The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 636
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Chapter 636

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 636 While the Owens hadn’t said a thing from the very beginning, Rosalie had been glaring at Gerald witheyes filled with hostility from the moment he appeared.

If the Crawfords wanted to cause trouble now, the Owens couldn’t really do much about it.

“I believe that some of you may have already heard about the misunderstanding between me and theOwens, and I’m sure that everyone wants to know what exactly happened. Ladies and gentlemen, Ipresent to you, the truth!” said Gerald with a laugh.

The moment he said that, Gerald’s men took that as their cue to start playing a video. It was projectedon the big screen located in front of the venue.

In the video, a car could be seen parked on a bridge. It was night time and both Yunus Long andMelissa Wayham were present. Moments later, a car drove toward them and out stepped the director ofMayberry News.

“Lissa, I’ll leave the matter regarding Rosalie to you. Your job is just to get her and Gerald together in aroom. As for you, Mr. Leach, your job is to expose them when they’re together! You don’t need to worryabout the rest, I’ll take care of that. I guarantee that there’s no way that Gerald will be able to clear hisname off this!”

“No problem, Mr. Long!”

As they started talking about other things in the video, Rosalie and the other Owens had already stoodup in anger.

Rosalie even glared daggers at Lissa, her eyes burning with hatred.

While Lissa’s face was red as a tomato, Yunus’s was deathly pale.

That rendezvous was supposed to be a secret. How on earth was Gerald able to capture footage ofthat scene in advance? It was impossible!

Yunus then scanned the crowd before eventually resting his gaze on Mr. Leach. He was standingamong the group of people who had arrived with Gerald.

“How could you, Mr. Leach?!”

“How could I what? You animal! No, you’re worse than an animal! You know, from the very moment Imet you, I knew that you weren’t a good person!” sneered Mr. Leach in response.

Mr. Leach was a cunning person who often worked with two strings to his bow. This was the onlyreason why he had managed to work with someone like Yunus Long.novelbin

“Jerry Len, Yunus Long, and Melissa Weyham! All three of you have almost tarnished the Owensfamily’s name with this humiliating act! Our family will never allow you to get away with this! Weapologize sincerely for our misunderstanding with you, Mr. Crawford! Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ll beleaving immediately!”

One by one, the members of the Owens family—including Rosalie—stood up and left in a rage.

“By god! Yunus Long is such a sc*mbag!”

Several celebrities and businessmen were also already gossiping about him.

“You… You son of a b*tch! How dare you!” roared Yunus as he dashed toward Gerald, furious.

However, before he could even touch Gerald, he was greeted by a mighty kick. It was so powerful thatYunus could feel blood in his mouth.

Looking up, Yunus realized that the silhouette he saw before being kicked turned out to be Drake.

“Speaking of which, I have another gift for the rest of you businesspeople as well!” said Gerald with asmile.

As soon as they heard him say that, everyone’s eyes became glued to the screen, all of them filled withanticipation.

The next segment seemed to have been secretly filmed through a window at night. The contents of thevideo were extremely inappropriate, to say the least.

One of the wealthier attendees was particularly infuriated as the video played on. He turned to look atthe beautiful young mistress who had been standing next to him before slapping her on the cheek.

“Shame on you!” roared the same man.

The contents of the video didn’t really need much further explanation.

Essentially, today, all the attendees were being shown every single dirty little thing that Yunus had donebefore.

Even Jerry and the other heads of the Long family were disgusted by what they had seen. Their faceswere boiling red. Today, their family’s name had been completely tarnished.

Many people had already lost their respect for the Long family, and it was all because of Yunus Long.

“Even if I die today, I demand a thorough explanation from the Long family!” yelled one of thebusinessmen furiously.

Disgust and hatred could be seen in the eyes of all the other wealthy attendees.

“U-uncle Len! You have to help me! I’m being set up here! It’s all an elaborate setup!” shouted Yunus infear.

“And here I thought you were the smartest among the three siblings. Never would I have imagined thatyou’d be the ultimate let-down! I’m reporting this matter to grandpa immediately, Yunus!” said Jerry asthe corner of his lips twitched.

“Alright, alright, settle down people. By the way, there’s another video that I wish to show specifically tothe Long family! The video’s quite recent so I’m sure your grandpa will be even happier when he seesthis!” said Harry.

The moment his sentence ended, the next video began playing.

“…Grandpa, I’m a brute! Grandpa, I’m a brute!”

In the video, Yunus could be seen seemingly shouting for his grandfather three times in a row as heknelt.

Jerry looked like he was ready to explode in anger. He then pointed toward Yunus, his finger tremblingin rage.

“You… You…!”

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