The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1905
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Chapter 1905

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1905 Upon hearing Rey’s question, Stanton immediately chuckled before replying, “You’ll find out once nightcomes!”

Hearing that, Rey could only shrug in response.

Regardless, it wasn’t long before the villagers brought all kinds of food and drinks over to Stanton’shome.

After they placed all the goodies in front of Gerald and his party, Stanton smiled before declaring,“Come, have some food! All of you must be famished and exhausted after traveling such a long way!”

Before Gerald could even say a word, Rey immediately replied, “Well yeah, I’m starving! Thank you forhaving us, chief!”

By the time Gerald turned to stare helplessly at Rey, Rey was already busy stuffing his mouth withfood. After all, the trio hadn’t eaten anything for most of the day, and being a young man, Rey‘sappetite was nothing short of voracious. Still, with how quickly he was eating, Gerald felt that it honestlywasn’t a stretch that his hunger could rival that of a hungry ghost who hadn’t eaten for a century…What was he going to do with this boy…

Shaking his head, Gerald then began eating as well, followed by Yann shortly after.

Stanton himself was smiling at how quickly Rey was munching down on the food…novelbin

After eating for a while, Gerald cleared his throat before asking, “Speaking of which, chief… Do youknow of any other caves on this mountain…?”

Surprised by the odd question, Stanton replied, “A… cave? Why would you be looking for a cave of allthings…?”

‘Well, the three of us have actually been trying to look for something important… From what we’vegathered, that thing can most probably be found in a cave on this mountain!” replied Gerald, makingsure not to give too much information away.

“Oh? I see! Well, rather than ‘a’ cave, we have quite a few of them here! Unfortunately, that also meansthat I don’t know which one you’re referring to!” replied Stanton in an apologetic tone. “I see… then…among them, are there any that are particularly special…?” asked Gerald.

“Special you say… Well… one cave comes to mind… If I recall correctly, the cave had a large wall ofstone covering its massive entrance… However, I didn’t really pry into it since night was soon to comeat the time…” replied Stanton after thinking for a while.

“Hmm… Do you still remember where that cave is located?” said Gerald, his interest clearly piqued.

“Give me a moment to think…” replied Stanton as he began racking his memory…

Quite a while later, Stenton suddenly raised his head before declaring, “While I can’t remember whereits exact location is, I do recall that two massive pillars stand before the cave’s entrance! You can’t missthem!”

While that statement only described what the cave’s entrance looked like, Gerald was just pleased thathe received a clue in the first place.

“Got it! Thank you, chief! We’ll start looking for it first thing in the morning!” replied Gerald in agratuitous tone.

Chuckling in reply, Stanton then said, “You’re most welcome!”

Following that conversation, it wasn’t long before night fell and a bright crescent moon envelopedMoonbeam Village in a calming glow…

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