The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 504
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Chapter 504

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 504 Most of the original staff from Mayberry Commercial Group had stayed back to work on the projectdeveloping Yorknorth Mountain as they followed the principles of investing in Serene County.

Therefore, apart from a few other executives who were also originally from the Mayberry CommercialGroup, the rest of the executives in the Dream Investment Group were recruited through the company’sannexation and new recruitment.

However, the company ignored nepotism, which was probably the reason why there were so manyshady dealings.

Gerald understood this, but it could wait. For now, lunch was more important.

He enjoyed a simple lunch before heading back to his room where he changed into a suit and a pair ofleather boots.

He brought along a copy of his interview documents and the letter of recommendation before headingtoward the Dream Investment Group to attend his interview.

“Hello, beautiful. Is the twenty-sixth floor the place I should be headed to if I’m attending an interviewfor the investment department?” asked Gerald to a young girl who had just exited the elevator with apile of documents in hand.

“Um, yeah! You’re here for an interview, right? The twenty-sixth floor is correct!”

She seemed to be around the same age as Gerald. She had that fresh university graduate look to her.

“Thank you!” said Gerald with a smile.

“You’re very welcome- Ahh!”

As she was too focused on responding to Gerald, she accidentally dropped all her documents onto theground.

Gerald immediately squatted down to help her pick the documents up.

“Did you apply for an internship here immediately after graduating too?” she asked with a smile asGerald helped her pick up the documents.

“Bingo! How long have you been working here?” asked Gerald in return.

“Oh, I’ve just started working a few days ago so I don’t know much yet. Hehe… However, I do knowthat I’m also from the investment department! I wish you good luck with your interview later! Since we’llmost probably be colleagues in the future, I’ll go ahead and introduce myself first! My name’s Fay!” shesaid as she smiled again.

“Pleasure to meet you, Fay! Gerald!”

“Likewise, Gerald! Also, your elevator’s here! Good luck again for your interview!” said Fay as shemade a victory pose for Gerald to see.

Gerald simply nodded with a smile before stepping into the elevator.novelbin

The young girl was quite pretty and her responses were refreshing and pleasant. Gerald thought of heras a decent, yet interesting person.

As the elevator stopped on the fifth floor, another beauty stepped in. She wore a black uniform andlooked about the same age as Gerald too.

Since Gerald was here for an interview, he naturally had to greet everyone that he met. He smiled whilenodding toward her.

However, she simply glanced coldly at him without even nodding back. She continued playing with herphone for a while before noticing the floor that Gerald was headed to.

She looked at him before asking casually, “New to the investment department?”

“No! I’m here for an interview!” said Gerald as he smiled.

“Hehe… So you haven’t even gotten the job yet. You seem quite confident, but I’m honestly unsure ifyou’ll actually make the cut!” replied the girl as she looked at Gerald.

“Hmm? You seem sure… Why is that?” asked Gerald, slightly puzzled by her response.

“You’ll understand once you arrive upstairs. You’re honestly quite unlucky that the investmentdepartment is only looking to hire one man and woman this time!”

Gerald thought about it for a while. He was well dressed today and he knew that he had enoughconfidence and the proper temperament to be hired. Why would he be out of luck?

Soon enough, they arrived at the twenty-sixty floor.

The moment Gerald arrived at the interview hall, he finally understood what she had meant.

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