The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 444
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Chapter 444

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 444 Though Gerald was relieved, he still felt the need to see her with his own eyes before believing it.

As he walked forward under the umbrellas held by the two guards from before, the guards who hadguarded the door lined up in two rows, bowing respectfully as he walked past them.

Inside, a few bodyguards who were dealing with the final procedures of the operation ran over whenthey saw Gerald entering.

Just like the guards standing guard over the entrance, those present inside stood in two linesrespectfully before bowing as well.novelbin

“Mr. Crawford!” they shouted in unison.

Tammy, Giya’s parents, and a few others were present in the room when that scene happened andthey all looked at Gerald in shock.

“Mr. Crawford?…”

“Gerald… He’s that Mr. Crawford?”

Tammy and the other girls she had brought along all quivered in fright.

They now knew who his true identity was.

Gerald didn’t bother about it since he wasn’t worried about Tammy and her group of friends at all.

However, when he heard something drop, he turned around and froze.

Felicity had accidentally dropped one of the broadcasting equipment she was holding on to. Behindher, Cassandra and a few others were trying to squeeze through the confused guards who were unsurewhether to let them enter the house.

‘Why are they here?’

Though the situation was awkward, he signaled to the guards to allow them in. All his classmates weredeeply astonished by this.

Gerald sighed. They could wait. What was more important now was to check if Giya was safe.

“Mr. Crawford, you’re here!” said Michael who had seen Gerald while exiting one of the rooms.

“We’ve confirmed it. The rich gangster heir of Mayberry, Kevin Sanford, was the leader of the operationand Yacob was their target. They imprisoned Miss Quarrington to get Yacob to pay up what he owedthe Sanfords. He had been given three days and if he failed to return the money by then, it was saidthat they would r*pe her!” said Michael as he detailed what he had learned from his investigation.

Since Kevin had tried to resist earlier, Drake and Tyson had thrown him off the building. Kevin was nowunconscious.

Zack, on the other hand, had continued to pressure the Sanfords till they finally gave in.

That was the basic summary of the entire situation.

Gerald was led into the room where Giya currently was. He didn’t want to bother about Tammy,Cassandra, Felicity, or the others who were still in a daze just yet.

A few guards were looking after Giya who had been placed on a couch. She was unconscious as theguard earlier had said.

Relieved that she was still in one piece, Gerald ordered for an ambulance to be called. He could finallybreathe a bit easier the moment the ambulance transporting Giya to the hospital drove off into thedistance.

While he continued looking out the door, Tammy, Cassandra, and a few others slowly walked towardhim.

All of them equally felt that it was strange seeing Gerald like this.

“Gerald… His real identity is Mr. Crawford from Mayberry? Holy c*ap! This is too much for me to takein!” Yoana said aloud as she bit her lower lip in remorse.

The others there were all feeling more or less the same but the revelation affected Cassandra andFelicity the most. They felt their chest tighten the more they thought about it.

“So… It really was true… The one who had always been helping me was Gerald! The rich heir I hadbeen trying so hard to find had been in my class all along! We were so close by!” said Felicity as herphone dropped to the ground. Her hands were trembling badly and her mind had gone blank.

Gerald took in a deep breath before turning to look at all of them. He slowly walked forward, picked upFelicity’s phone and returned it to her.

“I had not expected all of you to be here, counselor… What are you guys doing here today?” askedGerald, a soft and tired smile on his face.

“We were helping the counselor move Mr. Crawford… Wait, no! We were helping her move her thingsto her new house, Mr. Crawford! Because we helped, she treated us to a meal in a restaurantnearby…” said a girl, blushing hard.

“I see… What a coincidence you were all here while all this happened… Well, since you’re all stuckhere because of my cars in the first place… I’ll give all of you a ride back,” said Gerald as he walkedout of the house.

A guard opened the door of a car that had been waiting for Gerald outside.

He got inside without another word and left the scene. He knew that even if he stayed for any longer,there was not much else he could say anyway.

Felicity trembled in place as the car Gerald was in slowly disappeared from sight.

“It’s… really him…” whispered Felicity to herself.

“Oh Lilian, don’t be upset anymore! I wonder what’s happening here today… Why are there so manypeople?”

At that moment, three women walked out of a building unit.

The girl who hadn’t spoken quickly grabbed Lilian’s arm, pulling her out the door to show her all thecars that were slowly leaving. Lilian however, was still in a slight daze. She looked like she had justfinished crying not too long ago.

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