to teach you!” said her master whohad been observing her spar from the very beginning.

As soon as the master’s sentence ended, the group of twelve from earlier arrived at the dojo. Uponseeing Jasmine, all twelve of them bowed in unison.

All of the youngsters in that dozen were world-renown champions in Taekwondo and Karate. They wereall Jasmine’s masters as well.

“Hah, you’re being too humble… As for the seven of you, go ahead and have a rest first!”

“You’re pretty powerful, aren’t you? Despite being severely outnumbered, you still managed to comeout on top! I wish I was as strong as you!” exclaimed Mindy.

“Well, I did try to get you to learn with me… As usual, however, you were too lazy to even try in the firstplace!” replied Jasmine with a wry smile.

“Humph! But of course I’m not going to train like you! After all, I think I’m more suited to being a quietand innocent little girl. Plus, it’s not like I have your level of stamina! Still, it’s rather hilarious how youlook just like a defenseless damsel in distress when those men from before could barely lay a finger onyou! It reminds me of how you pulverized the lower halves of those students back then!” said Mindybetween giggles.

“Hey, they asked for it! That’s enough, I don’t want to talk about that anymore!”

As Mindy continued smiling, she turned to look at the five young men who had just entered the dojoand were now standing at the side of the ring.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Young mistress! We’ve failed our mission!” announced the group’s leader.

“Failed? Well I can’t say that I’m surprised! Just how many missions have the twelve of you evenmanaged to complete up till this point?” replied Jasmine as she looked at the seven others whom shehad sparred against earlier.

“We have a solid reason as to why we failed this time! While we were going after him, a group of menattacked us! By the time we finally managed to escape the chaos, the target had already left in a taxi!”explained the young man in a rather desperate voice.

“Hahaha… It’s alright. Honestly, I was hoping that all of you would fail anyway. Also Jasmine? I reallythink you’re overthinking this. I’m telling you, that guy was simply Marven’s friend. They probably justfound you incredibly attractive so I see no reason for you to go full Sherlock on him. Besides, I want totalk to Marven too!”

“Don’t you even dare or I’m telling grandpa that you keep talking with random outsiders! You’ll begrounded for sure once that happens!” yelled Jasmine angrily.

“Fine, fine, I was just joking, alright?” responded Mindy.

“Regardless, for now, you guys should just let the matter rest. There’s no need to make a commotionout of this yet!” replied Jasmine.

“Understood, young mistress!”

Pursing her lips, Mindy then walked over to the trashcan to dispose of her half-finished bag of potatochips.

Noticing this, Jasmine simply shook her head as she approached the sulking girl.

“What’s the matter? Are you honestly angry just because I yelled at you?”

“No I’m not… I’m just slightly frustrated! Why can’t I be like everyone else? This cr*p has been going onsince we were children! Just why?!” said Mindy as tears began welling up in her eyes.

When she heard Mindy’s words, Jasmine’s expression immediately darkened as she was reminded oftheir childhood.

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