The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 2080
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Chapter 2080

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2080 Gerald himself simply followed obediently, smiling awkwardly at Takuya as the duo walked past him…

Shortly after, Takuya who was seated at the host seat found himself staring at Gerald and Fujiko whowere still holding hands as they sat in the guest seats…

Roughly guessing what all this hand holding was about, Takuya was first to say, “So… When exactlydid both of you get into such a relationship?”

If he was to be honest, all this had happened so quickly that he was feeling slightly overwhelmed…

Regardless, upon hearing that, Fujiko released Gerald’s hand and stood up before declaring, “Father, Ido not wish to sacrifice my happiness for Kai! After all, you, of all people, should know that my life willbe ruined if I proceed with marrying him!”

“… I get where you’re coming from… But still…” muttered Takuya as he stared at his daughter.

“Father, please. I just wish to be with Gerald… With that in mind, please give us your blessings!” repliedFujiko as she sat down and continued holding Gerald’s hand…

Alternating his gaze between both of them, Takuya then muttered, “… Before that, again, when exactlydid all this start…?”

“From the moment we first met!” replied Fujiko.

Sighing in response, Takuya then helplessly said, “… As a father, I naturally hope that you find a goodperson to be with… However, without the Kanagawa family’s help, we may not even survive till the endof the year! Also, I’m sure you know that the other family members won’t agree to this either…”

“But.. But I’m your daughter…! You can’t just sacrifice my happiness…! I can’t be with Kai! You know,had Gerald not saved me in time, I would’ve surely gotten raped…! ” yelled Fujiko as she got slightlyemotional.

“What did you say?!” asked Takuya as he leaped to his feet.

“I… I didn’t… say anything…” muttered Fujiko as she quickly sat back down.novelbin

Clearly not buying that, Takuya then turned to look at Gerald before asking, “What the hell happened toboth of you at the Kanagawa manor, Gerald? Did that b*stard Kai try to take advantage of mydaughter?!”

Nodding in response, Gerald then replied, “Indeed. By the time I got there to save her, Kai had alreadytorn most of her clothes to shreds and was even pinning her down…”

“That… That utter b*stard…! I never really took the rumors about him seriously before, but to think thatthe young master of the Kanagawa family is actually as bad as they say…! What a beast of a man!”roared Takuya as he slammed his fist onto the table, his lips trembling.

While he could still accept planning an arranged marriage for his daughter for the sake of maintaininghis family, there was no way in hell that he was fine with her marrying such a jerk!

“…Now that you know the whole story, please cancel the marriage contract with the Kanagawas so thatI can be with Gerald…!” declared Fujiko as she clenched her fists while staring at her father with adetermined gaze.

“While I’d love to just cancel it straight away, it’s easier said than done. After all, while I may be thehead of the family, I can’t just make such a large decision without talking things through with the

Kanagawas. Besides, you should be well aware that the other Futabas are going to oppose the idea aswell,” replied Takuya with a sigh as he lit a cigarette…

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