The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 2403
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Chapter 2403

“Also, where is Miss Phoebe now?” asked Aiden.

“Unfortunately, I have no idea… I don’t even have her phone number! Regardless, the letter stated thatthe Divine Fruit tree should be where Heavenly Fire descends… However, even after thinking hardabout this for a year, I can’t seem to understand what it means! I’ve thoroughly looked into it, andthroughout earth’s history, not once has heavenly fire descended!” muttered Professor Boyle with asigh as he shook his head.

“While I can’t think of a place that matches that description either, I know for a fact that the Divine Fruittree is in the North Desert,” replied Gerald.

“Hmm? Why is that?” asked the surprised Professor Boyle.

“I have my reasons. Regardless, I’m planning to use all my resources to scour the North Desert for theDivine Fruit tree. I must find it at all costs! Regardless, since things have come to this, I’m suggesting aproposal. Essentially, I’ll work together with you to locate the tree, but in return, you help find MissWillow for me. Call it a hunch, but I just have a feeling that she’s from a mysterious family…” repliedGerald.

Though Gerald was well aware that locating the tree was still going to be like finding a needle in ahaystack, he didn’t really have any other choice. It was his final chance to get to Yearning Island.

Regardless, the professor nodded in response before saying, “Deal. While I don’t know her exactlocation, I do know that she’s from the north. I’ll ask my ex-students to see if I can locate herhometown…”novelbin

Before the professor could finish his sentence, his face suddenly paled and he started coughing badly!Realizing that he was even coughing out blood now, the shocked Aiden exclaimed, “P-professorBoyle!”

“I’m… Fine… It’s just a relapse of an old issue… Truth be told, I’ve only been able to survive till this daybecause of the ancient books I’ve read… For context, I discovered that ancient people prolonged theirlives by using a combination of specific breathing techniques and special formations… With that said,by helping you, I’m also helping myself. After all, if I manage to see this presumably extinct plant withmy own eyes, I’ll surely be able to die in peace!” replied the professor as he wiped the blood from thecorner of his mouth.

It was at that moment when a middle-aged man came running into the parlor while shouting,“Father…!”

Following closely behind him, was a young woman who looked to be in her twenties. Upon seeing allthe blood the professor had coughed out, the woman ran toward him before asking in a concernedtone, “A… Are you alright, grandfather…?! “

“I’ll live,” replied Professor Boyle as he waved his hand in reassurance.

Naturally, the middle-aged man wasn’t about to believe that. With that, he glared at Aiden beforescowling, “Inconsiderate, much?! My father’s been ill for quite a while now, and he isn’t allowed tostrain his mind! Yet here you are, disturbing him! Please leave at once!”

“Mind your manners, Fayvel! We have important business to attend to!” retorted the professor.

Now smiling bitterly, Gerald took the chance to say, “To clarify, Mr. Boyle, we aren’t expecting help forfree. I’m aware that Professor Boyle’s illness stems from a heart and lung injury from about ten yearsago. At the time, you may have thought that it was merely a minor injury that would heal after the

operation. However, I can assure you that if Professor Boyle hadn’t learned the breathing techniques inhis forties to build up his inner strength, there’s a good chance he’d be dead by now!”

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