The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 2030
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Chapter 2030

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2030 “It’s just a hunch. There’s always a possibility that Yearning Island’s true location is well hidden andcan’t be located just by looking at the sea map. Then again, that doesn’t mean that my theory iscompletely wrong either,” replied Master Ghost while shaking his head.

“That… does make sense…” muttered Aiden.

“It does. Still, if Yearning Island truly does refer to this clump of islands, all we need to do now is findout which island the main Crawford family is on… At the very least, we know they aren’t on this one,”replied Gerald with a slight frown on his face.

“Indeed… Still, I’m a little confused about all this…” said Aiden while scratching the back of his head.

“If you can’t understand such a simple concept then just focus on protecting Lindsay,” replied Geraldwhile atting Aiden’s shoulder.

“No, of course I understand Master Ghost’s theory! It’s just that… Don’t you find it a bit weird? Since allthe islands are so close to each other, why hasn’t the main Crawford family just sent people over in thenight to make their move? Why send people here just to pry on our situation…?” explained Aiden as hecontinued thinking about it.

Upon hearing that, Gerald paused for a moment before waving his hand as he said, “Well, thinkingabout it won’t get us anywhere. Just leave the question be for now.”

“I suppose… Well, you go on ahead first then… I’ll… Go get some rest,” replied Aiden with a sigh,giving up on thinking for now. After all, he knew for a fact that he only had to make a move whenGerald ordered him to. The rest had nothing to do with him…

Watching as Aiden then returned to his room, Gerald couldn’t help but shake his head as he helplesslysaid, “This kid…” Now that Aiden had left, Master Ghost was prompted to ask, “So… Do you think whatI said makes sense? If you do, then since Yearning Island is probably one of the other nearby islands,we should begin investigating them instead of waiting here…”

“Let’s refrain from doing that just yet. While we can surely consider doing that later on, do rememberthat while we stand in the light, those scoundrels lurk in the dark. If we act hastily and get discovered,the situation may take an unfavorable turn…” replied Gerald.

“I figured you’d say that. However, don’t you think we’re being a bit too passive now?” said MasterGhost who knew where Gerald was coming from. However, anything was better than just staying put…

After pondering about it for a while, Gerald eventually said, “…Hand me the sea map.”

Nodding in response, Master Ghost then retrieved the sea map from his jacket’s inner pocket beforereplying, “Here you go.”

However, just as he was about to hand it to Gerald, Master Ghost couldn’t help but notice somethingweird about the map.

After carefully studying it for a while, Master Ghost—who had looked at the map so many times that hehad memorized all its locations—eventually said, “… The… map has changed… Gerald, could this beYearning Island… 2?”

The map had clearly been different while he was studying it just minutes ago…

“What? Where?” asked Gerald as he quickly looked at where Master Ghost was pointing at. Trueenough, there was now a new island on the map! However, before Gerald could get a closer look at it,the island disappeared before their very eyes…!

Naturally, this greatly confused both of them. After all, up till this point, they had simply assumed that itwas just an ordinary map. Now that they had witnessed this disappearing island, however, they knewthat the map definitely held more secrets within it…

After staring at the blank spot—where the island initially was—for a while, Gerald snapped out of itbefore asking, “…What on earth was that about…”

“Give me a moment to think about it,” replied the equally flabbergasted Master Ghost.

The second his sentence ended, the island suddenly reappeared at the edge of the map! As it turnedout, the island was constantly on the move!novelbin

Upon closer inspection, the duo realized that there appeared to be people on the island… Moreworrying, however, was the fact that those people seemed to be hosting some kind of sacrificial ritual…

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