The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 2474
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Chapter 2474

The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2474

Though Finnley was tempted to smack the back of Gerald’s head, he paused at the very last secondbefore muttering, “Bah, forget it. It’d be disgraceful to hit you like this now that you’ve entered theDominesch Realm”

“Putting that aside, where have you been all these years, Finnley? Why did you just leave like that?Lots of things happened during your absence, you know?”

Clearing his throat, Finnley quickly replied, “Let’s save that for a bit. I’m afraid that our fight has drawnthe attention of quite a few people… Follow me. Now that I’ve tested your martial arts, I’d like to testyour lightness skill next!”

Following that, Finnley waved his hand and just like that, he bolted off in a beam of light! Seeing this,Gerald couldn’t help but smile as he activated his Golden Blaze Somersault to begin chasing the oldman.

Speaking of Finnley, it wasn’t long before he finally touched down on a mountain peak in Green City,northwest of Peaceton.

After waiting around for a few minutes, Finnley was prompted to nod proudly when he saw a beam oflight rapidly coming closer to him.

Once Gerald settled down, the boy said, “Just a three minute gap between us!”

“Just? Gerald, a three-minute gap between you and your opponent is extremely slow in Deitus Realmstandards. Regardless, I have to admit that your cultivation level has peaked in your current cultivationrealm!” replied Finnley with a grin.

Before Gerald could reply, he watched as Finnley twirled his finger and summoned a tea table andteapot out of thin air! What amazing cultivation! Then again, it wasn’t all that surprising either.

After all, when he had previously been investigating Finnley, he had found many clues that hinted atFinnley being related to the Sun League, or rather, the Deitus Realm now that He had all this newinformation.

This proved that Finnley had already entered the Deitus Realm ages ago, which explained why he wasnow so unfathomably strong.

Regardless, Gerald then sat cross-legged and began pouring a cup of tea for Finnley. Smiling as hestared at the boy, Finnley eventually said, “Though I’ve had many things to handle in the past fewyears, I’ve witnessed every milestone you achieved, and I have to say that you haven’t let me down.For context, I initially assumed that you’d turn into a Domiensch Master in ten years. To think that you’dend up falling into the Red River instead and inheriting Amorphous’s knowledge! That sudden leap instrength truly surprised me!”

“Wait… So when you taught me martial arts and bathed me in medicinal wine all those years ago, youwere already paving my path to becoming a Domiensch Master?” asked Gerald.

“Indeed. When I first found you, you still had a plain, mortal body. I figured that if I didn’t reconstructyour body quickly, you’d probably fail to enter the Domiensch Realm through my teachings alone! Withthat in mind, I began using elixirs to make body-cleansing medicinal wine baths for you from that yearonward!

“I see.. Then… What about you leaving?” asked Gerald.

“Well, I found out that Sanchez was trying to enter the general’s tomb again, so I had to rush over. Myinitial plan was to return to continue training you once his plan failed.. Unfortunately, something cameup that night, resulting in me having to tail him to this very day!” explained Finnley.

“Sanchez?” asked Gerald with a frown.novelbin

“Sanchez Zon, the master of Master Greendrake and that lot!” replied Finnley.

“So that’s his name! I’ve fought him before, and he’s an extremely strong demon. However, though Ifeel he could easily kill me, he hasn’t.” muttered Gerald.

“You’re right about him easily killing you. Regardless, he simply keeps you alive so that he cancontinue using you. That aside, he’s no common demon either. He’s actually a dragon from HeavenLake! He was born with immensely strong magic too, and after becoming a demon in the secular world,his black magic has only grown stronger. With all that said, if you were up against his true self, itwouldn’t be a stretch to say that his sneeze could obliterate your primordial spirit!” replied Finnley witha slightly bitter laugh.

“His true self? The person I encountered wasn’t the real him?” replied Gerald, feeling slightly stunned.

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