The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 2071
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Chapter 2071

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2071 If Fujiko ended up getting into a dangerous situation, Gerald knew for a fact that he would no longer beable to get any information about the Seadom tribe from the other Futabas. With that in mind, he had tosave Fujiko before anything bad happened to her!

Upon realizing that the door had been opened, the henchmen guarding Gerald’s room instantly placedtheir hands behind their backs as one of them asked, “Is there something we can help with, Mr.Crawford?”

Clearly seeing where their hands had gone, Gerald smiled subtly as he replied, “Oh, I’m just going outfor a stroll. It’s quite boring in there, you know? You aren’t going to stop me from doing that, right…?”

“Unfortunately, we’ll have to decline. Since you’re a valued guest of the Futabas, you’re one to theKanagawas as well. With that said, do stay inside for your own safety. After all, if you encounter anydanger during your stroll, we won’t be held accountable for that,” replied the henchman as he shook hishead.

His smile instantly fading as his eyes went sharp, Gerald then said, “And what if I insist?”

“Again, you’re not leaving …”

Before the henchman could even finish his sentence, his eyes momentarily widened as somethingdarted toward his face… and the next thing he knew, his face was burning with pain as blood rolleddown his nose…!

“M-Mr. Crawford…!” yelled the other henchmen as they quickly pulled out their batons and surroundedhim.

As the henchman who had just been punched wobbled to his feet, he held onto his broken nose as heshouted, “With… all due respect, Mr. Crawford…! You’re not in Weston! This is the Kanagawa manoryou’re in…!”

Despite the warning, Gerald was done playing games here. Now that Fujiko was in danger, he neededto act fast before things turned more serious. With that in mind, he momentarily closed his eyes… andwhen he reopened them, all four of the men who had been surrounding him found themselves floppingto the ground, unconscious! With lightning speed, Gerald had knocked all of them out!

Eyes now fully widened as he stared at his unconscious colleagues, the man with the broken nosefound himself frozen on the spot. The Westoner was far too strong for any of them…!

After snapping out of it, the man then dropped to his knees before pleading, “P—please…! I don’t knowanything…! “

He knew if he didn’t surrender now, not only would he receive further injuries, but there was also achance that he would lose his life…! While it was true that his task was to serve Kai and theKanagawas, his life was much more important!

Seeing that, Gerald didn’t even bother about him and simply began bolting toward Kai’s room…

Though there were plenty of people patrolling the manor, Gerald successfully avoided them, andeventually, he came across what appeared to be a large wing of the building… Sensing that Fujiko wasprobably on the fifth floor, Gerald wasted no time and began charging up the stairs…novelbin

By the time he got to the fifth floor’s corridor, he heard a scream coming from one of the rooms! Withthat, he rushed toward that door and kicked it to pieces!

Upon entering the room, he was immediately greeted by the sight of Kai pinning Fujiko onto his bed likesome kind of beast! Fujiko herself was crying in despair as her torn jacket laid close to the bed…

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