The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 2106
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Chapter 2106

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2106 Shortly after, they arrived at the dining room. By that point, Tanaka’s men had already returned withbreakfast, so after the two sat at opposite ends of the dining table, both of them began having theirmeals. Naturally, they continued discussing the matter in between bites…

While things had calmed down a little at the Futaba manor, the Hanyus were in complete disarray.Ryugu, for one, had been seated on his wooden chair in his room the entire night, constantly staring athis cell phone with his fist clenched.

The final message he had received from Endo was from last night, stating that he and Izumi hadsuccessfully managed to sneak into the manor and locate Gerald. Though Ryugu had expected themto update him on their situation right before they made their move, the message never came.

Now that ten hours had passed since their last message, Ryugu was understandably getting more andmore worried. Even so, he refused to believe that the two capable team leaders had failed. After all, heof all people, knew how strong they were, especially when they paired up. If they were able to secretlyassassinate the leader of a terrorist organization, finishing off

Gerald should naturally be a piece of cake for them! Hell, just sending one of them should’ve sufficed!However, Ryugu wanted everything to be perfect, so he had sent both of them together.

Still, now that so much time had passed without any news from them, Ryugu couldn’t help but fear theworst. At this moment, he would’ve very much preferred receiving a message from them, stating thatthey had failed, rather than continue going through this agonizing wait…

At that moment, his door suddenly burst open, prompting Ryugu to leap from his seat and yell, “Anynews from them?!”

“… U-unfortunately not, team leader…” replied Kanagawa Takeshi, one of the other team leaders.

Frowning slightly, Ryugu then gripped his phone tightly while muttering, “… It’s impossible… Isn’t thereany way to find out what’s happened to them?”

“Trust me when I say we’ve been doing our best, team leader… Regardless, according to our menkeeping an eye on the manor, nobody’s entered the Futaba residence ever since Endo and Izumi wentin. As for the only person who had left throughout the past ten hours, he had apparently only gone outto get breakfast, and returned shortly after… If you ’re wondering why we haven’t done any internalinvestigations, we’re simply worried that we may unnecessarily increase our chances of being foundout by the Futabas…” replied Takeshi in a resigned tone.

Though Takeshi really wanted to enter and find out what had happened to Endo and Izumi as well, hisbetter judgment made him refrain from doing so. After all, if the duo had gotten into trouble, then therewas a high chance that he’d get caught as well. Should that happen, then everything would surelybegin to crumble.

Understanding where Takeshi was coming from, Ryugu then asked in resignation, “… Well, then didany of the men hear any peculiar sounds after Endo and Izumi got in…?”

“Not at all. After all, you told us to keep an eye out on the entrance. Since Izumi and Endo entered fromthe side, we weren’t even aware when they had made their move. With that in mind, it was pretty muchimprobable for us to have heard anything…” replied Takeshi as he shook his head.novelbin

“God fcking dmn it…! How the hell did two of our family’s best assassins just vanish into thin air afterattempting to assassinate Gerald?! Even if they got found out or had to deal with the fighters of theFutaba family, they should’ve reported back by now!” roared Ryugu who was now so infuriated that hisentire body was trembling. Unable to hold back his rage, he then tossed his phone to the floor with somuch force that the phone smashed into a million pieces…!

Seeing that, the shocked Takeshi immediately took a few steps back before lowering his head, notdaring to say a word…

After breathing heavily for a short while, the enraged Ryugu couldn’t help but laugh coldly beforesneering, “How… How absolutely weird… How the hell had such mighty assassins just disappearedupon entering the Futaba manor…?!”

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