The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 2100
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Chapter 2100

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2100 “Sure you aren’t. Well… no matter. Even if you refuse to tell me, I’ll validate my guess sooner or later.Regardless, I was just giving you a chance to live,” replied Gerald who hadn’t really been expectingmuch in the first place.

After all, throughout the years, less than a third of the people whom Gerald had caught to interrogatehad willingly revealed their identities. To Gerald, those who had given in so easily were simply cowardswho were afraid of death.

There were many others who would rather grit their teeth and die loyal to their families or hirers, thoughthat wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

Whatever the case was, upon hearing that, Izumi couldn’t help but retort, “You’re looking a bit toohighly of yourself, Gerald…!”

Though Izumi now knew that he had no chance of ever defeating Gerald, he couldn’t just let Geraldhave the last laugh…! Even if he was to die today, he was at least going to terribly hurt Gerald…!

By this point, Izumi’s hatred toward the youth had peaked. After all, Gerald had made it personal sincethat b*stard had hurt Endo so badly! With only murder on his mind, it was no wonder why Izumi’susually precise attacks became rather clumsy.

Watching as Izumi’s dagger came inches away from him, Gerald couldn’t help but shake his head. Itwas like a toddler was trying to hurt him.

Easily grabbing onto Izumi’s attacking arm, Gerald gave it a simple twist… and just like that, severalsickening cracks were heard…! Almost all the bones in his arm had just been broken!

Howling as he recoiled in pain, Izumi couldn’t help but wonder how long it had been since he had lastfelt pain like this… Whatever the case was, like a maddened man, Izumi then pounced toward Geraldwhile roaring, “Go to hell!”

Before he could even lay a finger on Gerald, however, he was kicked right in the stomach! By the timeIzumi finally stopped moving, he had landed right next to Endo…

With one of them seriously wounded and the other having several broken bones, it had taken less thanfive minutes for two of the mightiest leaders of the Hanyu assassin team to get utterly defeated byGerald…

“… S-so strong…!” muttered the shocked Fujiko who had witnessed all that had just taken place, hertrembling hands now covering her mouth.

Back when she had first been saved by Gerald, the night was dark and she was already wounded. Withthat in mind, while she knew that Gerald was strong, she didn’t know how strong he truly was. Tonight,however, she finally found out how inhumanly powerful Gerald was…! To think that she had onceconsidered herself to be quite powerful among the others in the military… She now knew that beforeGerald, her strength was only comparable to that of a child’s!

With how strong he was, Fujiko felt that Gerald would probably be able to easily defeat all the expertsin Japan! Hell, he could probably even take out the legendary ninjas who remained well hidden to thisday!

Moving back to Gerald, seeing that Izumi didn’t wish to cooperate, he then began walking toward theduo, the blood stained dagger in hand… With how strong these two were, if he let them live, they wouldsurely end up becoming a threat to him in the future. With that in mind, he was going to finish them offtonight.

Once he stood before them, the duo could only glare at him, unable to even get to their feet. Knowingthat this was it, they closed their eyes as Gerald lifted his dagger while saying, “Since you refuse tocooperate, may both of you rest in pieces!”

Just as Gerald was about to plunge the dagger into the trembling Endo’s chest, a familiar voicesuddenly yelled, “Wait! Don’t kill them, Mr. Crawford…!”novelbin

Upon hearing that, Gerald stopped the dagger just millimeters away from Endo’s skin. Had the shoutcome a split second later, the dagger would’ve already been firmly implanted into Endo’s heart, and noteven the most capable of doctors would be able to save him then.

Tossing the dagger to the side, Gerald then turned to face the source of the voice as he said,“Patriarch…”

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