The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 276
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Chapter 276

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 276 Silas was also a little confused.

At this time, Silas’s cell phone suddenly rang. As soon as he saw the name on the caller ID, heanswered the call with an angry look on his face. He also turned on the speaker on his cell phonewithout any hesitation!

“F*ck! Jayden, where were you? Didn’t you already agree to come to Mountain Top Villa with Jacelyntonight? Why? Did the two of you go to open a room?” Silas asked as he cursed at him.

“Don’t talk about it, Silas. I caused a huge catastrophe today and was beaten half to death by my dad.My mom just finished applying some medication for me!”

“What? Uncle Scott has always spoiled and doted on you, yet he actually beat you up today? Did youdo something terrible or did you do something to offend the Crawford family?”

“I don’t know who I provoked today. However, how could I possibly have offended the Crawford family?I am not stupid. To tell you the truth, I simply had a conflict with some of the guys from the Departmentof Language and Literature today. Do you know that Jane also hit me just because I offended someonecalled Mr. Benjamin Langdon from the Department of Language and Literature? Jacelyn also knowswho he is!”

“F*ck! Mr. Benjamin Langdon? Why haven’t I heard of him before? Jane beat you up because of him?”Silas could not help but feel a little confused. What was going on today?

“Wait a minute. Who are you talking about? Benjamin? Are you sure that Jacelyn knows them too?”

These words made Alice’s body tremble a little.

She leaned over as she spoke over the phone.

“By the way, Alice, you should know them too. That woman, Jacelyn, told me that you often associatewith people from their dormitory! What is that Benjamin’s background? D*mn it! He is simply toopowerful!”

“Well, if it’s the same Benjamin I know of, then I know for certain that he is just a pathetic jerk who hasno money or power at all. How could he possibly cause such a huge sensation?”

“Who said no? I also checked it out again. Benjamin has no background at all and his family is actuallysuffering to make ends meet. The only good thing about their family is that there was someone whoactually did very well in the civil examinations in the past. That’s all! I really do not understand why myfather is beating me up like this!”

Jayden had even investigated and turned over Benjamin’s full family background and history as he feltthat things were simply too unclear.

Alice paused at this time. She seemed to have thought of something. She did not want to ask aboutthat person, but she couldn’t help it.

Alice asked solemnly, “Jayden, let me ask you something. Was there a guy named Gerald byBenjamin’s side today?”

“D*mn it! How did you know? Yes! Yes, there was a man following him named Gerald, and he seemedto be one of Benjamin’s lackeys. I think that the booking for the hotel and restaurant were all made bythat guy named Gerald. He even picked up a beer bottle and smashed it directly on my cousin’s head!However, he seems to know Jane really well.” Jayden replied, filled with doubts.

“Sure enough, it’s him again!”

Alice was shocked once again.

What was Jayden saying? What Mr. Langdon? How could Gerald possibly be his lackey? Gerald wasvery likely the legendary Mr. Crawford of Mayberry City!novelbin

The Mr. Crawford who had countless assets!

“D*mn it. It seems as though we really should not be messing around with that guy named Gerald. Weshould even apologize to him the next time we see him! Otherwise, we will really be done for if he turnsout to be Mr. Crawford!”

“Yes! Yes! Fortunately, I did not say anything harsh to Gerald just now. I was also very gentle when Ipoked him in the chest!”

Several girls had already turned pale in fright.

Silas simply nodded in response.

Alice was very dissatisfied when she saw that everyone was shocked because of Gerald.

She started laughing out loud as she said, “Hahaha. You’re all cowards! All of you are truly cowards! Apathetic jerk like Gerald could actually scare you like this? Well, all of you are terrified of him, right? I’mnot afraid of him at all! What’s so great about Gerald? I don’t believe that Gerald is really Mr. Crawford!Gerald is just a scumbag and an idiot!”

Alice clenched her fists tightly until her nails were digging deep into her palms.

She was not convinced at all, and she really felt very uncomfortable. Why were all these high rankingpeople so afraid of Gerald?

Let’s talk about Gerald.

He had already gone back to his dormitory to sleep. So, he could not even be bothered to ask whatMichael would do to deal with this matter, and he slept all the way till dawn.

Gerald was feeling just fine when he woke up the next day.

It was only then that he thought of Jacelyn. After all, he was the one who had caused the accident. So,shouldn’t he find out if she was already awake?

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