The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 610
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Chapter 610

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 611 While that was happening…

“Mr. Long, I apologize but I’ve failed!”

“What? How did you manage to fail, Scorpion? Can’t you take down a mere person like Gerald?” saidYunus through the phone, dumbfounded. He was in the washroom when he received the call fromScorpion.

“I apologize, but an expert helped him escape! If I hadn’t retracted my arm in time it would’ve beenbroken by now!” replied Scorpion as he held the phone with his good hand. He was making the callfrom inside a car.

Scorpion’s arm—which had been placed on a flat surface—was now pulsing, his tendons all protrudingand red. It almost seemed like fresh worms had covered his entire arm. At the moment, he couldn’teven move it.

His forehead was covered with cold sweat and he felt rather weak.

“Dmn it all! That bstard’s really f*cking lucky! But either way, we already have a good start! Once theheadline goes public tomorrow, he’ll definitely become extremely infamous! The Owens won’t let himoff easily and my family will just help them then! It’s only a matter of them before we ruin himcompletely! Also, go get some rest for now, Scorpion!” said Yunus before hanging up the call.

As soon as the call ended, Yunus saw that Melissa was calling him now.

“Hey Yunus? Wasn’t there too much of a commotion today? You just told me to trick him and get himinto the room right? I distinctly remember that you said that my cousin wouldn’t suffer any losses in this.Why did you end up doing that?” asked Melissa rather anxiously.

“What losses? Rosalie didn’t go through any of that. She wasn’t even humiliated! The most importantthing is that we got the results we wanted. Isn’t that what matters the most?” replied Yunus in apersuasive tone.

“Humph! How could you say she wasn’t humiliated under those circumstances? She was half naked inthe end! Don’t forget she’s an Owens! We need to settle this affair quickly or it’s going to be difficult toexplain all this to our families!” said Melissa before sighing.

“I really regret helping you now… You have no idea how much trouble I’ve gone through. I’ve beenaccompanying and entertaining Gerald since last night you know! I was so afraid that he would refuseto attend my gathering. If he really did end up doing that, I would’ve had to think of another way to gethim to go there!”

“Also I hope that you realize that I’ve officially offended a rich heir in Mayberry because of you. He andhis sister’s wealth isn’t too far off from what the Longs have! I missed a great opportunity to befriend arich youth because of you!”

Yunus then burst into laughter before saying, “What exactly are you regretting about? You have theLongs of Yanken backing you up now! It’s like you’ve just gained the most powerful and influentialpeople on your side! Regardless of where you are in Weston, everywhere there is under the influenceof my family! I hope you realize that Gerald only has influence here in Mayberry! Alright, since youhelped me get Giya this time, I promise to grant you a wish too!” replied Yunus as he smiled bitterly inresignation.

Only after saying that was he able to slowly coax and pacify Melissa.

Meanwhile, Gerald had just returned to his hotel. However, there was a distinct difference now. Theentire hotel had been enclosed.novelbin

Zack, Michael, and the Drake & Tyson duo were already waiting for him inside.

They had received some news regarding the incident today, which led them to pay most of theirattention on it.

Initially, they had thought that the Longs would be hesitant and not daring enough to actually make amove on Gerald. It turned out, however, that everyone’s judgment had clearly been wrong.

“We’ve caught the news director, Mr. Crawford! The f*cker was already arranging for the news headlinefor tomorrow at home!” said both Drake and Tyson as they rushed into the private room.

“Bring him in!” said Gerald in a cold voice as he sat down on the boss’s chair.

He couldn’t help it. Since Yunus had spent so much effort to frame him, he needed to tackle the newsissue first. Yunus’s slander on Gerald could not be exposed under any circumstances.

“What are you all doing? Unhand me!” shouted a middle-aged man who was soon dragged into theroom by a few bodyguards.

The man in question was the news director who had been bribed by Yunus. He went by the name ofLeach.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Leach. I’m sure you already know why I brought you here today. Where are thethings that your subordinates captured today?” asked Gerald.

“I have no clue what you’re hinting at, Mr. Crawford. Also if I may, you’d better reconsider what you’redoing right now! It’s only fair, right, and proper for my subordinates to take photographs! I’ll never handover any photographs they take regardless of what you do to me!”

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