The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 2449
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Chapter 2449

The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2449novelbin

Watching as immensely powerful lightning bolts filled the sky, Master Trilight who was still playing theflute couldn’t help but widen her eyes in shock.

‘Was this heavenly tribulation…?! How was he actually able to trigger a heavenly tribulation at his levelof cultivation…?!’

Though she was now terrified, she quickly snapped out of it. If she lost focus now, things would truly beover. With that in mind, she quickly began playing the angelic flute again, making sure to maximize itspower!

To her shock, a deafening roar of thunder suddenly filled the sky and shortly after, five lightning boltsbroke the ancient angelic flute’s seal! To make matters worse, the lightning bolts then converged beforeflying toward her!

With how powerful the lightning bolt now was, her purlicues were torn even before the attack got toher…!

Completely frozen in fear, Master Trilight could only yell, “N-no…!”

Right before the attack hit her, however, a wisp of black smoke suddenly appeared and blocked thegiant bolt of lightning. Following that, it wrapped around Master Trilight before disappearing without atrace.

Sensing that, Gerald quickly wobbled to his feet again before looking in the direction of the blacksmoke. However, it had completely vanished.

Gerald, for one, knew that the demonic spirit that had saved the woman was far stronger than thatdemonic scorpion. After all, this unknown individual was not only able to block his fully powered upThordifussion Method, but he had even been able to save Master Trilight! With that in mind, it wasevident that this black magic user possessed power that was way beyond his as well.

‘Could that person have been master…? Even if that wasn’t, I may as well head back to discuss thingswith the others. We’ll surely get to know who he really is soon enough!’ Gerald thought to himselfbefore transforming into a beam of golden light and disappearing without a trace.

As for pale faced Master Trilight, she soon found herself lying on the floor of Trilight Church. Once shewas done Spurting out blood, she eventually managed to exclaim in horror, “W-what a powerfullightning bolt..! Not only his attack was able to break my ancient angelic flute, but it also injured myprimordial spirit..!”

Though she hadn’t suffered the worst possible scenario, at least ten years’ worth of her cultivation hadbeen scraped off by that attack! With that in mind, had that attack managed to directly hit her, shewould’ve surely been completely eradicated!

Her train of thought was cut short when she heard an angry yell coming from beside her, stating, “Youabsolute fool…! Why didn’t you flee when you saw him readying the Thordifussion Method?! To thinkyou’d actually try to deal with that attack, head-on…! Had I not sensed it in time, not even your soulwould have remained!”

Immediately sitting up, she then turned to look at the very center of the church where a stone statuestood. Though the statue’s appearance was hideous, there were many offerings surrounding it.

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