The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 346
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Chapter 346

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 346 Aside from feeling ashamed, she was also starting to grow a little nervous. All three of the women werefeeling the same emotion.

They were terrified to even think about the possibility of Gerald actually being a big boss!

As Gerald left through the police station’s front door, he was surprised to see that Wesley—from theBureau of Commerce—was already waiting for him in a car right outside.

Gerald got into the car.

Wesley smiled before saying, “Mr. Crawford, you were just a witness so why were you still being heldon hold? Hahaha!”

Gerald knew that he was talking about the fact that Xyleena had continued to insist that he was anaccomplice in the matter. “Don’t even mention it, she just has a small grudge on me.”

Gerald didn’t need to get into the details so he simply provided a simple answer.

“I see, I see… By the way, Mr. Crawford, there’s been something on my mind that I’m still unsurewhether I should be sharing with you,” said Wesley with a smile as he continued to drive Gerald back tohis school.

Gerald had a good impression of Wesley.

He was a real leader who really wanted to further develop and help the business community inMayberry City grow.

Due to that, Gerald leaned forward slightly to show that he was listening.

“So, here’s the thing. Some time ago, our business management team received a task indicator tostrengthen our urban and rural economic construction. Of course, the business management bureau’scooperation is necessary for us to achieve this. Therefore, I’ve planned to set up some pilot projects inother countries, cities, and townships!”

“I personally feel that I’ve already troubled you a lot, Mr. Crawford. Hence I decided to put someinvestment sources into some other big groups instead. Everything had been agreed on. Alas, whocould have anticipated the Rye Group suddenly collapsing like that just a few days ago! Their collapsetriggered a chain reaction, and many other related companies were affected because of that event.After all, all our original investments are now gone, just like that!” said Wesley as he smiled bitterly.

Gerald was unsure whether to laugh or cry. After all, he was the one who had ordered the Rye Groupto be destroyed.

However, it would seem that destroying the group had brought trouble to several other people as well.

“So here’s my take on the situation, Mr. Crawford. I’ve found out that your hometown is a township inthe Serene Country below Mayberry City. I’ve looked into the information and transportation locationthere and from what I found, it’s actually pretty good. If you would be willing to invest in thedevelopment of the enterprises there, it would only take a few years to improve the economy of theSerene Country. Naturally, we’ll also be providing all the resources as a form of support!”

Wesley was trying to get Gerald to invest in the project.

Knowing how efficient Wesley was, Gerald had no problem with it at all.

He would be completing his examination in seven more days. After he was done, Gerald would havemore free time in the coming months to devote himself to the development of the projects.

What more, Gerald had previously thought about investing in his own hometown before. He hadalready been planning to talk to Wesley about it but Wesley had come to him instead!

Now that he had indirectly destroyed Wesley’s original investment plan, Gerald saw no reason torefuse his request at all.

Besides, the sum Wesley was asking for wasn’t too much for Gerald.

Thus, Gerald agreed to his request immediately.

Upon returning to his dormitory, Gerald found a safe spot to place the jade bracelets that he hadbought.

Harper and Benjamin were busy studying at the time.

At that moment, he felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket. It was his sister, Jessica.

Since it wouldn’t be convenient for him to talk to her in the dormitory, Gerald headed for the bathroom.

According to his calculations, his sister should be arriving today. Gerald had been meaning to contacther as well.

As soon as he left, five people who were originally ‘studying’ in the dormitory put down their textbooksimmediately.

One of the boys even moved to keep watch at the door.

“Harper! Look at that! He’s bought some really expensive looking things again! If Hayley and Alice’sguess is correct, then Gerald really is Mr. Crawford! We’ll be able to have a higher status just beingaround him!” said Benjamin as he laughed.

This wasn’t the first time the roommates, including Gerald himself, had stolen food from one another orrummaged through each other’s belongings.

There was zero guilt in what they were currently doing.

What more, they were now very curious and keen to uncover Gerald’s true identity now!

“I know right? I really hope Hayley and the others made a right guess!” said Harper as he smiled whilescratching the back of his head.

His words were sincere, as Harper really would be happy for Gerald if the rumor turned out to be true.

At that moment, Harper suddenly received a video call request on WeChat.

Looking at the caller’s contact name, he saw that it was Hayley.

“Harper! Harper, is Gerald back yet?”

“He just got back not too long ago but he’s in the bathroom now. He’s brought back two boxes of reallyexpensive looking things!”

“Hey, I want to see it too!”

This time, it was Hayley’s roommate who had butted in. In the background, Alice could also be seenwith a curious look on her face.

It was clear that until they could uncover Gerald’s true identity, these people wouldn’t be able to sleepwell. This was especially the case for Alice.novelbin

A day could feel like an entire year when a person was feeling desperate, and Alice had been feelingtormented for no short amount of time.

Should she apologize to Gerald?

Now that Mila wasn’t here, was there a chance that she could get back together with him?

But what if Gerald turned out to not be Mr. Crawford and just some pathetic jerk?

D*mn it! The question was seriously driving her crazy.

“Hey Benjamin! Open it up to see what he bought this time!”

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