The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 2349
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Chapter 2349

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2349

After watching Gerald eat for a while, the salivating Yaacob—who hadn’t eaten all afternoon as well—couldn’t help but mutter, “…U-um… Can I-”

Knowing how hard Yaacob had worked in the past few days, Walter nodded before interrupting, “Yes,feel free to eat with us.”

“…T- That…! actually wanted to ask whether I could wait outside…” muttered Yaacob as hepointed at the door, not daring to even think about eating before the patriarch and Third elder.

Before Walter could reply, Gerald pulled Yaacob to the seat beside him before saying, “Can’t you seehow much food there is on the table? There’s no way I can finish all this alone! With that said, sit downand join me!”

“…I…” muttered Yaacob with an embarrassed smile as he turned to look at Walter.

Upon seeing Walter’s nod, Yaacob gulped before sitting at the table and picking up some chopsticks.Unlike how he usually ate, Yaacob made sure to have his meal slowly this time, occasionally turning tolook at Walter to see if it was alright for him to continue eating.

Gerald, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about etiquettes. In no time at all, he had already finishedthe dish before him. Wiping his mouth, Gerald was prompted to ask, “Uncle Zeman, senior, aren’t youtwo eating…?”

“We’ve already eaten. Don’t mind us,” replied Walter cheerily.

“ I see… Well, I’ll continue helping myself then,” said Gerald with a smile as he got up and broughtanother dish closer to him…

It was quite a while later when Gerald—who was now finally full-let out a satisfied belch while pattinghis stomach.

“Was the food to your liking, Gerald?” asked Walter while clapping his hands, prompting a few Zemanservants to clear the table. By the time the table was spick and span, more servants had alreadyserved them some freshly brewed tea…

“The meal was delectable,” replied Gerald with a nod.

“Glad to hear! Feel free to eat at our place anytime you want after this,” declared Walter as he sippedon his tea.

Upon hearing that, Gerald couldn’t help but raise a slight brow. Throughout his meal, he had beenwondering what Walter’s true motive was for calling him over, to no avail. With that, Gerald decided toask, “…I appreciate it. Regardless, could you please tell me why you called me over now…?”novelbin

Hearing that, Walter’s smile immediately faded. Now looking much more serious, Walter ordered, “

…Close the door, Yaacob.”

“Right away! ” declared Yaacob as he did as he was told.

Once the door was closed, Walter turned to look at Gerald before asking in a deep voice, “…Youpossess the Herculean Primordial Spirit, correct?”

“ I do,” replied Gerald, remembering how the old man in the ancient ruins had accurately stated whathis cultivation level was. If even that old man could achieve that, then it wasn’t surprising for Walter to

be able to see through him.

“I see… If that’s the case, then there’s a small favor I need to ask of you,” replied Walter, now fullycertain that Gerald was the one he had been looking for. With Gerald’s confirmation, Walter’s eyescouldn’t help but water slightly as the teacup in his hand trembled in his relief.

“I’m all ears, Uncle Zeman. I’ll definitely help you if it’s within my capabilities. In return, however, I d ohope you’ll answer some of my questions,” said the slightly puzzled Gerald.

Looking much more relaxed now, Walter then asked, “What would you like to know?”

“What’s your true identity…? And is the island only visible during auctions?” replied Gerald after takinga deep breath, hoping to finally have his questions answered…

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